Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 624

"Calm down, calm down."

Wang Tianhe tried to calm himself down. Two successive attacks had no effect. On the contrary, he was suppressed by Li Xianyuan and couldn't fight back. This made Wang Tianhe feel very depressed. He had no strength but couldn't show it.

"Why, is this the only skill of master wanjianzong?"

Li Xian's voice suddenly rang out, full of contempt in anticipation.

Wang Tianhe has lived for so many years. How ever has he been ridiculed by a younger generation? However, just when he wanted to fight back, bursts of roar suddenly rang out.

Outside Chang'an City, thousands of practitioners came into the air, with a great momentum.

"Ha ha ha, Li Xian, today is the day when your great Tang Dynasty destroyed your country."

Seeing Wan Jianzong's ambush disciples appear, Wang Tianhe is relieved. Although Li Xian has made him lose face, he can't manage so much now. When the Tang Dynasty is destroyed, no one will remember that he was forced to such an extent by Li Xian.

"Do it."

Wang Tianhe yelled, and more than a thousand practitioners rose up in the city of Chang'an. It was the men and horses that wanjianzong had ambushed in advance.

At the same time, practitioners gathered in all directions outside Chang'an city. Six thousand practitioners of wanjianzong came from all directions like clouds, and they would destroy Chang'an city the next moment.

However, Li Xian just watched with a smile.

"Li Xian, it's still time to surrender."

Wang Tianhe, who seems to have won, smiles. He believes that any dynasty can't resist this kind of power, but he doesn't know why, but he feels uneasy.

"Old man, open your eyes and watch."

Li Xian's voice suddenly came, and Wang Tianhe almost instinctively turned around. He saw a cannon slowly turning its direction on the top of Chang'an city.

"This, this is?"

Wang Tianhe looked at a wisp of starlight from small to big in horror, and his face was full of horror.


With a loud noise, the star cannon was launched, and a bright star light passed like a meteor, falling into the oncoming group of practitioners.

Then, the starlight continued to expand, split, and finally devoured everything around.

All this happened in an instant. Those wanjianzong practitioners were engulfed by Xinghui before they could dodge. Then

Bang bang.

There are also three star cannons in Chang'an city. Although the restart time of each star cannons is very slow, five star cannons are fired in turn, which is enough to make time abundant to form a cycle.

With a loud noise, the monks from wanjianzong disappeared at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's something."

Wang Tianhe couldn't believe his own eyes. What kind of horrible existence was this? He could destroy so many practitioners in an instant.

However, what scares him even more is still to come.

Before the monks who raided Chang'an had time to show their strength, the Xuanwu army had surrounded them.

With the help of the sweeping array, archers line up to shoot.

Whoosh, whoosh.

The arrows penetrated the defense of wanjianzong practitioners without hindrance. A scream came and a corpse fell.

Even those who are lucky enough to escape are waiting for the next attack of the Tang Dynasty.

"How could it be, how could it be."

"Shouldn't we sweep the Tang Dynasty?"

"It shouldn't be Li Xian kneeling on the ground to beg for mercy. How could it be like this?"

Wang Tianhe looked at everything in front of him in horror. All his plays and plans didn't imagine this scene. He even made some bad plans. However, in fact, the reality is far more cruel than he imagined.

"No, it can't end like this."

Wang Tianhe thought of the terrible consequences after this event.

He didn't know how to explain everything in front of him. There was only one goal in his mind.

Kill Li Xian, only kill Li Xian can end this matter.

Yes, kill him.

At this point, Wang Tianhe's face flashed a fierce color.

He cut his finger and drew a strange talisman in front of him with blood.

The next moment, Wang Tianhe's momentum suddenly became strange.

A stream of evil Qi arises spontaneously, and the spiritual power on the body is even more powerful. It becomes dark and cold.

"Is there a way to improve your strength?"

Although I don't know what the other party is up to, Li Xian can guess what he looks like.

"Ten thousand swords are limitless."

Wang Tianhe yelled angrily. With a wave of the ice sword in his hand, countless Blue Sword shadows came out one after another, covering all the surrounding areas.

Although Li Xian's sword Qi attack is difficult, but in front of Wang Tianhe who has improved his strength, the distance of his sword Qi has no advantage.At the moment, the space around them is covered by endless ice. Li Xian can clearly feel that his spiritual power is running slowly and his body is becoming heavy.

"Fortunately, the promotion is not very large."

Li Xianning was calm and had no fear at all. The supreme emperor decided to move to the limit, and the Xuanyuan sword was shining. This magical power can make up for the gap of realm to a great extent.

As a matter of fact, Wang Tianhe is not as powerful as Huang Taiji, which Li Xian can quite confirm.

The difference was that Huang Taiji had been fighting for a long time on that day. Although he had a terrible strength, it was difficult to exert it. Li Xian took the risk and managed to lose both sides.

At the moment, Wang Tianhe is not so easy to deal with, but Li Xian has already stepped on the threshold of fitness. Although Li Xian's chances of winning are not high, it is not that he has no chance.

In the blue shadow of the sword, Wang Tianhe's figure became nihilistic.

The endless chill makes people breathless, and the rampant sword light makes people unable to distinguish between the real and the virtual.

Under the secret technique, Wang Tianhe is like a wild beast at the moment, constantly weakening Li Xian's range of activities, attacking his defense, waiting for a fatal blow.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Li Xian tried his best to hold his ground and find a place to live under the attack of the storm. He knew very well that there was no chance to confront Wang Tianhe at this time.

The only possibility is the moment when the opponent launches the strongest attack, but only if he can sustain it to that time.

Looking back at Li Xian, Wang Tianhe looks ferocious.

Kill him. Kill him.

Today is supposed to be the day when he is famous and shows his strength like cangxuanyu, but it's all because of Li Xian, because of this humble mole ant.

Today has become his most humiliating day.

Kill him. Kill him. ..