Come to Douluo, you're not a scumbag

Chapter 346

"I lied to you."

The little face suddenly changed. It was no longer the charming appearance just now, but slightly showed its pride.

Although Tang Muchen wanted to hug her waist, she also ran away with a charming smile.

Silver bell laughter echoed in the air.

But the little fox's waist twisted left and right, making Tang Muchen's big hand unable to grasp the opportunity at all.

Tang Muchen finally didn't touch the tight and delicate skin.

Perhaps, this is just Tang Muchen playing the game of hard to get.

After all, facing such a girl, if you don't play this game, it's no fun at all.

If a very good-looking little fox jumps left and right in front of him, pouting his hips.

Are you fighting or fighting?

If I were a boy, I would fight.

But Tang Muchen is different from the scum man. He thinks it's good to play with the little fox for a while.

If you beat your hips hard after you're exhausted, will it be more delicious.

Moreover, Tang Muchen thinks that he is not a ruthless iron slag man and will not make a noise to this delicate girl.

If you beat it like Ansai waist drum, you will be cruel, forget your feelings and die! Like a shower, it is a rapid drum; Like a whirlwind, it is a flying tassel

Well, hulena would probably cover her hips and look at the water in her eyes. I think it would be very exciting!

Eh, something's wrong with you.

Tang Muchen suddenly found that these two practices seem to be very good.

[forget it, I still like small water flowing]

Sisters are the best gifts in the world. If I spoil them like this, my heart will break into many petals

His heart was full of evil thoughts, and Tang Muchen smiled silently.

"The elder sister is too much."

Tang Muchen pretended to be wronged.

"Are you tempting me and making me impatient?"

"In the end, I didn't give anything, just let me be burned by the fire."

"You're too old."

It is clearly that Tang Muchen took advantage of hulina, but in this wronged expression, it feels like hulina cheated Tang Muchen's feelings and his body.

I have some goose bumps on my body.

Hulena looked at the dog in front of him, and the man always thought it was terrible to hide a knife in a smile.

"But just now, I have let you kiss."

She has a delicate look of fear.

"Then it's okay to kiss."

Tang Muchen immediately attacked a hungry wolf.

But hulena seemed to have expected his action and shifted her position early.

Chuckle: "today I took advantage of you, which is the maximum limit."

"Don't go any further."

"I'm not going to eat today's meal. You're taking advantage of it unconsciously."

"Primary school brother, I'll go first ~"

With a melodious tone and silver high heels.

Hu Liena waved to Tang Muchen, opened the door and left with a smile. What remained in the air was her faint aroma.

And Tang Muchen sighed: "it's still too urgent."

"But I'm not going to eat it on a date."

"After all, it's a good start."

Suddenly, an evil smile appeared on his face.

"In other words, why didn't I confirm the relationship every time? That's it."

Sister Tang Yuehua kissed when she didn't confirm the relationship.

Ning Rongrong is also like this. He helped himself move his muscles and bones and activate his veins in fanwaizhong. Let yourself feel that you are a winner in life.

Zhu Zhuqing is the same. In that dark grove, the little wild cat tried the beauty of fishy smell for the first time.

Gu Yuena, too, was clearly not a girlfriend in the room, but she was beaten up by herself and was forced to have some wonderful relationships with herself.

Now, hulina is the same. When she has only a simple friend relationship, she has won her first kiss and second kiss.

I always feel like a doomed bastard.

Tang Muchen said so.

You finally understand, asshole scum man.

After a while, Tang Muchen also stood up from the sofa.

"Although we are in a hurry today, the results are still very good."

"At least I like the taste of the little fox's lips."

Recall the sweet and soft taste.

Her warm words and soft words whispered Chuan's breath. Her bright eyes were stained with a trace of water, and her quiet pretty face was full of a trace of ruddy.

I believe no teenager will fall.

There was an astringent smile on his face.

The first time, there is the second time, which is endless

This is Tang Muchen's theory and what he wants to stick to.

Gently opening the door, he took a final look at the illegal place and left.

Of course, before he left, he didn't forget to bring a glass of Oreo condensed milk to his girlfriend at home.

After all, if you are dating outside, your girlfriend should be compassionate.

After all, I am Muchen, scum man and Tang.


Close to his villa, the breeze blew through Tang Muchen's broken hair, and the small pool on one side had a slight microwave.

Rippling, Tang Muchen just wiped his eyes a little, but quietly found a beautiful girl in a long silver dress standing in the wind in the distance.

The gentle wind brought up her long silver hair, and the long silver skirt danced with the wind, outlining the girl's good figure.

Big purple eyes stared at the front, and the target was Tang Muchen.

The picturesque pretty face finally showed his little face when he saw Tang Muchen.

Small mouth slightly open, rippling with a shallow smile.

It's autumn, but it feels like spring breeze.

I think it's because the girl in front of me is too moving.

Tang Muchen also looked at the front and couldn't help smiling.

Perhaps only two people who really love each other will look at each other and show a happy smile.

The pace is accelerated. Tang Muchen wants to return to miss Yinlong Wang quickly and drive the behavior. Therefore, he always has the feeling of three steps and one step.

Xu was a little excited. He also waved on his own initiative.

Slowly, closer.

Tang Muchen stepped into the field with a long leg of 1.2 meters, and his eyes closely watched her delicate face.

Open your hands, which means to hold each other.

Miss Yinlong Wang and he are of the same mind. Naturally, she understands what he means.

There was a sense of joy in her heart. She surrounded each other's arms and felt the warmth of her chest.

To tell the truth, they spent too long together and were tired of being together all day. Miss Yinlong Wang naturally formed the habit of sticking to Tang Muchen.

I haven't seen him for a long time. Naturally, I miss him very much.

Therefore, the thoughts in her heart drove her behavior and made her go to the door to wait for her boyfriend for the first time.

The boyfriend and girlfriend are still holding together after all, but the man was still kissing with other girls just now

It's disgusting, but it's also exciting.