Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1101

"What? How could it be? In my impression, President Jiang would never say such words, okay?"

Lin Ke\'er frowned and looked surprised, "warmth, when did you hear that? Why don\'t I believe it so much?"

I always think there\'s a problem here.

It must be a misunderstanding!

Jiang is always an indomitable man. How could he say such despondent words?

"An Xueyan put it to me. The conversation between them was heard on the day of my car accident."

After such a long time, she still remembers clearly the voice of her heart breaking when she heard such words.

She hasn\'t talked to anyone. Today, she suddenly provoked a topic.

"An Xueyan? How can you take that woman\'s words seriously?"

Lin Ke\'er disapproved, "Warm, think about it carefully. How about you and President Jiang for so long? Is he the one who met with Yi Siqian and flinched in case of trouble? I think it\'s probably an Xueyan\'s trick. Otherwise, if the person president Jiang really likes is Jiang Xueyan, why didn\'t he die in you..... No, after you left, you were with an Xueyan? I heard that he took an Xueyan I can\'t get along in the music industry anymore. Now I can only go abroad. "

For a while, let the warm mood rise and fall like a boat in the lonely sea.

It\'s not that she didn\'t think it was possible.

However, at that time, she heard very clearly. When Jiang Lingfeng said those words, she was no different from her usual tone. She was really not sure whether an Xueyan was behind the scenes.

What\'s more, the problem in her marriage with him is not only an Xueyan, but also the child she lost.

Jiang\'s mother killed her child herself!

At the thought of it, she couldn\'t stop her chill.

"Well, Ke\'er, I don\'t want to mention it again for the time being."

Warm put aside those thoughts that would make her collapse, leaned against Lin Ke\'er\'s side and said in a charming voice, "what\'s the matter? Do you dislike me for eating free food and refuse to let me continue to live here?"

"Where do I have? I clearly..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Behind him came dusqing\'s cough.

They hurried back and saw Du Siqing standing at the kitchen door, his right hand holding a fist and coughing against his mouth.

"Senior brother."


They hurried over and held him left and right.

Du Siqing looked around and smiled at them, "what are you talking about? Are you so engaged?"

He heard what they said.

This is the first time that they talk about Jiang Lingfeng behind their backs.


Warm almond eyes glittered, "talking about how I deal with the Xu family."

Some topics are too sensitive.

There are some things that only time can prove.

She doesn\'t want them to talk about him and Jiang Lingfeng all the time.

Will be very upset!

"Oh? Looking at you like this, you must have taught the Xu family a terrible lesson?"

Seeing warmth, Du Siqing turned off the topic, sighed in his heart and echoed on his mouth.

"That\'s! Don\'t look who I am."

Deser with a warm face said, "let\'s go and sit down in front. I\'ll talk to you."

"I\'m going to cook dinner. You stay with Siqing."

Lin Ke\'er loosened Du Siqing\'s arm and opened his mouth with a smile.

"That won\'t work. How can I tell a story without you? Why don\'t I help you make dinner first, and then talk while eating later."

Warm apricot eyes glittered. Looking at Lin Ke\'er, he was angry.

She is a little nervous about elder martial brother!

Let elder martial brother know that there is a man who has always liked him!