Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1012

The man\'s voice was magnetic and full of banter. Xia Ling stared at him coyly and ate the noodles in front of him.

"There\'s only one bowl of noodles left. I can\'t eat it."

It\'s not polite for her to share a bowl with her daughter.

Women eat in small bites, and their red lips are more ruddy because of the soup.

Fu Yunting\'s eyes were dim, and the sexy tip of his tongue swept through his dry thin lips. He wanted to crush someone\'s red lips.

"It doesn\'t matter. As long as the wife and daughter have enough to eat and drink, as a big parent, a hungry meal won\'t do much."

It was still his usual tone. Xia Ling took a mouthful of noodle soup, looked up at someone, touched his smiling black eyes, and exchanged the noodles in front of them with a light hiss.

"No, if you\'re hungry, thousands of employees of Fu\'s are looking for the culprit. I can\'t afford it."

The noodles changed. Fu Yunting looked at the passive noodles and smiled more.

Picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and looked at Xia Ling. "I suddenly remembered the first time we ate noodles together. At that time, in the name of my brother, you flattered me in order to win the project. I just went out once. You thought I didn\'t eat noodles and ate a few mouthfuls by myself. Unexpectedly, I came back again. In this way, I ate all the remaining noodles you ate."

Such a day seems to be in front of us. It\'s funny to think about it.

The man ate the noodles in the bowl one by one, and a vague scene flashed in Xia Ling\'s mind.

Some are not true, but they make her feel very kind.

There was a sudden jump in the temple. Xia Ling took a breath, twisted her eyebrows and rubbed her hands.

Again, the pain is coming again.

That belongs to her memory. She knows that the closed memory wants to break out of the shackles, but it is firmly suppressed.

Fu Yunting on the other side inadvertently glanced and saw Xia Ling\'s pale face.

Suddenly, his face changed and he hurriedly sat down with the little guy to Xia Ling\'s side. "Lingling, is your head hurting again? Don\'t think about it again. I don\'t expect anything, as long as you\'re by my side."

I really want to slap myself hard. Why didn\'t I shut up and mention what I did for no reason?

It hurt her head again.

Xia Ling\'s painful touch gradually calmed down. She looked at Fu Yunting sideways. There was no doubt that there was tension and worry in the man\'s eyes.

My heart is warm.

But she didn\'t want to make herself look so fragile and let him treat herself like a porcelain doll.

So she glared at him and pretended to be fierce, "don\'t be sensational. I haven\'t verified it yet! Don\'t think I\'ve believed what you said."

The woman showed her eyebrows slightly and cried fiercely. Fu Yunting was slightly stunned, but the corners of her mouth stirred up.

Sample, don\'t think he can\'t see what she means.

Aren\'t you afraid of him or her?

When the ripples in his heart dispersed, Fu Yunting hooked his lips and said, "yes, my royal highness, can I live here tonight? I\'m not sure you live here alone, so..."

Don\'t worry, she lives here alone?

Xia Lingxing\'s eyes twinkled, looked at him up and down on his side, and AO Jiao said, "what can I worry about? If I don\'t worry, I should be worried that you live here."

Although she tacitly accepted that he was her husband.

But she has no memory!

Suddenly I want to live alone with him. I feel a little uncomfortable when I think of it.

Hearing Xia Ling\'s words, Fu Yunting\'s black eyes flashed a small smile.

In this way, he looked at Xia Ling with a smile. There was a meaningful light in his eyes.

Xia Ling blinked, touched Fu Yunting\'s deep smile, and suddenly thought of something between lightning and flint.

"Fu Yunting, don\'t tell me that you like to climb the bed in the middle of the night in Fu\'s old house?"

"Wrong, wife. I\'m trying to get the benefits I deserve."

"Fu Yunting, dare you climb the bed tonight!"

"Well, can I sleep on the sofa?"
