Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1102

The night arrived as scheduled.

At this time, the small villa, which was originally sparsely populated, was shrouded in silence.

In Lin Ke\'er\'s home, the three have had dinner and are telling them what happened in the past two days.

Pick and pick, pass the thrilling process, and only say the good results.

"The Xu family is really not a thing. The most extreme is your biological mother. She doesn\'t deserve to be a mother. I really doubt whether you are her own."

After hearing the warm narration, Lin Ke\'er looked angry.

Warm curved lips, the mood is very calm.

After all, there is no disappointment without expectation.

Even if there was a trace of fantasy about Qin Fen, it had long disappeared in her ruthlessness to her.

"Fortunately, the little warm auspicious man has his own heaven and helps when he meets noble people. Next, the Xu family has the two friends you meet. You\'d better not go to the Xu family again in the future."

Dusqing wrung his good-looking eyebrows and looked at the worry on his warm face.

"Yes, Qing is right."

Lin Ke\'er agreed, "the Xu family has suffered heavy losses several times since the development of the matter. Now the news of Xu Jiaojiao is overwhelming. The Xu couple must hate you very much. Maybe they will think of your real purpose of going to the Xu family. I think you\'d better stop contacting them in the future."

Listening to their concerned words, they smiled warmly and shallowly, "elder martial brother, Ke\'er, thank you for your concern. Don\'t worry, I\'m not a fool. What\'s more, I\'m lucky to have Koi protection."

At this moment, there is really no need to continue to contact the Xu family.

If you have any questions, you can contact Xu Jingxi and Xu Fei.

After all, Xu Fei said, let them wait and see how Xu\'s company becomes a shell company and how it is acquired.

She\'ll just pause and see what happens.

"Well, after a long talk, are you thirsty? There\'s fresh fruit I just bought in the kitchen. Go and cut the fruit for Si, and I\'ll clean the table."

Lin Ke\'er got up and cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks on the table.


Warm smile and help Lin Ke\'er put away the dishes and chopsticks.

"I\'ll do you a favor, too." Du Siqing looked at their sharp movements and was ready to help.



Warmth and Lin Ke\'er made a sound at the same time, preventing Du Siqing from getting up.

Dusqing coughed softly, "look at my treatment. I open my mouth when I eat and stretch out my hands when I wear clothes. It\'s comparable to the ancient kings."

Enjoy the happy time of this moment.

There are beloved women and cordial close friends around talking, business and quantity. I hope this day can be longer.

Warm and Lin Ke\'er looked at each other and smiled.

"The king may not be able to talk about it, but I can still be a master!"

Lin Ke joked: "Uncle Du, please get up slowly and sit on the sofa over there waiting for us to serve you."

"Well, let\'s have another pot of good tea."

DUS smiled and went down with the trend.

"Yes, yes!"

Lin Ke\'er then put away the dishes and chopsticks and went to the kitchen.

With a warm smile, he followed her in.

The atmosphere is full of joy.

Du Siqing looked at their thin backs, and their warm eyes became softer and softer.

In the kitchen, Lin Ke\'er washed and warmed while cutting fruit.

Warm looked at Lin Ke\'er\'s side face, "Ke\'er, fight for it if you like. I hope that all the people I love and love around me will be happy."

Lin Ke\'er washed the dishes with his hands and didn\'t speak.

She also wants to fight for it.

However, some things are not urgent.

Let it be.