Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 601

"What's this?"

Li Xian stares at the path in front of him and suddenly thinks of a possibility.

No wonder it looks so familiar.

Although Li Xian's level is not high for array and other things, he probably guessed what was hidden behind the dead wood at the moment.

Another world, or different world, other space.

After mastering the emperor system and experiencing several times of space transfer, Li Xian had doubts about this. In fact, the heaven and the world are interconnected, but they are blocked by some unknown force.

There is also information about this in various historical records. The array on the dead wood seems to be very similar to a legend I have seen.

There are many similar legends in cangxuan region.

It may be said that many years ago, some practitioners put forward the idea that they could go to a higher level of the world through some ways, but this idea was not accepted by most people.

But those practitioners did not give up. Through continuous research, they finally mastered the relatively mature method of shuttling through space. However, those who have been to different worlds also have unparalleled wealth, and their accomplishments have been greatly improved.

However, later, for some unknown reason, those who had been to the alien world never came back, and the whole cangxuan region also suffered a huge blow, and fell into a weak region in the eastern continent.

"Does the nine heaven Xuannv know the secret behind the history of cangxuanyu?"

Although he knew that there might be no answer, Li Xian still asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, this time nine days Xuan female pour is very happy to say.

"It's true that there are some hidden channels between the various worlds. The world behind the channel has a myriad of possibilities. It may be an uncivilized alien world, or a powerful imperial dynasty, or a barren land, or something mysterious that we haven't seen before. However, there is no doubt that some lucky people can bring back a lot of treasures from the alien world Resources, special items. "

"It's just that this kind of behavior is very dangerous because of uncertainty. In fact, I just heard about it. In principle, there should not be such a plane channel in the dark realm. It's just that there are some special reasons for hesitation. What's more, you are lucky. If the record is correct, there is a vein of star pyroxene behind it. There may be some other things at that time. Are you sure you want to go in? "

Nine days Xuan female looked at Li Xian, the smile of the corner of the mouth is very mysterious.

"How to get in."

Li Xian nodded without any hesitation.

Now he needs to develop his power with the fastest speed. How can he let go of this good thing? Maybe there will be any unexpected harvest. After all, any power needs resources as the basis for development.

Can have such a secret resource supply point, in the future development is more likely to surprise.

"Well, listen carefully to what I say next."

Nine days Xuan female ordered to nod, this time pour is very happy.

Under his guidance, half a day passed quickly. Maybe it was because she hesitated that she had no entity. Li Xian was responsible for all her actions.

Having made all the preparations, Li Xian took a deep breath and was ready to open the channel.

According to Jiutian Xuannv, in terms of Li Xian's current ability, the danger of this passage is fatal.

As the spirit power is injected into the appendix, the three crystals are flashing dark black awn, and a force is constantly surging. The surrounding space becomes distorted with the speed visible to the naked eye. The violent fluctuation of spirit power forms a strong wind, and the whole world seems to become blurred.

It's never easy to manipulate space. If a link goes wrong, it's doomed. Li Xiangen couldn't bear the power of space storm.

As the light on the talisman becomes brighter and brighter, the surrounding space is distorted to a limit, forming a relatively stable channel.

"That's it."

Without any hesitation, Li Xian rushed in directly.

According to Jiutian Xuannv, this passage lasts for a short time, about an hour. Opening the space passage is definitely not a simple thing. Therefore, Li Xian doesn't have much time. He only has a short time to find what he wants.

At the moment of rushing into the passage, Li Xian felt a trance. In front of him was a world he had never seen before.

On the top of the head, a bloody red waning moon is like the eyes of a monster. The earth is dark. There is no light in the whole world. The air is full of decadence and darkness. An evil force is constantly used.

"Where is this?"

Li XianMei frowned and looked at the nine day Xuan girl beside him. He was stunned again.

At the moment, Jiutian Xuannv seems to be very weak, and the whole person is on the verge of disappearing.

To tell you the truth, Li Xian has never seen such a girl.Before Li Xian could figure out what had happened, a rustling voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"What's this?"

Looking for sound, Li Xian scratched his head, and there was a dead man in front of him, a dead man rushing towards him.

"Mr. zombie? Isn't that funny? "

Seeing this strange picture, Li Xian couldn't help but feel speechless for a while and cut off a wave of spiritual power. In his opinion, the strength of this thing should not be very strong.

Almost at the same time with time, nine days Xuannv's voice came.


However, it is too late.

With a puff, the zombie was almost instantly knocked down by Li Xian. However, the zombie, who was divided into two parts, had no intention of stopping at all, and the broken body continued to crawl.

At the same time, a strange sound came, dozens of zombies in different shapes jumped out.

There's no doubt that's what zombies are all about.

It's very difficult to kill them completely. Even if they are dismembered, they can continue to fight. The most important thing is that there are too many of them.

"Smash their heads and take away the crystal. Be light."

Nine days Xuannv's advice, Li Xian is also at the same time action.

Whoosh, whoosh.

The sword goes with people. With Li Xian's cultivation, these zombies are really not good enough. They are killed in just a moment. According to the instructions of the nine heaven Xuannu, Li Xian gets thumb sized crystal stones from the minds of these zombies.

Most of the colors are very dim, black, in fact, more inclined to gray, only a few appear extremely dark.

"It turns out that it's just an uncivilized world. It's strange that there are star sky pyroxene veins in such a weak place."

The nine day Xuan girl who recovered some vitality said to herself. ..