Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 606

"General, I really don't know about this."

In the camp, the grain officer who was responsible for distributing grain and grass was very nervous.

Over the past few days, the supply of the army has been reduced inexplicably. He has made many investigations, but there is no result at all.

Even, he personally stood in front of the grain and grass for a night, clearly nothing happened, but the next morning when the inventory, the grain and grass disappeared inexplicably.

"How much grain and grass have been lost these days, and what has been lost, you can make a detailed statistics."

Xue Rengui didn't blame the grain delivery officer and motioned him to get up.

"General, we've all sorted out. It's really strange."

The grain delivery officer gingerly handed over the long prepared list and said.

"At first, I didn't pay attention to it. Originally, when we were walking in the snow, the supply and consumption were relatively fast. But later, I thought it was wrong. Let's say food. Other consumption belongs to the normal category, but some precious fruits and vegetables were lost for no reason. As you know, general, fruits and vegetables were ordered by your majesty himself and traveled a long way When we came to Xueyuan, we didn't bring much, so I saw it all at once. "

"What's wrong with all this food?"

Xue Rengui then asked.

"And clothes, not the armor of normal armaments, but some cotton padded clothes, tents and other things. Although they are not worth money, they are all what we need. Moreover, I think it's strange that if the other party can steal these things, there are more valuable things in our barracks. Besides, since the other party can sneak into our camp, is it just to steal something? "

The whole face of the grain delivery officer is like a bitter gourd, and his five senses are almost intertwined. Except for this kind of thing, if it affects the general's major affairs, I can't afford it.

"Well, you go down first."

Xue Rengui shook his head and said.

As soon as the grain transportation officer is pardoned, he leaves in a hurry. Yue Fei turns his head and looks at Guan Yu and Zhao Yun.

"What do you think of it?"

Xue Rengui asked.

"To report back to the general, what the grain transportation officer said just now is not unreasonable. Theoretically, it should not be our enemy. My subordinates want to ask the general, is there really no one on the snow plain?"

Zhao Yun pondered for a moment and said.

"What do you mean?"

Xue Rengui frowned when he heard that Li Xian and them were all good all the time. All his attention was focused on the canghuan area behind the snow plain.

Even the royal guards are also elite Organization experts, only to find out a rough path.

Xue Rengui and Li Xian really don't know much about this endless snowfield. Otherwise, they would not have met this kind of thing as soon as they came up.

"According to the grand prize, it's useless to think so much now. If it's a human or a ghost, just try it."

Guan Yu twisted his long beard and said.

"Well, let's see if the thief is a human or a ghost."

As usual, Xue Rengui ordered the army to camp in place.

"Hey, I don't know what happened in this weather. It snows every day and I can't even see the road."

Outside the camp, the soldiers on patrol puffed into their hands and complained.

"OK, you're from the south. You haven't seen snowy weather. It's like this in winter in the north. However, the wind and snow here is really a bit weird."

Another soldier said with a smile.

"I said if you could concentrate and patrol the night well, I heard that many things were lost in our barracks, and the grain delivery officer was called by the general for questioning during the day."

One of the soldiers said.

"Well, I tell you, it's a bit weird. Two days ago, I followed the grain delivery officer to guard the supplies. I didn't sleep for a night. As a result, the next morning, I counted the supplies and they were gone. Do you think it's haunted?"

"Go away, don't scare people."

For a moment, the people who had been shivering with cold felt a chill, and their eyes could not help looking at the camp not far away where supplies were stored.

Who knows, at this time, a roar came fiercely.

Immediately after that, a blue light burst, the tent broke into two parts with a click, and the fierce light of the knife was particularly dazzling in the wind and snow.

With a loud bang, the knife fell to the ground, and a crack appeared on the ground.

"Don't go away, thief. Take my knife."

Guan Yu jumped up with a roar, and Zhao Yun's figure on the other side also ran out. The soldiers around were confused. Aren't these two generals crazy? How can they fight back and forth in the open space.

But Guan Yu and Zhao Yun do not care about these. They are all very serious, as if they should really face some thorny enemy.

"Look, what is that?"

Suddenly, a soldier exclaimed.Looking for sound, they saw a wisp of green liquid on the snow, just like a blood drop. Looking along the liquid, they could see a vague outline on the white snow, which seemed to be a human shape.

"Well, it's not the hell."

In a flash, they all stepped back, each holding weapons to form a circle, encircling Guan Yu and Zhao Yun in the center.

Undoubtedly, the officers and men of the Tang Dynasty reacted quickly.

Another monk fell into the entrance and quickly controlled the fuzzy figure.

"Thief, don't go."

Over there, Guan Yu yelled again. He was about to raise his sword to pursue him, but he didn't want Zhao Yun to hold him and say, "general Guan, don't chase the poor."

Guan Yu took a look at the wind and snow that covered the sky. With a cold hum, he had to give up.

Soon, the two generals came to the camp.

Previously, the vague figure was also brought up. I don't know whether it was because of the injury or the terrain. The figure gradually became clear when it came to the camp.

The eyes of the people couldn't help converging on him.

He was wearing the fur of an unknown animal. He was pure white and had no time to wrap his whole body. He was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

At the moment, although he was caught, he still had a rebellious face and tilted his head in a fearless manner.

"What's your name? Why do you steal our military materials?"

Xue Rengui sat on the top of the handsome seat and asked.

The strange boy just glanced at Xue Rengui, then turned his head and said nothing.

Seeing that Guan Yu was about to come forward with a frown, Zhao Yun stopped him and shook his head silently.

Over there, Xue Rengui said with a smile, "it seems that they are the original inhabitants of the snow plain. They can't understand us. Just press down and shut them in the cell."

With that, Xue Rengui waved impatiently. ..