Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 289 Episode 289. Shall we move? (1)

"It's home."

When I saw the table heaven from afar, a word popped out of my mouth.

Come to think of it, it was. For Haru, home is just a place to sleep and wash.

The place where I spend more than half of the day, or most of the time, was really a dining paradise.

Therefore, it was not natural to leave a healthy house and think about this while looking at heaven on the table.

Yeah, it's home.

Choi Han-seok noticed such a day and smiled.

It wasn't hard to see that he was thinking the same thing as himself.

What time is it now? Isn't it break time?

"It's a holiday today. I told you I moved early to meet the holidays."

-Aha, right, I did. I forgot it was a holiday because the lights were on at the restaurant.

"Well, that's true, isn't it?

It was a day when I didn't notice anything strange, but it was true when I thought about Choi Han-seok's words.

I'm sure it's a day off today.

Around lunch, the table heaven was not only lit up, but also smelled delicious.

The smell of home-cooked meals turned my appetite.

"Is Mr. Yumi here?"

So who else is going to come into the restaurant now? Let's get going. Yumi said she would cook something delicious!

It was a day when Yumi didn't tell her the time or location, so she was vaguely thinking she would eat at home, but she seemed to have prepared something in earnest at the restaurant.

Full of anticipation, I ran quickly.

There was a [CLOSED] mark on the table heaven, but Yumi was seen wearing an apron over the translucent door.

I suddenly got excited. I opened the door vigorously and entered.

"Mr. Yumi!"



Maybe it's because of the sudden appearance.

Yumi, who was mixing japchae with sanitary gloves on top of rubber gloves, screamed in surprise.

I almost fell on the floor if I forgot if I was really surprised, so I was about to run and support you.

"Haru! What a Haru!"

"Mr. Yumi, calm down for now.…. Ugh!"


Yumi, who discovered the day, made a fuss, and the two hit their heads.

As I rubbed my tingling forehead, I heard a loud giggle from the back.

Of course, Choi Hanseok. He was really laughing his head off.

What are you doing, kkkkk. Are you guys filming a conte or something?

"Oh, yeah."

At first, I wondered what it was, but the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't stop laughing.

It's been a while since I've come back and hit my head before I even said hello.

It was ridiculous, but I felt comfortable because it felt like I was really back in my family' of my family.

Besides, Yumi is here.

Haru reached out to Yumi, and she grabbed it and stood up.

Whether he managed it well or not, heaven on the table has not changed from when Haru left for the U.S.

No, I think I cleaned it yesterday, so it felt much cleaner.

"Anyway, it's been a while. Mr. Yumi."

Looking at her, I burst into laughter. Yumi smirked if it was the same.

"I know. I really, really missed you. Mr. Haru!"

Mr. Haru, I said. Yumi.

Yumi used to use the word "President Haru" more often, but she decided to change her name when she was on the phone in the U.S.S.

President Haru seems a bit stiff and authoritative.So I thought about many things and decided to call her Haru.

How should I say it, it felt good to be honest. The cheeks of the day turned reddish.

"Oh, it's cringe-worthy."

"It's cringe-worthy for the speaker than the listener! But it's still good. Haru, it's nice to see you after a long time, and it's even better to talk with you."

Yumi, smiling awkwardly. She seemed to avoid the day's gaze as if she was awkward, but soon changed her words a little.

"I'm glad, though. I'm almost done cooking. Japchae was the last one, so I just need to set it up.”

"What did you do so much? In japchae, miso soup...…. Whoa, did you send pancakes too?! It's not some kind of holiday."

"President Haru……Haru, you couldn't eat a lot of Korean food while you were in the States. Even if I go to a Korean restaurant, would it taste the same as what I eat in America and Korea? So since you're here, you should cook a lot of delicious Korean food.”

"Thank you. Obviously, I missed the smell and the taste. Sincerely."

Indeed, the table heaven was filled with many delicious smells, to the extent that it was mistaken for a holiday when someone else saw it.

To be honest, just looking at the japchae in front of me was like that.

Based on the salty and sweet smell, the savory smell of perilla oil that Yumi almost poured in caught my nose.

Seeing the glossy glass noodles filled the basin, I wanted to taste it right away.

"Wait a minute. I'll give you a quick meal because you'll be hungry."

"Hey, I'm not a guest. Let's make it together. You must have had a hard time cooking.”

"Please be my guest for today. Haru, you had a hard time getting on the plane, right? And I haven't seen you in a while and I don't want you to work Sit down for now. It'll be soon anyway!"

