Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 625

"Li Xian, let's die."

Seeing that Li Xian was suppressed by his own strength, Wang Tianhe sneered. The light of the ice sword in his hand completely locked Li Xian's figure and didn't give him a chance.

"Well, you deserve it."

Li Xian sneered and said, smashing the sword light with his backhand.

"You're looking for death."

"Less nonsense."

While speaking, Wang Tianhe cuts down with a sword, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

However, in the face of such a powerful attack, Li Xian didn't mean to dodge, or even dodge.

What is he going to do? Doesn't he know the gap between the two realms.

Can't he see how powerful this sword is.

Arrogant guy.

In an instant, Wang Tianhe figured out Li Xian's intention.

Li Xian wants to force himself to launch a full attack. Once this attack is unable to kill Li Xian, then he will also fall into the vacant state of spiritual power in a short time.

If you want to be beautiful, just a monk of Yuanying state dares to fight against the attack of the practitioner of fit state. Isn't that a death seeking.

At this point, Wang Tianhe's eyes flashed a fierce color. After a while, the temperature around him dropped a grade. The sword light was like a competition. Wang Tianhe vowed to kill Li Xian with one sword.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

On the other hand, the battle in Chang'an City has also entered a white heat, with mental calculation but no intention. The mighty army of practitioners of wanjianzong has been thoroughly beaten, without temper.

When they saw the battlefield in the middle of Chang'an City, they could not help but scream.

The generals of the Tang Dynasty looked forward one by one, and their faces were full of worry.

From their perspective, we can see that the power of Wang Tianhe's attack is incredible. But what does Li Xian mean if he doesn't dodge.

"It's time."

Seeing the approaching light of the sword, Li Xian became more and more calm, and the sword Qi surrounded him, condensed, waiting for the last moment.

The sword light is getting closer and closer, and the cold chill is more fierce.

At this time, Li Xian's eyes suddenly soared, his Xuanyuan sword was across his chest, and his sword Qi was running in a strange way.

"Mole ants, dare to resist even when they are dying."

Wang Tianhe came with great momentum. The cold ice sword in his hand was full of resentment and ridicule. He would not give Li Xian any chance to counterattack.

This sword is enough to make Li Xian disappear.

He is very clear that the only purpose of Li Xian's doing this is to tempt him to give a full blow, so as to create a chance. However, for Li Xian, this is an opportunity as well as a death.

Wang Tianhe knew that Li Xian would not evade, so he tried his best with this sword

next moment, in the fierce light of the sword, Li Xian's body was hot, like a broken kite flying backwards.

Seeing that it was still at night, all the officers and men of the Tang army were in a panic, and they were at a loss for a moment.

Feeling the spiritual power of Li Xian's gradual disintegration, Wang Tianhe's face exudes a ferocious smile.

It's this kid who made me suffer a great shame.

It's because you can only use up your accomplishments and launch secret arts.

This heat, absolutely can't die so simply.

Wang Tianhe's body flashed and walked step by step towards Li Xian on the ground. It was as if he was declaring that he was the new master here. He released his strong cultivation, even though the army in Chang'an city was very fragile in this situation.

"I'll take this sword."

Wang Tianhe came to the ruins and looked at the Xuanyuan sword. He showed a greedy expression on his face. It was a spirit treasure or even a higher level spirit weapon. It was a waste to fall into this boy's hands.

As Wang Tianhe waved, Xuanyuan sword floated slowly and flew towards him.

All of a sudden, Wang Tianhe's face changed, and his whole body's spiritual power stirred up to form a defense. Almost at the same time, Xuanyuan sword's sharpness was not reduced, and it could wipe Wang Tianhe's cheek.

At the same time, bursts of roar came, under the ruins of a golden dragon circled, boom.

The ruins burst open. Looking back, Li Xian stood up with his sword, where he was slightly injured.

At the next moment, Li Xian leaped forward and stepped on the void, releasing all the imperial power around him. It seemed that he had told the people of the Tang Dynasty that he was not defeated.

Long live the emperor

Long live the emperor

Long live the emperor

For a moment, cheers were everywhere, and the whole Tang Dynasty was boiling.

"How can you survive?"

Wang Tianhe squints at Li Xian. He can't believe Li Xian survived such an attack.

What's this?

Fierce, Wang Tianhe saw the ruins at the foot of Li Xian. He could see a huge array choking in the ruins. He didn't pay attention to it before. At the moment, it seems that this array has gathered a lot of spiritual power."I used to survive in this way, but what else do you have to do this time?"

Holding the ice sword, Wang Tianhe comes step by step.

However, just when Wang Tianhe wanted to hurt the killer, he was stunned. For a moment, he seemed to realize that there was something wrong in it. Looking at Li Xian, he became frightened.

"See, you're not stupid."

Li Xian smiles and raises his arm. Xuanyuan sword floats on his palm, and all kinds of spiritual power floats continuously with the strangeness visible to the naked eye.

Reiki materialization is the standard of fit state.

"You, you use me."

Wang Tianhe can't believe what he saw. It's a great shame that a monk of Yuanying realm broke through the battle with himself.

"I've been trying to figure out how to break through the fitness realm quickly. Later, I found that the spiritual power needed in this process is very huge. In order to thank you for everything you have done, I can give you a happy way to die."

Li Xian's voice suddenly became cold, and Wang Tianhe knew that he was suffering.

This time, Li Xian arranged gathering spirit bursts in the underground of Chang'an City, and with the help of the attack he launched, he forcibly got enough spirit power to break through the realm of Tao combination.

In short, Wang Tianhe helped Li Xian break through this time.

Shame, naked shame.

"Li Xian, I will tear that corpse to pieces."

Wang Tianhe yells angrily, mentioning that the ice is about to attack here. But at this time, there is a thunder. A golden dragon next to Li Xian slowly pokes out his head, and the huge dragon head makes a strange and strange sound to Wang Tianhe.

There was a bang.

With the opening of the dragon's mouth, Wang Tianhe's body was blown out directly, in a mess.

For a moment, people in Chang'an City were at a loss when they saw what happened. ..