Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 280 280 episodes. incomplete products (3)

I had this thought for a moment.

That's absurd.

Haru and Tanaka thought so at the same time. But no one was able to protest.

The reason was simple. These things were really fair.

It is a bad condition that applies to both people in common.

And the idea that real skill shines in this quagmire was something both of them had.

"Let me present the topic. It's my topic."


Someone stepped in between the voices of Giovanni.

Adam grabbed the microphone and woke up.

Until now, he had mostly kept silent or minimal comments during the competition, but now he was different.

He sprang to his feet and came next to the host, Giovanni.

Then Haru and Tanaka made eye contact one after another.

"The theme of the final is warm cooking."

Once again, I can't believe it.

"Wait a minute!"


This time, Tanaka couldn't stand it anymore and raised his hand.

Everyone in the studio looked at Tanaka.

He mumbled for a moment what he was trying to say, and then desperately arranged his thoughts and asked in a much calmer voice.

"Warm dishes are……. It's a subject that's been mentioned before."

"You've been on it before."

"Is the first round of 16 going to be played again in the final?”

"No way. It's different."


Adam, who speaks enigmatic words.

Tanaka tried to ask something back, but he did not allow for abnormality.

"I made it clear. The theme of the final is different from the round of 16. Then, now that we've finished the presentation, there's only one left. To see the end of a contest. Judge Giovanni?"

"Yes, yes?"

"Let's get started.

And since then.

Tik, tik, tok--!

The huge hands of the clock in the center of the hall began to move.

With exactly 30 minutes left. One second at a time, with a very clear and regular sound.

Tanaka's face turned white. The day when I was about to finish preparation nodded.


"It's started. Really, from now on."

Right after that.

"Bye, come on!"

At the same time as Tanaka, who vomited an annoying word, the two began running frantically to the place where the ingredients were located until a day.

We don't have much time.

But arriving didn't change anything.

It was a kitchen that had come several times, but my head was blank. I didn't know what to make, what to pick up.

"What should I do... What should I do...….”

Tanaka unwittingly chewed her nails.

The indescribable black sensation enveloped my whole body. And at the same time, I found a day.

But it's okay. I'm not the only one in this situation anyway.

Isn't it a perfect situation to say "Sangryun with fellow soldiers"?

I thought so.

"What, you."

Soon, Tanaka lowered her arms as if she had lost strength all over her body.

Started at the same starting line, but one day was something different.

As if he had known this would happen in advance, he was sweeping the material with great speed.

Vegetables like chicken, rice, carrots and onions, garlic...… and some of the miso that I used before and still had left.

There was plenty of room and theft in the hands of choosing materials. It was so different from Tanaka, who was shaking.


"I can't stop thinking about what to cook. Then, I'll go first."

In less than three minutes a day, I chose all the ingredients.

After giving a small hand to Tanaka, he ran out of the kitchen and headed to the counter.

Even with an incredibly large pot packed.It's rather good. Yes, sir.

One day was also embarrassed.

He was also a person, so his mind went blank as soon as he heard the ridiculous topic of hot cooking again.

But there is only one difference from Tanaka.

'I know exactly what Adam meant.’

One day I understood Adam. I saw through his intentions.

I'm not just asking you to make a physically warm dish.’

There were only two reasons why that was possible.

The first one is for a long time.

He said that he had a lot of exchanges with customers in a wide open kitchen in the dining room day and night.

The second was a hint that Choi Han-seok gave Haru in the early days of the tournament.

Choi Han-seok definitely said this.

Adam is a ridiculously cold person. But I've only eaten Adam's food once...…. It was warm. Not the body, but the mind. It's like a day by day.

Adam is a chef who looks a lot like Haru.

So I'm sure there's something to learn.

Therefore, Adam's "warm cooking" may mean the same thing as the warmth a day thinks.

I don't just mean the temperature. Something that warms the heart of the eater.

A dish that can deliver human warmth.

"Then what we're going to cook is already decided, right?’

That's why I picked a chicken.

The pressure cooker was filled with hot water, and I couldn't find any medicinal herbs, so I was going to make broth with shiitake mushrooms, green onions, onions, cloves, and cinnamon.

One day, I'll make chicken baeksuk.

In his memory, the warmest teacher's cooking that Haru had ever tasted.

Remastered in the disciple's way once again. Warmer, more delicious.


Put the spices in the pot and boil it with maximum firepower.

