Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1040

Hearing the driver\'s suggestion, Fu Yunting looked cold and kept thinking about countermeasures.

At this time, their car was parked on the winding road.

There is a river on one side and a slope on the other.

Below the slope are large areas of bushes.

Further ahead, the village can be seen faintly.

There was no problem with the driver\'s suggestion.

They can\'t wait to die. They have to find a way to get out of the car.

Fu Yunting turned over and fell on the back seat. He took the child from LAN Mei and held it in his hand.

"Mom, Lingling, listen to the driver\'s brother. We\'ll find a way to get out of here."

"But they have weapons in their hands. How can we leave?" Xia Ling looked worried.

"Don\'t panic, Lingfeng\'s hands are behind. You follow me closely and wait for the opportunity."

Fu Yunting calmed the two people calmly, even if he had no bottom in his heart, but his face always gave people a strong sense of security and support.


Xia Ling nodded hard and reached for LAN Mei.

Fu Yunting took out his mobile phone, dialed Jiang Lingfeng and told him the decision.

At this time, a car came quickly not far away, and the people in the car opened fire on the black nanny car fiercely.

For a moment, the person in the nanny car turned the gun head and aimed at the vehicle behind.

"Hmm? Are the people in that car your allies? Great."

The driver looked happy. Fu Yunting just put away the phone and looked at the scene in front. Although he couldn\'t figure out the situation, he thought it was the best time to leave the car.

"Right now, Lingling, mom, follow me."


The three opened the door, slid down the slope quickly and ran into the bushes.

At the same time, the people in the two cars behind opened the door and slid down the slope.

Several people soon joined together.

Everyone is more or less dirty, but it seems that they should be all right.

"Is everything all right?"

Fu Yunting asked, and everyone replied that it was all right.

"OK, let\'s go."


Several people walked forward. Xia Ling held Lanmei, but she was out of strength because of her injury.

When she stepped on a stone, she could not help but feel soft under her feet and almost fell down.

"Be careful."

One side of Jiang Lingyun quickly held her, with obvious worry on her face, "Lingling, are you okay?"

Hearing the news, everyone looked at Xia Ling.

"Wife, how are you?"

"Sister Xia, are you okay?"


Fu Yunting held the child in his hand and couldn\'t move. He just frowned and looked at Xia Ling.

Fu Xichen on the side also held the child and looked at Xia Ling\'s embarrassed appearance. His thin lips moved and a trace of shame flashed on his face.

He hasn\'t spoken since Xia Ling was rescued.

Because I don\'t know what to say.

"I\'m fine. You don\'t have to worry."

Seeing everyone looking at him with a worried face, Xia Ling moved his feet and smiled briskly.

"Your face is very bad. I\'ll help you. Lean against me."

Jiang Lingyun said involuntarily and put her hand on her shoulder.

"No, brother Ling, I can do it myself."

"This is the time. Can you stop trying to be strong?"

Jiang Lingyun frowned and stared at Xia Ling.

One side of Wen ruoqing\'s Apricot eyes glittered, "Lingyun, why don\'t I help sister Xia?"

"If you are in love, hold your aunt."

Jiang Lingyun looked at Wen ruoqing and ordered.

"Oh, good."

Wen ruoqing gave a cry and held LAN Mei.

Fu Yunting frowned slightly and wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Jiang Lingfeng.

"It\'s not too late. Let\'s hurry up."

Fu Yunting looked back at the little guy in his eyes. He didn\'t care about Jiang Lingyun helping his wife and motioned everyone to keep up.

It is not the time for foreign enemies to care about this.