CEO Mr. Huo,Please take care of me

Chapter 341

Apologize? Lu Qihang looks at his wife holding her baby. "No problem, what would you like to eat? When are you free? "

"Tomorrow noon, place you book, after all, I haven't been in Yuecheng for a long time."

"OK, this is your mobile number? I'll contact you tomorrow. "

"Well, then Goodbye, uncle! "


Song Ci held his son and looked at Lu Qihang excitedly. "How about that? Is Yaxuan going to invite us to dinner? "

Lu Qihang nodded with a smile and sat down beside the bed. "She said she would apologize to us and let me take your aunt."

Apologize? "Why is Yaxuan sorry for us?" Song Ci is confused.

Lu Qihang stall, "how do I know? I can't understand the girl's mind. Let's meet tomorrow!" Then Lu Qihang pinched his son's face and told him, "little boy, tomorrow my father will take you to see my sister!"

Little guy was just over one year old. When he was learning to talk, he heard two words from his elder sister, and he babbled, "elder sister Sister.

Song Ci happily kisses the little guy on the face, "it's my son, Xiaoduo is really smart!"

Lu Qihang put his wife in his arms and said thoughtfully, "don't tell her Lingshen is going to be engaged to Siyan after seeing Ya Xuan tomorrow, do you know?"

"Didn't ya Xuan come back some time ago? It must have been known for a long time, but I would like to ask ya Xuan why she said that Huo Ling was dead and the news. "

Lu Qihang shook his head. "I know that Huo Yilin lied to her that Ling Chen is dead in order to test the loyalty of Ya Xuan to Ling Chen in the year However, it's very troublesome. I don't know what happened to them. At last, Yaxuan told me that the scandals were true before he disappeared She should have something to hide. "

However, Han Xiao and Li Jingchen, who didn't know Nian Yaxuan, believed so deeply that they were hostile to her and didn't even pay much attention to his brother later.

Song Ci was worried and said, "Ya Xuan really Betrayed Ling Chen? I don't think so. Let's not say if she has the courage. I don't think Yaxuan will do that. What about the baby in her stomach? Did you do it? "

"Yes, she told me personally. Don't ask her this question tomorrow. We have children now. It's not easy to know that being a parent is not easy. What's more, it's not easy to lose a child. As for whether he betrayed Huo Lingshen, I don't think so. " Even if Nian Yaxuan admits it, he doesn't believe it.

Song Ci put his head on the man's shoulder. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow and ask her."

This way, Nian Yaxuan goes back to her room and takes a bath. She makes a video call for her daughter. After watching her daughter fall asleep, she rolls on the bed bored. Finally, it was decided that Huo Lingshen would send a wechat message, harass and harass him, "Uncle Huo, what are you doing?"

Huo Lingchen, who just came out of the study, heard his cell phone ring and took a look. Li Siyan happened to be nearby and asked casually, "who is it? Are you still busy? "

Huo Lingchen closes his cell phone. "Nothing to do. Don't be busy. I'll go back to my room and take a bath. You can have a rest earlier."

Li Siyan nodded and watched the man enter her room. She thought for a moment before returning to her room.

Back in the bedroom, Huo Lingchen turns on his mobile phone and replies, "ready to take a bath."

Yaxuan's typing speed was very fast. "Do you want to wash it together? I have a bathtub here. It's so big. It's the kind that can wash mandarin ducks

Huo Lingshen looks at the screen silently and is deep in thought, especially remembering that he didn't do the whole thing in Z country that night. Huo Lingshen feels that his whole person is not good.

Then I didn't reply to her and went straight to the bathroom.

Knowing that he won't pay attention to her flirtation, Nian Yaxuan sent her words without passing her brain. After waiting for Huo Lingshen's reply for half a day, she also died.

Well, well, "don't be angry. I'm alone upstairs. It's cold and lonely. You can take your girlfriend and sleep well."! "Ah!"

After waiting for a while, Nian Yaxuan said again, "take a dog walk tomorrow evening! See you and see you! " These days when she went to country Z, she gave haha to the pet shop for foster care. When she finished eating with Lu Qihang at noon tomorrow, she brought haha back.

In the morning, Yaxuan got up early from the bed, because she knew that Huo Lingshen would get up and run at six o'clock in the morning before, but later because she liked running at night, she also became running at night. Now she wants to try. At this time, go down to see if she can meet Huo Lingshen.

At ten past six, Nian Yaxuan went downstairs without washing her face.

After a walk around the community, there are several people running along the way, but they just don't see Huo Lingchen. Is it her miscalculation?

Just when she was about to give up, she accidentally saw a familiar figure jogging on another road. The man was wearing a gray sportswear, with big sweat beads on his forehead. It seemed that the running time was not short.

When you look at it, it's not Huo Lingshen?

Nian Yaxuan's eyes were shining, and she rushed to it.

"Hi, uncle Huo, what a coincidence!" Nian Yaxuan is happy to run side by side with him.

Holling looked at her. "It's a coincidence." Coincidentally, we all know each other.

"What time do you come down to run every day? What about your girlfriend? Not with you? In fact, I like running very much. I can accompany you every morning! " Every time Yaxuan appears, he chirps out a courtship signal to him.

"No, I don't live here sometimes!" The reason why I live with Li Siyan is because of Huo Yilin's request. He can't refuse a father's desire to be a grandfather.

In the first day, he did sleep in the same room with Li Siyan, but he had no interest in Li Siyan, so he went to sleep separately in the middle of the night with the quilt.

Hearing this, Nian Yaxuan was a little disappointed, and then said, "where are you still living? I can move in! "

"East side, so do you want to rebuild a manor nearby?"

Yaxuan shut up immediately. The manor was not built by anyone who wanted to.

Two people ran around the community for two times. Huo Lingchen looked at a thoughtful woman. She seemed to have good physical strength. She ran for at least 1000 meters in two circles, but she didn't breathe very much.

"Uncle Huo, do you run to lose weight?"

"No." He replied indifferently.

"That's to keep fit!" In, Yaxuan is excited to get close to Huo Lingshen. "I have a way to lose weight. I can reduce two pounds immediately. Do you want to try it?"

Knowing it was her idea, Huo Ling sneered scornfully and ignored her.

Nian Yaxuan didn't mind, pretending to ask mysteriously, "aren't you curious?"