CEO Mr. Huo,Please take care of me

Chapter 326

"No need! We are not children. Hurry up. " In, Yaxuan pushed Han Huiming to the main driver and finally told him, "don't forget to contact me when Siyu comes back these two days!"

"All right! Be safe on your way. "

Han Huiming leaves. Nian Yaxuan and Zheng Xiaoke pull their suitcases to the side of the road and wait for the car. The car hasn't stopped. Nian Yaxuan's cell phone rings, "Hello, brother Wen."

"Ya Xuan, aren't you in Yuecheng? If you're not busy, go to the hotel and have a dinner. "

"Dinner? This time? " Yaxuan took a look at it. It's 9:20.

"Well, you went back to Yuecheng in a hurry, offended many advertisers and went to have a meal with President Xu to apologize or something."

“…… All right! "

It's very helpless to give her suitcase to Zheng Xiaoke. She doesn't have to ask Zheng Xiaoke to know what she's going to do. "I'll go with you?"

"No, you wait for me at home!"

"Well, call me when you're finished, and I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

"Well, good!"

It's almost ten o'clock since arriving at the Imperial Hotel. Nian Yaxuan is in the grand hotel. He turns with the waiter for a long time before he finds the room that Wen Yu said.

Before the waiter opened the door, she quickly mended the lipstick to make herself look more energetic.

Entering a private room of more than a dozen people, the strong smell of wine and tobacco came to her, and she frowned slightly.

Don't give her too long to adapt, a loud voice came, "ah, the big star is coming! It's rare to see Nian Yaxuan in Yuecheng! "

This voice is very special, because often exercise the body sound has the foundation and the sonorous. Nian Yaxuan knows that he is the head of a media company headquartered in country Z.

Nian Yaxuan has dealt with him twice. He is straightforward and their relationship is OK.

She raised her smiling face. Under the leadership of her host, she sat down in an empty position prepared in advance, raised her sincere smile and said hello to him, "Xu..."

She had just opened her mouth when she saw that the man in the Throne made her face change.

He It's here anyway.

Aware of his gaffe, Nian Yaxuan hurriedly adjusted himself. "President Xu, I've been joking. I haven't seen you for a long time. I'd like to drink to President Xu." Since he came to apologize, Nian Yaxuan sincerely lifted the glass full of wine in front of him.

Yu Guang sees the silent man on the throne. She presses down her heart and drinks all the white wine in the cup.

President Xu laughed and said, "OK! Refreshed! Ya Xuan, next time, you can't pigeon me! "

After drinking white water and slowing down the stimulation of alcohol, Yaxuan said softly, "of course not, president Xu is relieved. If there is no important thing to come back to Yuecheng this time, President Wen is afraid of delaying president Xu's business, so he decides to change people."

Mr. Xu nodded. "I understand. If there is another time, I will not be so good at talking! You will surely be compensated for the liquidated damages! "

"Thank you very much, Mr. Xu. Let me have another toast!" A fine of three drinks is inevitable for Nian Yaxuan.

Pick up the wine divider beside you and fill yourself with two cups of white wine.

President Xu didn't want to offend Wen Yu, so he didn't mention the matter again. He took the initiative to introduce the distinguished guests present to Nian Yaxuan, "Yaxuan, I'd like to introduce an important VIP to you, that is, general manager of ZL group Huo Lingchen, general manager Huo, and this is Nian Yaxuan, a famous singer in our country Z."

Dinner was a little quiet, because people who had been in Yuecheng for a long time recognized Nian Yaxuan.

Nian Yaxuan takes a breath. She doesn't want to find embarrassment in front of so many people. Since Huo Lingshen has forgotten her, she pretends that she has never seen her nod to Huo Lingshen. "Hello, Mr. Huo, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Huo Ling's deep eyes glanced at the woman, nodded lightly, and said nothing.

As we all know, Huo Lingshen's temperament is not surprising.

Later, Nian Yaxuan tried to hide herself as much as possible because Huo Lingshen was here. She was nervous

During the dinner, Huo Lingchen's personal cell phone rang. He nodded to the people around him, and took his cell phone out of the compartment to answer the phone.

Yaxuan's eyes turned for a moment, waited for a minute, and left quietly.

After finding Huo Lingchen's man in a circle outside the private room, Nian Yaxuan had to give up. In order to cover up the embarrassment of not finding him, she went to the bathroom.

On the way out of the bathroom, he inadvertently saw Huo Lingchen. He originally came out of a private room with his mobile phone, but he walked in again because it rang again.

Nian Yaxuan trotted all the way here. There was no one in the corridor right now. She did not hesitate to open the compartment door.

There was only a dark light in it. Huo Lingchen was standing by the window to answer the phone.

When he heard something moving on the door, he called and turned around Soon, I'll talk about it tomorrow... "

Seeing the person clearly, the man just paused and didn't say anything to continue to call.

Yaxuan turns around the dining table and comes to him.

In the dark private room, because there is one more man and one more woman, there is a faint and ambiguous atmosphere.

Although Huo Lingchen has been on the phone, his eyes have been on Nian Yaxuan. Watch her come from the door and stand in front of him.

Nian Yaxuan smiles gently, with a bad intention in her smile. Suddenly, she makes a bold move: step forward and hold the man tightly.

She clearly felt that the man's body suddenly froze. Taking this opportunity, she stood on tiptoe and kissed his thin lips

Although it's a kiss, it makes Huo Lingshen feel different.

It's not that he hasn't kissed Li Siyan, but it's also a shallow kiss like the one that Nian Yaxuan gave him, but it's not that nice

Nian Yaxuan is also very smart. Before the man can pull her apart, she takes the initiative to step back and smile, "Uncle Huo, your taste is still as good as before..." A soft voice stirred his heart.

Just when she wanted to turn around and leave, her wrist was under a strong control.

She turns around, her wrist is pulled by him "Uncle Huo, didn't you enjoy yourself?" Before, he did not tease her less. Now, she wants to return all the things he did to her

Huo Lingshen ends the call, puts away his mobile phone, looks at her with a deep and dark eyes, "what do you want to do?"

Nian Yaxuan is more interested in this topic. He takes the initiative to hold the palm of his wrist and lingers back and forth.

“……” Instead of being teased, Huo Lingshen is speechless.

Thinking that they had nothing to do with each other, the man suddenly let go of her and opened up the distance with her

"What do you want to do?" Nian Yaxuan put on a bad smile again, "do you know how you answered me when I asked you this question?"

Men's cold eyes with doubts.

Nian Yaxuan crossed over and came close to his ear and said, " You... "