The chicken removed the visible fat and put cuts in it so that it could be cooked quickly.

By the time it was over, Tanaka had fled the kitchen like running away.

He had a fish, shellfish, and shrimp in his hand.

Since it is the final match, is he trying to cook seafood that he is most confident about?

But the expression never looked good.

He went to his countertop with a staggering step that seemed to collapse immediately, and moved the knife at a tremendous speed.

I just keep cooking with a calm mind for a calm mind.

Let's fill it up.

Stir-fry onion and garlic, then add mushroom slices and mix with rice.

They were stuffed into the chicken, then added a knob of butter and tied thoroughly with the legs.

By then, the broth had boiled.

Dip the cloves and octagonal angles between the chicken's skin, then put them in the stock, release the miso a little, and put white wine.

Then, close the lid of the pressure cooker and wait.

It's actually almost crazy to start trimming ingredients in half an hour and make baeksuk.

You have to cook Baeksuk for at least an hour.

However, if two conditions are met, words change.

1. Chicken is a soft guy who is not as tough as Korean native chicken.

2, The firepower of the counter is quite good and the pressure cooker boils up quickly.

If so, it is possible by a hair's breadth. It's a good idea to finish the boiled pork in 30 minutes.

Of course, we can't afford to relax. We have to make food to eat together.Originally, the best things are seasoned chives or dazed chives.

Chives, shaggy cabbages. They are all very Korean ingredients.

So far, a day has been saved separately, but it can't be in a kitchen like this.

That is why it was not tabled from the beginning.

In anticipation of the only Korean-style ingredients being soybean paste, the chicken was stuffed with cloves and octagonal angles, a Chinese-American spice.

'Fusion of Southeast Asia and South Korea makes a side.’

I've been watching cooking all my life. Except for the two letters of cooking in a day's life, only the shell remains.

So I could judge faster and more accurately than anyone else.

It's good without leeks and clutter.

Chicken baeksuk is a soup dish, so the side dish and sauce can be added to the taste strong.

Use oyster sauce, red pepper paste, and BBQ sauce together.’

And use sweet potatoes instead of fresh vegetables.

About 15 minutes later.


"I don't know what the hell it is...….”

"What are you trying to do? What do you want, Chef Haru?"

Haru decided.

The judges, who were as nervous as the two chefs, were embarrassed and made innovative judgments.


Remove the chicken-cook pressure cooker from the boiling temperature and cool it down in cold water.

The temperature dropped sharply and white steam rose like fog.

It's just the smell of the spice inside. I couldn't find any fishy smell or smell of the chicken.

One day soon, he opened the lid of the pressure cooker and took out the chicken, which was about 70 percent cooked.

Wipe off the water well with a kitchen towel, then add the three sauces and coat them with the sauce.

'Put sliced garlic, pepper and rosemary between the chickens.’

Korean chicken baeksuk quickly became BBQ with red pepper paste sauce.

So far, the food that was perfectly oriental has quickly transformed into Western style.

One day I even put the chicken with the sauce right in the preheated oven.

Much higher temperature than normal roasts.

They started to burn or roast chickens at incredible speed, almost 230 degrees.

At the same time, sweet potatoes were put in a pressure cooker that kept the temperature as it was.

Then they started to cook quickly without the lid on.

The judges shook their bodies with nervous eyes.

"That's gonna burn."

One minute. No, just 10 seconds will burn the sauce. The sauce concentration was very high even when I saw it earlier, so I might not be able to eat it in an instant."

"I don't think so."

But Ben shook his head. That's very firm, too.

Around the time the judges' worries soared to the sky. A day added one thing.

He suddenly opened the door of the red-hot oven and began sprinkling lemon juice with apple cider.


At the same time that the temperature of the sauce and chicken surface dropped, the burning chicken stabilized.

Is that even it?

"No, that's...…. It's a chicken that was boiled once.”

"I didn't even peel it. I'm sure there's a lot of water between the chicken and the skin, and it'll keep burning in the chicken. Plus, I've been hydrating them outside."

"When the time is right...…. Do you mean the perfect roast chicken?"

"Wait, then.”

This is how it feels when we clean up and go.

This dish of the day.

"You boiled the chicken, grilled it, steamed it at the same time.”

"There's no nationality there. Korea, America, East...…, you've got everything in there."

"What kind of food is that? I just can't guess the taste."Something that hasn't been done before. Doesn't even have a name. It is simply a day's cooking.