I tried to let go of my spoon at least, but Yumi said she would do it and stopped me.

I had no choice but to sit at the table, but a smirk of laughter leaked out again.

'I come to my restaurant as a guest. It's unique.'

It was a day where I was going through many things.

He comes to his restaurant as a guest.

Also, I enjoyed the dishes made by the vice president.

Yumi also used the table heaven almost like her home, so she knew everything about the route and location.

A table set up in a flash, really.

Let's start with bean rice with lots of sweet frosting. Japchae that we've been mixing.

There were homemade meatballs, frozen pollack pancakes, miso soup, ribs that had been marinated for a few days, and kimchi, Haru's favorite oral fairy tale.

It's more Korean than anything else, so it takes a lot of work. A table full of sincerity.

Even the amount was enormous. Yumi didn't look like that, but her hands were bigger than I thought.

I asked her how she's going to do all this, and Yumi said.

First of all, Ye-young and Bo-nam shared it, and the rest of it could be eaten with ghosts in the evening.

Then it came to mind. Oh, this place was a table paradise, right?

I felt like my chest was lighter. Yumi said the day went by and some more ghosts came.

There were not many people, but there was something to do.

I raised my spoon and chopsticks in a relaxed mood and made eye contact with Yumi.

"Thank you for the food, Yumi."

"It's been a long time, so eat two bowls, okay?"

"Of course, who did it for you!"

Let's start with japchae, which smelled so savory.I took a spoonful of noodles, onions, paprika, and thinly sliced beef and glanced at it.


It was basically sweet because it had a lot of sugar in it, and the savory smell of perilla oil poked my nose.

A taste that you can eat without resting.

After chewing japchae, I ate a meatball, and the elasticity popped out naturally.

On top of that, the spoon didn't know that it would stop because of the addition of sour kimchi and miso soup that would catch the greasiness.

"Eat slowly, you'll get an upset stomach."

"It's because it's that delicious. Oh, can I have another bowl? Rice with beans is really good, too. It has a perfect texture."

"I learned it from Haru. I'll give you a big bowl of rice, so wait a little by little.

Yumi kept glancing at her day, eating slowly.

I don't know if it's because it's rewarding to see you eat food that you've worked so hard for, or if there's a reason for it.

She looked happy after all.

When I emptied both bowls, I felt full and drowsy.

I asked while eating the fruit she brought me.

"And I've been wondering about this for a while."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Ye-young and Bonam didn't eat together? What's wrong with you today?"

"Oh... They said they were going on a date today. To an amusement park. Yeyoung really wanted to see Haru, but she couldn't help it because it's been 300 days.Yes, sir.

"Aha, that's acceptable. There's a reason why people say 300 days of evil."

I thought I couldn't see it for some reason, so there was a good reason.

Ye-young and Bona's relationship seemed to be cruising.

By the way, dating was something that seemed a long way off, but now I was envious of something.

Since I was young, survival was a priority, let alone dating.

I was just indifferent because all the love cells died, but now I feel something.

"I envy you, you two."

"……Shall we go, too?”


"It's nothing! Let's just eat. And please tell me quickly. I heard you were just playing spectacular in America!"

I thought I heard something strange, but I guess it's just me.

It must have been just a feeling that Yumi's face, which was hurriedly turned around to get more fruit, was red to her ears.

But if, by any chance, it wasn't just a feeling.

One day I thought of it. I've felt this for a long time, but Yumi and I have a lot in common.

The background and taste of life.

It was the same that I really liked heaven on the table, feeling like home.

The part where you feel comfortable and the space.

Before I knew it, the two might have shared more than they thought.

One day, I sat next to Yumi, enjoying fruit and coffee, and lost track of time chatting.

There was so much going on in the U.S., and it was fun to talk on the phone with you face to face.

And crucially, America's work isn't done yet.

No, I could've said it's just the beginning.

Haru, who was talking about the final, suddenly said.

"That's what I thought, Mr. Yumi."

"Yes, Haru. What is it? Tell me."

"Shall we move out? My house. So, the table heaven."

"What? All of a sudden? No. No. Of course, Haru kept saying that he was moving. But my house. Hehe, my house...….”

I was troubled.I have to open a restaurant with Adam anyway, and I can't leave the table heaven intact.

Even the body of a day is only one.

In the end, Haru has two options.

Run a table heaven, a new restaurant, and two restaurants at the same time.

Or put aside the table heaven and go all-in to the new restaurant.