CEO Mr. Huo,Please take care of me

Chapter 327

"..." Once again, Huo Ling was teased by surprise. A suspicious red color appeared in her ears, and then she was oppressed by anger. "Miss Nian's casualness is really impressive!"

Nian Yaxuan didn't mind. He patted his suit collar lightly, which was completely free of dust. "You didn't say that at the beginning. What you like most is my initiative..."

Then I arranged his tie intimately, "since we got married, I've been tying all your ties. And what about the wine red tie I bought for you? At that time, you disliked the color and the design of the bag. It was suitable for a man like Han Xiao. You refused to wear anything. Later, you couldn't help me to be coquettish for you, so you often wear it Uncle Huo, do you still have it... "

“……” Wine red tie? He did seem to have a Burgundy tie in the cloakroom of the estate, but he never wore it.

Feeling that this woman is really unusual, Huo Ling glanced at her coldly, "come near me later, don't blame me for being rude!" The tone is full of warnings. He is about to be engaged to Li Siyan now. He should keep a distance from all the women.

Nian Yaxuan was not afraid of him at all. He said seriously, dragging his chin, "normally, if Huo is always kissed by a strange woman, then that woman is dead at the moment. Except for me Who makes me your doomed wife? Now for Mr. Huo, I'm also a strange woman, but Mr. Huo doesn't let anyone do it. It seems that you prefer me to kiss you! "

"Shut up!" Huo Ling's face sank completely.

She seems to be right I remember that Li Siyan kissed him for the first time. Although Huo Lingshen didn't refuse, he was a little upset.

And the woman named Nian Yaxuan kisses him voluntarily. Instead of being disgusted, he feels different and beautiful This woman is not only not afraid of him, but has been challenging him! Damn it!

What's worse is that he, she came to tease herself over and over again, and she didn't even have the intention to be cruel to her Think of here, Huo Ling turns round indifferently, covers the mood in the eyes, strides to the outside of the private room.

Looking at the back of his departure, Nian Yaxuan didn't chase him out immediately. In order to avoid gossiping, Huo Ling was chosen to go back five minutes later.

What she didn't know was that during their absence, someone had already told President Xu about the two men's past.

However, they did not have the courage to discuss in front of Huo Lingshen, so when Huo Lingshen came back, they immediately changed the topic.

Xu, who used to like Nian Yaxuan's character, also had doubts about her because of her past scandals.

Huo Lingchen is not the one who can wait until the end of the party to leave at all, so when you say that I am excited, his assistant comes in from outside. Whispering in his ear, the man stood up from his position and said goodbye.

Even though Huo Lingshen is the general manager of ZL group, he doesn't dare to belittle him. Everyone knows that ZL group will come back to him sooner or later. So as soon as Huo Lingshen got up to leave, everyone got up.

Nian Yaxuan, who was eating, quickly cleaned her mouth and stepped out of the compartment to keep up with the people ahead.

There are too many people to send Huo Ling out of the hotel, and Nian Yaxuan is pushed to the back when she can't rely on him.

Huo Lingchen's car stopped at the door of the hotel. The driver opened the back seat door and sat in the car under the warm escort of president Xu.

Seeing the driver close the door to Huo Lingshen, there is only one open window. The driver has also returned to the driver to fasten his seat belt, and the car shows signs of leaving at any time.

Nian Yaxuan was a little worried. She stepped on high heels and walked around the crowd to stop Huo Lingchen. Unfortunately, a tall and strong man nearby didn't see her. She rushed to the front faster than her to say goodbye to Huo Lingchen.

Because of his fast speed and large size, Nian Yaxuan, wearing high-heeled shoes, was suddenly knocked down on the ground.

"Ah..." With a cry, she fell to the ground.

When they saw this sudden scene, they were a little foolish, and all their eyes fell on the woman who fell on the ground.

In, Yaxuan hurriedly pulled her skirt. The man who had just run into her hurriedly turned around and helped her up. "I'm sorry, it's not intentional."

Nianyaxuan slowly stands up from the ground and looks at the skinned knee, which has oozed blood.

"Ah! My legs are bleeding! " I don't know who shouted, and the eyes of the crowd fell on her knees.

There was a lot of pain on her knee. Nian Yaxuan clenched her teeth, arranged her clothes, covered the wound on her knee with a skirt, and then raised a smile, "I'm sorry to make you laugh..."

A female manager in the crowd, for the sake of all women, paid more attention to her, "is Miss Nian OK?"

Nianyaxuan replied with a smile, "thank you, I'm ok."

The farce temporarily drew down the curtain, and people continued to send Huo Lingshen away, but this time Huo Lingshen didn't stay too long, just closed the window and left here.

Nian Yaxuan, "..." She wanted to die. Pilei's face depended on Huo Lingshen to take her away from here. She lost the chance due to a small accident

After all, it was a young woman. Several gentlemanly men asked whether to let the driver take her to the hospital.

Huo Lingshen leaves and takes her heart away. Nian Yaxuan shakes her head sadly. "Thank you for your kindness. It's just a small injury. I'll take a taxi myself." It's just that she didn't have a reason to leave ahead of time, so there is.

Rejected everyone's kindness and watched everyone return to the hotel.

Nianyaxuan took a deep breath, turned out a tissue from his bag, wiped the blood on his leg, and dragged his injured right leg to the side of the road.

Every step she took, she showed her teeth in pain, and the place where she was injured became purple in a short time.

After waiting for a few minutes on the side of the road, there was no empty taxi.

When Nian Yaxuan wanted to give up, a familiar car came into sight.

There's a surprise in her head. Isn't he gone? Why are you back? Is it for her

The excitement engulfed her mind. Nian Yaxuan could not care about the pain of the wound and waved to the traveling emperor.

The driver in the car first saw Nian Yaxuan's, slowed down and told Huo Lingchen, "Mr. Huo, the young lady who just had dinner with you is blocking the bus."

Huo Lingchen didn't speak, and the driver didn't know whether to stop. However, Nian Yaxuan saw that they didn't stop. He boldly blocked the way of the car with his body