CEO Mr. Huo,Please take care of me

Chapter 340

Wen Yu looked at her contract. "Your contract with the company is about to expire. Now that you have taken the first step back to Yuecheng, don't limit yourself to the development of country Z. I believe your strength will be even hotter."


Wenyu knows what she's worried about. "In a month's time, if there's no other company signing you, you can come back to Wenyu. If there's a better development platform, you can sign it."

"How can this work! Brother Wen, I will not do this. Even if I continue to develop in other places, I will continue to sign a contract with Wen. " The company pays a lot because of her. If she chooses to leave Wynn when she is most popular, what's the difference between her and ingratitude?

"Don't worry, Ya Xuan. Hua Yue entertainment, a subsidiary of ZL group, is one of the largest companies in the world. It's good for you to find a way to sign in to ZL group. The exposure rate is much higher than that of you at Wynn. What's the reason why you gave up all the work of press conference, Album Signing conference and meeting conference? "

Why Nian Yaxuan is silent.

After a while, she still refused, "no, I'll rely on Wynn's family for my whole life. I won't go anywhere!"

Wenyu can't help laughing, "you, you are so disobedient! There are a lot of money spinners in Wynn's, and there are a lot of money spinners without you. Let you think about Huayue entertainment because it happens to be under the jurisdiction of Huo Lingshen. Isn't it for him that you go back to Yuecheng? "

“……” Is Huayue under the jurisdiction of Huo Lingshen? That's to say if she signs a contract with Huayue entertainment, it's Huo Lingshen's people? The answer made her a little hot.

Knowing that she hesitated, Wen Yu took advantage of the victory and pursued, "I'm sure you will find Huo Lingchen. When you are together, you still need to stay in Yuecheng for a long time, don't you?"

“……” Wen Yu is right, "but there are more colorful money trees..."

"No, but they are them, you are you, different! In this way, if you can get Huayue to sign you, you will stay in Yuecheng. If there is any accident, you will return to Wynn, eh? "

In an instant, Yaxuan choked, "brother Wen, how can you treat me so well?"

"Of course it's because I'm a daughter! If it wasn't for my daughter to return to my father's arms earlier, who cares so much about you stupid girl! " Wenyu is joking with her.

In, Yaxuan wiped her wet eyes with the back of her hand. "Thank you, brother Wen."

"You're welcome. I'll release the news that you're going to a concert in Yuecheng, and arrange to start booking as soon as possible..." Wen Yu explained some of the work arrangements, and the two ended the conversation.

Looking at the black mobile screen, Wen Yu's behavior reminds Nian Yaxuan of a man, Lu Qihang.

I was so nice to her in Yuecheng before Thinking of this, she sent Han Huiming a message, "send me President Lu's contact information."

In, Yaxuan didn't wait for Han Huiming's phone number, but directly waited for his number. "Are you going back to Yuecheng? You have no conscience. You don't contact me and Xiaoke. We must be fake good friends!"

In, Yaxuan was teased by him and explained patiently, "I just arrived in Yuecheng, and I felt very guilty to headmaster Lu. People who are better than my own brother to me, how can I cry to my uncle face to face?"

"It's said that President Lu is working as a baby father recently. I'll send him a call to you later. Come out and get together when you're free. Don't just think about your man! It's nice to think about other men, like me! " Han Huiming made fun of her.

"Think about you? OK, I'll call Siyu and tell her that her boyfriend has another woman in mind! "

"Hello hello, brother Nian, you don't bring such a thing! You don't know. Siyu is riding on my head now. She beats her every day. When you come back, it's just the right time. Please help me and speak good words for me. "

Nian Yaxuan chuckles and uncomfortably criticizes him, "who was bothered by my family's Yoga? Now I run after my family every day to think about yoga? "

Han Huiming is embarrassed to scratch the back of his head. "Don't say that, do you want to come back to Yuecheng for development? Siyu has also received several advertisements recently. You can march into the entertainment circle together. "

"I I have this plan, but I don't enter the entertainment circle, and I'm not interested in acting. The most I can do is to be a singer. "

"Yes, how are you and your man? Do you need my help? "

Yaxuan was once again moved. "You are very kind to me. You don't need your help. Just take good care of Siyu. If you really need your help, I'll call you."

It's nice to have them friends!

"OK, I'll see a client later and talk to him another day." Han Huiming said and hung up, then quickly sent a group of phone numbers.

Nianyaxuan hesitated for a long time at this group of phone numbers, and didn't know what to say when dialing.

Forget it! Even an apology for Lu Qi's Waterway would be fine, but somehow she could feel better.

The phone was quickly put through, but a woman answered, "hello."

Nianyaxuan asked carefully, "sister Song Ci?"

"I am Song Ci, you are "Ah!" There was a sudden exclamation, "you are Yaxuan! Ya Xuan, is it really you? "

Song Ci's excitement made Nian Yaxuan's eyes red. She nodded her head casually, "it's me It's me, sister Song Ci. "

"You stinky girl, I didn't know to come back to see us in country Z these three years. I have been to country Z several times, but I didn't have a chance to find you. Did you come back to Yuecheng?"

"Well, I'm calling principal Lu to invite you to dinner."

"Well, wait a minute!" Song Ci yelled at his voice twice, "husband, husband --"

the voice of Lu Qihang was coming from the opposite side very quickly. We could feel that Lu Qihang's voice was still so warm across the phone, "what's the matter? My wife, my phone? "

"Yes, guess who?" Song Ci gives Lu Qihang a cell phone that only displays a string of phone numbers.

Lu Qihang hands the baby in his arms to Song Ci, puts the phone to his ear doubtfully, pushes his glasses and says, "Hello, who is that?"

"Uncle, it's me, Yaxuan."

Lu Qihang didn't know what to say for a while. Nian Yaxuan's voice was enough to make Lu Qihang a little panicked. She called his uncle again there, and Lu Qihang smiled silently.

This silly boy! "Back?"

"Well, back." Nian Yaxuan choked a little.

Lu Qihang nodded and said with concern, "just come back, is it OK over there?"

"Very good, uncle, I think Please have a meal with your aunt and apologize to you formally. " Nian Yaxuan says what he's calling for.