Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1039

In the manor, while Fu Yunting and others were looking for a way out, the bomb disposal expert rushed in with precision instruments.

Quickly find the target. In the last few seconds, the bomb disposal expert finally removed a bomb.

Together, they also found a large number of weapons hidden in the basement.

It\'s very dangerous. If they come late, the explosion will destroy all the residents in this area.

The police were talking to Steven. They asked Fu Yunting for a few more words. After some twists and turns, the matter here finally came to an end.

Jiang Lingfeng also came in and said hello to everyone.

There is condensation between the eyebrows, which is more chilly than the image of past strangers.

Fu Yunting stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. Everything was silent.

Xia Ling\'s memory still stayed when he fell in love with warm. He didn\'t know what happened later, but looked at him with an apologetic face.

The atmosphere was not very good. Wen ruoqing said, "well, let\'s talk after we get out of this ghost place."

"Well, go to the hospital."

Fu Yunting agreed and hugged Xia Ling. His black eyes were full of pity.

Xia Ling bent her lips and didn\'t say much. She obeyed Fu Yunting\'s orders.

Several people left the manor and drove to the hospital in three cars arranged by Steven.

Fu Yunting, Xia Ling and LAN Mei took a car with their children in their arms.

Fu Xichen took a car with Gu Luoluo and the children.

The Jiang brothers and Wen ruoqing took another car.

The three cars drove forward in an orderly manner.

The manor is located in a remote suburb. There are few traffic flows along the way.

Fu Yunting sat on the front passenger\'s cab, and his heart fell to the ground slightly.

Looking at the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren in the back row from the rearview mirror, the corners of his mouth were hooked.

His wife\'s disaster was finally over.

I\'m glad she got through it.

I\'m glad her memory has been restored.

God has mercy on you.

Fu Yunting was sighing in his heart when suddenly the car bumped.

"No, there\'s a sniper. Our tire burst."

The driver was arranged by Steven and his face was very dignified.

Fu Yunting\'s face sank. He found that at some time, a fully enclosed nanny car came in front, which had blocked their way.

Who\'s in the car?

What do they want?

"Yunting, something\'s wrong?"

Xia Ling also saw the road information in front, and suddenly looked nervous.

"Don\'t be afraid, I won\'t let you have anything."

Fu Yunting calmed his face and comforted Xia Ling.

At this time, Fu Yunjiang\'s cell phone rings and sweeps his eyes.

After connecting, Jiang Lingfeng\'s voice came, "Yunting, the situation is not very good. The person in front is estimated to be from Lyon. We let the police catch him. He may become angry and want us to die."

With these words, Fu Yunting tightened his hand holding the mobile phone.

What should I do?

He can\'t let anything happen to his family!

"Ling Feng, have your people followed up?"

"Follow behind. But now that the other party has weapons in hand, we must be careful."

The sound fell, countless bangs sounded, splashed outside the car, and the car glass instantly turned into countless cobwebs.

"Get down."

Fu Yunting hurriedly shouted. Xia Ling gave a sound, covered his son\'s ears with both hands, and lay on the back seat of the car with LAN Mei.

The banging outside continued, and the driver thought, "guys, we will be trapped in the car. Do you see the bushes below? As long as we cross the bushes below and go to the village in front, we must leave the car and go to the channel over there!"