Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1013

The next day, there was a slight dew in the morning.

Xia Ling opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling above his head. He looked in a trance for a moment.

She is not in Fu\'s old house, but in Fu Xichen\'s villa.

Memories poured in, and Fu Yunting\'s handsome and innocent face flashed in his mind.

The corners of his mouth unconsciously bent to both sides, and Xia Ling got up and got out of bed.

I opened the door of the bedroom and was about to enter the children\'s room to see the small milk bag. The aroma of food came from my nose and the babbling sound of the small milk bag in my ear.

The little milk bag was picked up?

Xia Ling blinked and walked quickly to the entrance of the stairs. He saw Fu Yunting\'s tall and straight figure in the kitchen.

It can\'t be true!

Some big man, don\'t burn the kitchen again!

Xia Ling slightly raised her eyebrows and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

At this time, Fu Yunting was washing milk powder with his back to her.

The little milk bag was held by him with one hand and his small mouth danced.

"Don\'t worry, it\'ll be ready in a minute."

The man\'s voice can drop water gently, and Xia Ling eats it inexplicably.

Such a gentle voice is not only for her!

Xia Ling drums the cheek, the reaction comes over oneself to be jealous with the small milk package, suddenly the old face is red.

She\'s crazy. How could she have such an idea?

It\'s time to fight!

"Well, you can eat."

Fu Yunting stuffed the pacifier into the mouth of the small milk bag, and saw the woman standing behind him in the light of his eyes.

Standing quietly, I don\'t know what I\'m thinking.

Fu Yunting hooked his lips and turned to look at Xia Ling. "Wake up? Why are you standing here without saying a word? If my heart wasn\'t good, I wouldn\'t be scared out of order."

Hearing the speech, Xia Ling\'s thoughts returned, and her eyes were full of coquettish, "are you so inadvertently scared? You must have done something bad again, right?"

"Do bad things? Well, does it count to climb the bed at night?"

Xia Ling: "

Does this man really climb the bed again at night?

The woman\'s small face was like a hamster, and Fu Yunting\'s eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles.

He took the small milk bag to her side, took her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "don\'t worry, the geographical location here is not very good. I have a thief\'s heart but no thief\'s courage."

The two rooms were so far apart that he didn\'t act recklessly like in his old house.

What\'s more, she is already accepting him, and he doesn\'t have to rush to hug her and kiss her.

the coming days would be long!

Listening to the man\'s low charming words, Xia Ling bumped him with her elbow.

This man, how can he brazenly say that!

"Hiss, wife, I hurt!"

Fu Yunting twisted his sword eyebrow and deliberately pretended to be pathetic.

Xia Ling glanced at him and threw away his healthy arm. "Come on, Fu Dashao, who can climb the wall, has rough skin and thick flesh. Don\'t pretend to be like Lin Daiyu."

"Rough skin and thick flesh? Wife, do you still feel your heart?"

Fu Yunting smiled, and his beautiful star eyes were full of bright stars.

Xia Ling: "

The evildoer!

Some demon, stay away from her!

"Fu Yunting, what spring did you have early in the morning? What was cooking on the pot? Are you unwilling not to burn down the kitchen?"

"Don\'t worry! I have a smart wife, and husbands can\'t fall behind! Today\'s breakfast will definitely satisfy you!"


The sun came in through the window, and the space was full of warmth.

The two freshman novels are laughing and spreading warmth, warming people\'s hearts and spleen!