Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 279 Episode 279. Incomplete (2)

Adam said something significant.

Bacon gently closed his eyes.

"Someone else gave me a ridiculous score...….”

"Didn't Mr. Bacon have some predictions?"

"However, sir. That's what I'm saying. It's a really sensitive thing. Don't you know that?"

"If I told you to believe me, would you believe me?”


"This is the only thing I want to say. I gave the score I set, according to my beliefs. That's all."

"……Yes, thank you. All right, sir."

Adam was like a huge rock mountain.

It stood tall and never faltered.

Rather, the bacon, which has the greatest power in the course of the competition, was faltering, I said.

But it wasn't bad, though. Bacon truly thought it was worth it to get here.

"Thanks to you, I've made up my mind."

"That's enough, isn't it?"

"That's right. Yes, you're right.

"Let's eat. The meat will get cold."

Only then did the atmosphere, which had hardened, slowly begin to unraveling.

Bacon picked up a large back ribs.

He took a big bite, holding on to the spirit of escaping the ecstatic scent.


The taste that comes soon.

Bacon truly felt insignificant, all the fatigue and stress he had today.

I felt all the emotions that were dominating me melt away as if they were lies.

No, it wasn't the only thing melting down. Meat

Meat bursting out of the gravy was melting in Bacon's mouth.

The pork back ribs, which were completely marinated and could not be found to smell at all, had a second shell with salty BBQ sauce and red pepper paste in great harmony.

"How does it taste?"

"Sincerely…… Delicious. That's why they made it themselves. Oh, my. There is no place in the world that sells ridiculous food.”

"What, I've died a lot, too."

Bacon almost had a laugh. I can't believe I died a lot cooking like this.

Once again, I confirmed what was in my head.

This is Adam.

This is the skill of the man who criticizes Bacon as the god of cooking now.

It was so delicious that I got goosebumps. Bacon tore the meat like crazy, forgetting to be so careful.

Then Adam spoke in a small voice.

"And don't you know? Bacon too. Don't you think there's a certain person to win anyway?"


Bacon stopped at the word.

Thinking for a while, he finally replied with a grin.

"Yes, this giant gambler......because I brought them in my own hands.”

"The same goes for me. Today's dish. I wanted to eat it thinking about him, and that's why I made it."

He's the one who's going to win this tournament.

No, before that. First

Bacon was brought to the Joker in the belief that he would win, set the stage, and admitted by Adam.

So maybe someone who has already become the star of this competition even before the start of the competition.

"The food he made will be more delicious than mine."

"……it's hard to believe."

"At least it'll taste better than this pork rib now. Trust me for once. I'm not good at it, but I've gotten a lot better as I get older. Like a well-crafted kitchen knife."

"Since you go so far, yes. Yes. You have to believe it."

With Adam saying this, Bacon naturally looked forward to it.

What will the Joker show in the final? I wonder what kind of performance I can show you.For your information, Adam thought the same thing as Bacon.

No, he took a step further. As it always was.

"And so, Mr. Bacon."

"Yes, sir. Go ahead."

"I'd like to suggest one thing."

"Do you mean the proposal? What kind of suggestion is it?"

Trickster: It's not the best word to describe Adam, but it's also the best word to say.

Adam was like a whole bunch of irony in the whole world.

I could say this with great confidence.

"I want to lay the groundwork for the Joker."


"There's a theme of the final that was originally set. Let's change it."



Bacon, who was eating in a hurry, unwittingly put down the meat he was holding.

The fork fell off and rolled on the table floor. But Bacon did not notice.

"What, what…….”

"And one more thing. Why don't we change the presentation period and the final schedule? Oh, of course, it's only possible with the permission of Mr. Bacon, the host of the competition."

And at that moment.

Even though Bacon didn't know what Adam meant, and didn't have the slightest clue what he was trying to say.

"I like a lot of fun things, too.”

I said this.

As an entertainer who makes a show before one person.

"Broadcasting is fun. Don't you think so?"

"Yes, Dr. Adam is right."

There was a lot of talk, starting with that impulsive decision.

