Come to Douluo, you're not a scumbag

Chapter 347

(happy New Year's Eve)

The autumn breeze blew in the open field.

Set off waves of ripples around, causing the sound of trees, kissing their soft hair.

Tang Muchen opened his big hand and hugged Miss Yinlong Wang into his arms. He felt the soft and delicate body, and the fragrance diffused on his body could make people feel comfortable.

What Miss Yin long every day is not really used to perfume, but it is also a gift of genius. It is a unique perfume of a girl, which makes her body full of sweet every hour and moment.

It's not that exaggerated fragrance, but it smells faint, making people feel her beauty and soothing spirit.

And her body was soft in her arms. She was weak and boneless, just like sitting in her arms.

There is a strong contrast between being cold and gorgeous in the face of others and being charming and naive in the face of yourself.

All kinds of bonuses made Tang Muchen cherish the girl from his heart, hug her small waist and feel the rich skin.

Smelling the fragrance, she couldn't help putting her head on her little head and looked satisfied.

Miss Wang Yinlong in her arms buried her small head in his chest and tightly surrounded his solid back.

Obviously, this is a moving beauty. If a painter paints here, it can be regarded as a masterpiece.

But Miss Wang Yinlong slightly stirred Qiong's nose and smelled a fresh and sweet smell on Tang Muchen.

Obviously, it's not your own smell.

Although she doesn't know what her secret fragrance is, as a girlfriend, she feels very sensitive to foreign sneaking cats.

Besides, Tang Muchen went on a date with someone else today.

Although there was no jealousy in her heart, she still pinched the soft meat behind Tang Muchen a little.


"What's the matter?"

Even the meat on Tang Muchen could not be hard. He soon felt the pinch attack of Miss Yinlong Wang.

In her arms, she said in a low voice, "how can I go out for a date?"


Tang Muchen didn't understand what she meant for a moment, but he heard Miss Yinlong Wang's low voice: "you smell like her."

[well, are you jealous?]

My heart laughs, but I can't show it.

He gently hugged Miss Silver Dragon King and planned to coax her.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, Miss Yinlong Wang pushed away Tang Muchen and showed a rosy face.

Big purple eyes stared at Tang Muchen, and his face showed an expression of worship.

Ah, hey, hey, what's the matter with you?

Tang Muchen revealed his own doubts.

Shouldn't you be angry, Miss Yinlong Wang?

What's going on?

How can you show this worship? Shouldn't you be angry?

Tang Muchen fell into confusion.

Because the silver dragon Miss Wang in front of her is so strange. It should be anger that is the final result.

Could it be that an idea suddenly jumped out of his heart.

[this, is this what a woman can do?]

Tang Muchen understood that Miss Yinlong Wang, as her first girlfriend, understood her XP and her son-of-a-bitch boyfriend.

In this way, it is to reflect the status of the first girlfriend.

I feel a little guilty.

Tang Muchen obviously showed a faint sense of guilt.

Looking at Miss Wang Yinlong's eyes, there was some evasion.

"Don't be shy ~"

She seemed to see Tang Muchen's nervousness, and some naughty hooked her fingers.

At this moment, Miss Yinlong Wang no longer seems to be cold and gorgeous, but has infinite charm.

The purple eyes took the taste of hooking people and looked at the man in front of them.

His fingers nodded and gently lifted his chin.

Miss Yinlong Wang opened her smile like a delicate flower.

The big purple eyes seem to have a faint sense of water, longing and shyness.

Tang Muchen naturally couldn't help it. He felt that there was no one around, so he forced a to go up.

How can a man be killed by a girl.

Tang Muchen's lips accurately found the pink petals and held them fiercely.

The two have been boyfriend and girlfriend for a long time. They are also very familiar with each other's kisses. Miss Yinlong Wang's eyes are filled with purple, slightly closed with a strong blush.


The two quickly threw themselves into it, and the kiss was warm and open.

In short, they all used up all their abilities and made every effort to attack the city.

The hot atmosphere spread around.

The sweet and greasy taste dances in the taste buds.

Tang Muchen hugged her slender waist. Miss Yinlong Wang cooperated very much and outlined her slender long legs around his waist.

One hand fixed her body to prevent her from falling, and the other hand took out the key and opened the door.

With a slap, I just heard a heavy door closing.

Let the scene in nature burn like a flame.

Not far from the hidden place, hulena's figure appeared quietly.

In fact, she had an idea of coming to the theatre, so she hid her breath in a hidden place and observed their actions.

Originally, she thought she could make each other's girlfriend angry. No matter how bad it was, it could make him feel a little hurt.

As a result, the couple in front of them had a warm atmosphere and didn't mean to quarrel at all. On the contrary, they felt that their feelings were stronger.

As for closing the door, everyone knows what they are doing.

She spat hard. It's really rude.

However, hulina guessed this wrong. In fact, Miss Yinlong Wang and Tang Muchen still didn't cross the last line. After all, Tang Muchen promised Tang Yuehua that her first time would be left to her.

But others can be done now. After all, they are boyfriend and girlfriend.

So the scene inside can also know how hot it is.

There seems to be nothing to see

Hulina finally stared at the house with her eyes tightly, and then turned her head and left.


On the other side, the clothes of Tang Muchen and miss Yinlong Wang in the small villa are scattered.

After all, Tang Muchen just experienced a warm kiss. Naturally, it can't end like this. It must be bad.

Purple eyes are full of ripples, and she gasps slightly.

"By the way, Nana, I bought you milk tea, which is your favorite taste."

"But it seems that you can't drink like this."

"What a pity."

"But I think of a way. Let me feed you myself."

He gently inserted the straw, took a sip, looked at her in front of him, and smiled.