Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1117

When he was taken off the ship, he found that there were a group of fully armed law enforcement officers on board.

One by one, justice was awe inspiring, and many captured women on board were rescued.

She looked into the distance to find the tall man with beard, but she didn\'t see him.

Instead, I saw Xu Shixun who was arrested.

Slightly hung his head, a face of decadence and chagrin.

"This way, madam, please."

A law enforcement officer signaled warm to keep up with the big army. Warm thanked him, looked back at the cabin again, and quickly followed the big army.

Behind him, Jiang Lingfeng came out of the corner, took off a wig and stretched out his hand to the law enforcement personnel on the side, "team Liu, thank you again!"

"You\'re welcome. I\'m just curious. When are you and your wife going to play?"

Liu Dui knew about Jiang Lingfeng and warmth and joked with a smile.

"Well, team Liu, this is the interest between our husband and wife. When my wife is tired of playing, she will not play."

Jiang Lingfeng made a serious joke.

"You are..."

Liu Dui smiled brightly and patted Jiang Lingfeng on the shoulder.

Jiang Lingfeng hooked his lips and touched the beard on his chin. He thought of something and looked a little cold.

"Team Liu, this time because of my wife\'s relationship, did you find any clues about the person who contacted Xu Shixun? If not, just say if you need my help."

After all, it was his eagerness that made the law enforcement department act rashly this time.

If he didn\'t find out the contact with Xu Shixun, he would be sorry.

"I\'ve found it. This man is from the Mu new family in n country. His name is Eric. On the surface, he runs a normal shipbuilding industry, but in fact..."

Liu Dui looked serious. "Because this case involves country n, it will be handled by the police of country n. if necessary, our domestic police will assist each other in handling the case."

Hearing this, Jiang Lingfeng\'s black eyes narrowed slightly, and something flashed in his mind.

Mu Xin family?


Sounds familiar.

Between the lightning and flint, he suddenly remembered.

Isn\'t the name of the little fresh meat that Ann Xueyan mixed privately abroad Eric?

It\'s him!

Jiang Lingfeng\'s mouth is cold and his black eyes are cold.

"Team Liu, if necessary, I will do my best to assist the police in handling the case."

"Well, thank President Jiang for his cooperation."


The warmth was sent back to the small villa by the law enforcement department.

After thanking the relevant personnel again and again, he smelled the fresh air and took a deep breath.

The rest of life!

Not easy!

Warm tidied up his clothes and was about to open the gate, but the gate was suddenly opened.

DUS stood at the door with a cold face, as if he were going out.

"Er, elder martial brother, where are you going?"

Warm winked and asked.

"Xiao Nuan, you\'re finally back! I called your cell phone to turn it off. Where have you been?"

Seeing that it was warm back, dusqing looked excited, took her shoulder and looked at her up and down.

"Hey, I\'m fine. Elder martial brother, I\'m thirsty and hungry. Can you let me go in and drink some water?"

Knowing that Du Siqing must be worried, he smiled and pointed inside.

"Still laughing! It\'s another night. I almost died of anxiety!"

Dusqing gave her a fierce look, but the man hurried aside.

"Hey, elder martial brother, I\'m back safely. Don\'t worry."

"Can I not worry? Tell me, what happened?"