Tomorrow morning. No, the stories that will make history of the history of this competition.

Stars were shining in the night sky.

Haru and Tanaka were on the same page doing different things, but so were Adam and Bacon.

Soon the day dawned.

Bacon, who had stayed up almost all night, convened the two as soon as the sun rose.

* * *

9 in the morning.

One day out of a hurry after being contacted by Bacon, I felt something strange.

'This is not unusual.’

Bacon asked me to come out because he had something urgent to deliver.

At first, of course, I thought that the announcement of the theme of the final was pulled a little early.

Bacon and the other staff have also been scheduled for the final several times. Now that you mention it.

But something was off.

This is because the place where Bacon called was not a courtesy meeting room that was always presented, but a studio that held a bloody cooking contest until a few days ago.

It's a weird.’

The studio itself has not changed much.

As in the semifinals, all equipment and staff, including cameras, were set up, and judges were gathered.

One thing that changed was that the chefs were reduced to two countertops for cooking.

It was time to play the final after the semifinals, so it was natural in a way.

But it didn't make sense.

'Why on earth……'We're all here right now.’

The staff are people, too. Everyone had things to do, so of course, they were scattered and deserved to be watching their own work.

But now everyone was gathered. It means that everything was ready.

Like, I'm about to play the final. A ridiculous situation was continuing to be staged.

Haru turned his head and looked at Tanaka next to him.

He also seemed to be embarrassed by the unexpected.

Haru replied as usual because he had been talking to her as if he were close to her.

But the conversation between the two didn't last long.It was because bacon appeared among the judges.

"First of all, I have to apologize to everyone. To the chefs, and to the judges."

"What's going on? I'm sure there's no schedule until today, and you said you could just relax."

"That's right, I'm a little embarrassed, to be honest."

Geobana and Mitsuru asked a little grudgingly, expressing disapproval.

Seeing the judges react like that, I can see how urgent Bacon was to proceed.

Something to tell the judges as well as the chefs who made it to the final.

Various words flew in.

There were some who argued like Giovanni, or others who sat on the fence like Ben or Adam.

But Bacon did not reply.

He just walked in and took a card with a script in the hands of Giovanni, who was in the position of host.

"You can proceed with this."

A new card, carefully hidden in her pocket, was handed back into her hands.


"Literally. You can proceed with a new one. We're going to start filming right now. I've got a little bit of a tight schedule."


"Well, wait a minute. From now on?

"Oh, my God, I knew this would happen. For some reason, I was just going out and people were persistent and put on makeup! As expected!"

And the bombshell remark went off.

Surprise shooting is common in entertainment shows, but it's not a variety show right?

Several judges expressed disapproval, but Bacon didn't bat an eyelid.

At the end of the day, he has to roll as planned.

It was inevitable because all the filming preparations were already completed and the staff.

In addition, some of the judges even spoke as if they were already familiar with this bacon antics.

"I can't help it."

The protesting Govana and Mitsuru were also forced to bow their heads in the end.

There was one thing these things said. Haru and Tanaka clenched their fists at the same time.

"Here we go!"

It's a little sudden. And very gradually.

Giovanni picked up the microphone. After trying hard to straighten his face, he shouted in a professional voice.

"Well, let's get right into the final!"

the final heat

The day of destiny when only one person survives to the end is decided. It was just today.

And another thing

"One unique rule applies to this final. So far, we've given you some time to prepare for the main materials you're going to use, but the final is different."

"……then how."

"No way!"

Haru and Tanaka felt their mouths dry.

How far is bacon trying to drive people?

"The theme of the final will be revealed right now. Also, the two surviving chefs should cook with only the ingredients in the kitchen behind them. You can think of what ingredients you've seen so far."

Even the ingredients cannot be determined at will.

On-the-spot themes, improvised cooking should be conceived, and ingredients should be put together ingredients.

As a chef, there could be no more extreme situation.

Besides, the bacon was a step further. The voice of Giovanni, who continued his remarks, trembled weakly.

"The time limit for this final is the same 30 minutes as before."


No, there was a more extreme situation.

Despite all these ridiculous conditions, the time was the same.