Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 636


Li Xian whispered these two words. Although Xue Rengui and others said that the Xueling people could be trusted, it was hard to say that he had not contacted the Xueling people.

However, it would be better to enter the Northern Song Dynasty through the ice wall. Li Xian finally decided to contact the Xueling people first.

The next morning, according to Li Xian's request, the army mobilized to completely block the journey between Anning town and the holy city to prevent someone from sneaking back to the Northern Song Dynasty.

At the same time, let Xue Rengui in the front line make a false impression of insufficient supplies, which naturally does not need Li Xian to worry about.

On the other hand, Li Xian ordered his troops to gather in Anning Town, and he led Zhan Zhao and 3000 elite royal guards to enter the ice wall first to see what happened.

It's as if the ice wall is thousands of feet high. It's not very difficult for the practitioners of Yuanying realm to climb, but as they get higher and higher, there are fewer places to stay and rest. Even the practitioners are prone to accidents due to poor mental ability, let alone ordinary soldiers.

Although Li Xian had prepared for the climb, at the beginning of the climb, he counted more than ten celebrities, which obviously meant that he had a bad start.

Li Xian couldn't help looking at the girl of Xueling nationality called ling'er, with a dignified twinkle between her eyebrows.

Meanwhile, in the camp of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Pu anxiously found Zhao Kuangyin.

"Your Majesty, the event is not good. I'm afraid the whole army will be destroyed when we sneak into the snow."

Zhao Pu said in a slightly trembling voice.

"What did you say?"

Zhao Kuangyin suddenly got up. The unstoppable vanguard was a team he had worked hard to build. It took him a lot of manpower and material resources to build it. What is the total annihilation.

"Your Majesty, before General Gao entered the snow field that day, I once gave him a wisp of wolf king spirit to avoid the wolf demons in the snow field in turn. But now that wisp of spirit is broken, I think it should be general Gao who died for his country."

Zhao Pu's voice trembled more and more, and he naturally understood what it meant to say, but he knew better what was waiting for them if he didn't say it.

"Well, Huaide, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Hearing this, Zhao Kuangyin almost fell to the ground. Zhao Pu quickly picked him up and said, "Your Majesty, take care of the dragon."

"You tell me why, why."

Zhao Kuangyin grabs Zhao Pu's collar and asks harshly, "it's not that this plan is infallible. It's not that this plan can greatly defeat the Tang army. Why is it so?"

"Your Majesty, your majesty, we still have a chance. We still have a chance."

Zhao Pu said in a hurry.

"Sire, I think the Tang army seems to be showing signs of fatigue and instability these two days. It should be Li Xian's tactics to tempt us to attack. In the same way, we can deal with them in the same way. There is more than one way to go to war in the snow plain."

Zhao Pu said in a hurry.

"You mean with them."

"Yes, your majesty, this matter is not only our Northern Song Dynasty's, but everyone has a share. Your majesty has lost so much, you must ask them to give some blood."

Zhao Pu said carefully.

Zhao Kuangyin frowned and looked at the map in front of him, obviously thinking about something.

If it wasn't for some reason that he couldn't refuse, Zhao Kuangyin would never choose to fight against the Tang Dynasty. But now, how to win this war is the key problem.

"Go and bring them. It's time to have a good chat with the emperors of houshu and the Southern Tang Dynasty."

In the end, Zhao Kuangyin finally made a decision and said firmly.

On the other hand, Li Xian and others, who have finally read the ice wall, are stunned at the world in front of them. On the contrary, ling'er is extremely happy and smiles.

"Sire, is there such a mystery in the world?"

Zhan Zhao said with a dull look.

Not only him, but also Li Xian did not expect that the world behind the ice wall would be like this.

At the moment, there is a large forest in front of them, but the forest is made of ice crystals, like a mirror, smooth and visible.

And these huge ice crystals are a few feet small, and they are so big that they can't see the top.

"Count the lost manpower, take a simple rest and be alert."

Li Xian sighed and stepped forward to ling'er.

Seems to have a vigilance for strangers, ling'er instinctively opened a little distance, a pair of pure white eyes staring at Li Xian, seems to want to see through him.

"Is this where you and your people used to live?"

Li Xian showed a kind smile. According to Zhao Yun, the growth of Xueling people is very slow, including the aspect of intelligence. Therefore, despite the fact that the little girl is only 16 or 17 years old in front of her, she may be 100 years old.

"Yes, we lived there at that time. Everything in it is ours."Mentioning the past life, ling'er was obviously very happy and said happily.

"Where are the snow wolf demons? Where are they?"

Li Xian asked again.

"It's over there. It's looking at you."

Ling'er stretched out his hand and pointed to the southeast.

Hearing this, Li Xian's face was on one side, and he quickly spread out his spirit power to explore the direction of ling'er's direction. Sure enough, after a piece of ice crystal, there was a white wolf demon staring at their every move.

"What's the matter? I can't get away from it."

At the moment, Li Xian had 10000 reasons in his heart. He suddenly remembered that Zhao Yun had lived, and the Xueling clan had similar abilities to hide. If he didn't use the spirit power to explore carefully, he would have missed even close at hand.

Looking up, there is an endless forest of ice crystals. How can such a large area keep full of spirit all the time.

"Ling'er, is there only one wolf demon around here?"

Li Xian asked softly.

"Well, this one should be the only one. It's the scout in the wolf demon. After a while, more wolf demons will come, right in that direction."

Say, work properly son stretch out hand, pointed to another direction.

Li Xian Wen Yan looked at ling'er and the empty ice crystal forest. He hesitated.

How many can we believe the words of this ling'er, including the Xueling people? What's their purpose? Why only a little girl who doesn't know how to do such a big thing.

Is ling'er really smart or just pretending to be stupid.

After thinking about it, Li Xian finally made up his mind to make a breakthrough in everything ahead of him.

After all, if the plan is successful, he can defeat the Northern Song army at one stroke. At that time, no matter who is the pusher behind the Northern Song, he will have the strength of the first war.

If not, when the war between the Tang Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty ran out of ammunition and food, some people came out to harvest, wouldn't they be making wedding clothes for people. ..