Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 607

"What do you think?"

As the eccentric teenager was taken away, Xue Rengui asked with a look of meditation on his face.

"The origin of these people is mysterious. They seem to be able to hide in the wind and snow when they walk. The practitioners in the golden elixir realm can only feel reluctantly. If there are a large number of them, it's a big threat to our army."

Guan Yu twisted his long beard and said.

"What general Guan said is true, but the number of opponents should not be too large. Otherwise, with their ability, they would not just steal something, they should be looters."

Zhao Yun said.

"It seems that we need to solve this serious problem first. Ah, although it's different from the original plan, it can only be so now. You two lead the monk to follow the prisoner and find the other's foothold. Don't start, just explore it first."

Xue Rengui pondered for a moment and made the final decision.

That night, the soldier who was guarding the prisoner fell asleep carelessly. Naturally, the prisoner took the opportunity to slip away, and Xue Rengui was not in a hurry. He directly ordered the army to stop advancing. After setting up camp, he sent the news back to Chang'an.

Xue Rengui is not a general who only obeys orders. Now that the situation has changed, he also needs to change his way of dealing with it. Since it is difficult for the army to move forward in the snowy plain, he simply changes his plan and builds villages, towns and farms in a joint way.

Lay a line of defense first, and then talk about other things. Besides, those eccentric thieves really need time to investigate.

Chang'an City, in the imperial study.

"I have not considered this matter."

After reading the news from Xue Rengui, Li Xian sighed a little depressed.

He ignored the survival ability of ordinary soldiers in the snow, which undoubtedly greatly affected his plan.

"I didn't expect to ask your majesty to surrender."

The ministers in the imperial study immediately pleaded guilty.

"What's wrong with you Aiqing? However, the most urgent task now is to redefine the strategic policy. What's your opinion?"

Li Xian shook his head helplessly and said.

There is no doubt that the Xueyuan defense line has changed from an unexpected quick plan into a slow process that takes time. According to Xue Rengui's description, the time and materials required are astronomical.

However, they had to do it. After all, they knew with their knees that once the civil strife in canghuan was over, it was inevitable for them to attack and explore the snow plain and the Tang Dynasty.

The average strength of the practitioners in the canghuan area is strong. The snow plain is a natural moat for the Tang Dynasty, but not necessarily for them. This must be prepared early.

"Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, the most important task now is to develop our national strength. Although our country has become more and more powerful during this period, it has begun to consume fundamental resources. It is not a good policy to continue for a long time."

Bao Zheng and Li Xian finally decided.

"It's your majesty."

"All right, you step back."

"I'll leave."

They left the imperial study slowly.

"How big is East China?"

Li Xian waved to the crowd to leave, and he stared at the huge map thoughtfully.

"Your Majesty, Master Zhang, please see me."

The voice of Lu Bing came suddenly.

Zhang Haining, what is he doing here.

"Let him in."

Li Xian said.

"See your majesty, long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

Zhang Haining will give a big gift as soon as he comes in.

"Come on, get up and tell me what happened this time."

Li Xian waved and said.

No wonder Li Xian has a headache now. It can be said that he has regretted the position of Zhang Haining.

It's not that Zhang Haining didn't do well or had a different heart, but this guy is too enthusiastic, too enthusiastic.

But it has to be said that Zhang Haining is really capable. Li Xian even doubts whether this guy was born in pyramid selling. With his mouth, he almost fooled the clans of cangxuan and Cang regions.

Now these sects are like fighting chicken blood, expanding their influence and recruiting more disciples. Of course, this is also because Li Xian said that we should vigorously develop the practitioners.

Undoubtedly, this result is what Li Xian wants. However, it needs money to do so. Cang Xuanyu has so many resources, and most of them are to maintain the elite practitioners of the Tang Dynasty. Cang region has not been completely on the right track, and there is a Qing Dynasty that needs to develop. Zhang Juzheng said that his income can not make ends meet, which is largely because of Zhang Haining's development plan.

Every time I come here, Zhang Haining changes his ways to ask for money. Li Xian has also investigated with the royal guards. Zhang Haining really doesn't have any corruption and uses it all for business.

So now Li Xian has a headache when he sees Zhang Haining.

"Your Majesty, your majesty, I'm not here to ask for money this time. I'm here to report good news, to report good news."

Zhang Haining was a little embarrassed and laughed. The old Taoist's ability of observing words and colors was as pure as fire. At a glance, he could see Li Xian's depression and said immediately."Good news? I remember that's what you said before you asked for money last time, right? "

Li Xian said with a sneer.

"No money, no money, your majesty, please see."

Zhang Haining took out two arrows, and a eunuch presented them to Li Xian.

"What's this?"

With a slight touch of his finger on the arrow, Li Xian's eyes flashed and looked carefully.

The two arrows are black and white. The sun and moon are engraved on the arrows. With the touch of his fingers, Li Xian clearly feels that his spiritual power is pierced inexplicably.

"Your Majesty, this arrow is called the sunset arrow and the moon arrow. The moon arrow can cause damage to the practitioners below the golden elixir realm. The sunset arrow can pierce the defense of the practitioners in Yuanying realm."

Zhang Haining said excitedly.

"What did you say?"

Li Xian suddenly got up when he heard that Zhang Haining was telling the truth, but he still couldn't believe his ears. ..