Come to Douluo, you're not a scumbag

Chapter 345

Holding his big hand with his back hand, his eyes looked at each other and saw a little shyness.

Hulina closed her beautiful eyes and her trembling lips took the initiative to a go up.

Her brain was slightly shaken, which was also the main reason for her doing so.

Of course, if the secondary reason is, of course, she has some good feelings for Tang Muchen.

Otherwise, no matter how dizzy your head is, you won't do such a thing to a man.

As for this, you can refer to Yan's situation.

After licking for so many years, I didn't even touch my little hand.

Instead, Tang Muchen, who had known each other for less than a month and spent no more than a day together, did what he wanted to do in his life. I have to say that this is a great irony.

[Yan, you can go at ease. I'll take good care of the girl you like.]

The idea emerged in his heart. Tang Muchen was naturally cool.

I was immersed in my mind to accept hulena's second kiss.

After all, this lady is inexperienced and needs her own guidance.

Slightly opened her eyes, the girl in front blinked her long eyelashes and closed her eyes tightly. She couldn't see what was reflected in her eyes. It should be shy.

But Tang Muchen knew how bright the girl's eyes were like stars.

After all, the girl's lips are trembling.

But it's also interesting

This bad idea suddenly appeared in Tang Muchen's heart.

After all, the girl in front of me is a girl who has received charm training. How interesting it is to show her purity.

Because she has not received serious training, she will fall into the disadvantage in her contact with herself.

Well, how about this? I'll educate her.

Let her really learn how to align with men and know how not to fall into an inferior state of mind in front of herself.

But the price of all this is everything in the future, which will be related to me.

This is an unprovoked delusion in every boy's heart.

As a normal man, Tang Muchen is naturally not free from vulgarity.

[well, in short, enjoy the delicious food of the little fox first.]

He put his eyes on the wall again and began to enjoy the second kiss of sister hulena.

In fact, I let her finish the bet, but she didn't leave after she a came up.

His face showed a ruddy color, and I don't know why.

But Tang Muchen also knew that this situation was also the best time for him to operate secretly.

Immerse yourself, open the door and let the mermaid sneak in.

When her body trembled slightly, they completed what their first kiss had not done.

That is, go deep into Qian.

Hulena's soft sweet tongue is tender, and at the same time, it has the magic of attracting people to continuously Shun suck.

The strange sound of TUT tut kept circling around the room, which really made Tang Muchen enjoy a different taste.

I don't know how long it took, the twists and turns of the battle finally ended with a strange sound.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

Alone on a soft cushion, hulena was breathing.

It seems that the intimate contact just now took too long, which led to her short-term lack of oxygen.

With the violent breathing, her conscience was trembling.

The short blond hair is a little disordered and sticky. It is estimated that it is because the situation just now is too hot, which leads to sweating and hair contamination.

The red lips are slightly dizzy and swollen, and even some silver filaments stay on the small mouth.

To be honest, it's beautiful. At least Tang Muchen has been stunned.

If you ask Tang Muchen what kind of girl she likes best.

Then Tang Muchen will answer without hesitation.

"I like girls who have a sense of contrast."

I believe everyone knows and knows. If you don't know, you should learn to pretend to understand.

At least, today's hulina is dressed up as a pure and beautiful girl. Her youth is a true portrayal of her.

At this moment, she with silver thread on her small mouth and ruddy complexion is a normal boy. She always feels that there is such a trace

A little what?

I believe you know everything. Don't pretend if you don't know. I've seen it for a long time.

"I have to say, Xuejie is definitely the girl who keeps her promise most I've ever seen."

Tang Muchen, like the man after he finished, crossed his legs, narrowed his eyes there and commented.

"I like dealing with girls who keep their promises like my sister."

Xu Shi's long breath made her recover a little strength. She raised her watery eyes and looked at Tang Muchen.

The youthful face echoes with the moist eyes, but there is no feeling of youth, only endless charm.


This is the voice of Tang Muchen swallowing saliva.

"What a bad student ~"

The slightly elongated tone seemed to show her good mood.

The girl in front burst into a beautiful smile, but Tang Muchen secretly felt a little flustered.

Because this kind of hulina should be the real one, the one who likes to flirt with people.

In other words, did you slow down from the state that your first kiss and second kiss were taken away so soon?

Worthy of my little fox.

"I've given you a lot of sweets today."

Hulina twisted her delicate body and moved towards Tang Muchen.

Gently support the sofa with your hands, and then move your rounded hips.

Bursts of fragrance leaned against the tip of Tang Muchen's nose, which seemed to make him itch.

[damn, is this the hulena who has been in contact with men?]

Tang Muchen shouted in his heart.

Don't stop, more

The little pink hand propped up his chin, and she breathed out like blue.

"To be honest, what do you think of my sister's lip flap? Is it soft or not?"

She flirted with Tang Muchen with a smile.

"Cough, it's naturally very soft."

Tang Muchen said these words with a red face and a heart.

"I like it very much."

This sentence was said before she asked.

Looking at her slightly stunned and happy face, Tang Muchen also smiled.

[yes, this kind of has a taste. Only hulena who can flirt with others is the real her.]

Bei teeth gently bite the lower lip.

She looked at him with some resentment.

"Brother, if I say, you can do these things to me in the future, but you must help me in the future, will you agree?"

The sweet and greasy aroma around him seemed to stop his thoughts.

"Of course."

Tang Muchen smiled.

Do you think I'll hesitate? I don't like you

This is called inversion

The big hand wanted to hug his waist, but he was dodged when he almost touched it.

"I lied to you."

She smiled away.