Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1126

What the hell?

Xu Bingkun\'s old eyes flashed a trace of cruelty, "you\'re right. She destroyed several businesses of our Xu family one after another, and then hurt you miserably and put your brother in prison. Now, she pointed the last spear at me! This bitch, I\'ll blame your mother again! They\'re all her good daughters!"

"Dad, you blame this and that first. Think of a way to suppress the news quickly!"

Xu Jiaojiao was upset. When she thought of these bad things, she was angry and hated, "Warm that little bitch, who is helping her behind her back? She ran away with dusqing. Is dusqing helping her behind her back? No, dusqing has just returned home and doesn\'t have much power in China. It\'s not enough to help warm deal with our Xu family. So it won\'t be him. But who else is helping her except him?"

That bitch, how so good life!

Who\'s behind her back?

A man\'s tough face flashed through his mind.

Xu Jiaojiao bit her lips and squeezed out a sentence from her mouth, "does it mean that Jiang Lingfeng is the one who helps warm people?"

But didn\'t he break up with warm?

Didn\'t he have an affair with an Xueyan?

No, I heard that an Xueyan was suppressed later and had to leave the country. Now he can\'t get a foothold in the music industry.

The person who suppressed her was Jiang Lingfeng.

Therefore, the person Jiang Lingfeng loves most in his heart should still be warm.

Therefore, the person who has been helping the warm behind should be Jiang Lingfeng!

"Jiang Lingfeng? Jiang Lingfeng, President of Haicheng Jiangshi enterprise?"

Xu Bingkun sneered, "Jiao Jiao, do you think it\'s really him who helps the warm person?"

"It must be him! Because there are no other capable people around."

Thinking of Jiang Lingfeng\'s deep affection for warmth, Xu Jiaojiao\'s eyes are full of jealousy.

The man she likes, why only like warmth and don\'t like her!

"Hum, this man is also a soft egg. He has run away with other men. He still thinks of her? Does he think the hair on his head is not too green!"

Xu Bingkun sneered and sneered.

At this time, there was a sound upstairs, and Qin Fen came down with her suitcase.

Seeing this, Xu Jiaojiao\'s eyebrows tightened and her heart was even more agitated.

"Mom, where are you going?"

"I can go anywhere. Can I starve to death without the Xu family?"

Qin Fen wears sunglasses, but she can\'t cover the scars on her face.

"Mom, will you stop making trouble? The news about you and dad can\'t be pressed now. Aren\'t you afraid of being swallowed by reporters when you go out now?"

Xu Jiaojiao\'s irritable face persuaded her.


"Go, go right away! Jiaojiao, get out of the way, you let this disgusting thing go quickly, don\'t get in my eye here!"

Xu Bingkun made a sound and waved his hand as if he were driving some bedbugs.


"Just go!"

Qin Fen coldly warned, "Xu Bingkun, I tell you, divorce is OK, but don\'t think less of my money! If you lose a penny, I won\'t finish with you!"

"What else do you want? I haven\'t given you much money for so many years? You\'ve taken it to raise a little white face. Now you want money from me? Smelly woman, do you want face?"

Xu Bingkun smashed a cup on the table directly at Qin Fen.

Qin Fen screamed with fright. She tried to avoid but didn\'t. She was hit on her arm by a water cup.

"Xu Bingkun, I want half of your family property! If you don\'t give it to me, you\'ll wait for me to tell you how you evade taxes and expose taxes! Don\'t force me, it\'s urgent, it\'s a big deal!"