Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 600

"So you know where the XingKong pyroxene vein is."

"I don't know."


Li Xian felt like crying without tears.

This nine days Xuan girl is sent by God to play with me.

"It's a long time ago, and I can't remember clearly, but there is a vein of star pyroxene in cangxuan region. Before that, you need to look for a place called Mingshi forest."

Nine days Xuan female says.

"Dark stone forest?" Li XianMei frowned. He didn't seem to have heard the name.

"Maybe you don't call it now. Send someone to check it. There should be some living dead people near the Mingshi forest. There shouldn't be many such places in the dark world. After you find them, you can burn incense and pray in front of the statue and worship them. Naturally, I will appear."

Nine days Xuan female finish saying disappear.

"Worship, I still burn incense and pray, I..."

Li Xian toward the nine days Xuannv disappeared place, a face of helplessness.

But there is no way, nine days Xuannv to the poor information, but also need to find.

Sure enough, the name of Mingshi forest didn't appear in the territory of cangxuan. So Li Xian began to search according to the situation described by Jiutian Xuannv. After many twists and turns, he finally found some useful clues.

There was no incense burning and praying. Jiutian Xuannu showed up on her own initiative. It can be seen that she was very attentive to this matter.

"Well, I said that you should have some restrictions and not be able to appear in this world for too long?"

On the carriage, Li Xian and nine days Xuan female big eyes stare small eyes to ask a way.

"It looks like you've done a lot of homework."

Nine days Xuan female smile way.

"I'm not stupid. If you don't have any special restrictions, the world will be in a mess. Why do you have to follow me this time? Can't you show up when I get to the place?"

Li Xian said that in order to hide the figure of Jiutian Xuannv, he almost stayed in the carriage and never left.

"You think it's so easy to appear in the lower world. I'll pay a price you can't imagine. It's still the case that the Tang Dynasty is my belief. If..."

At this point, nine days Xuannv seems to think of something, suddenly stopped, no longer continue to say.

Li Xian is also used to this, no longer ask.

Soon, the group arrived at their destination.

This place is actually a mass grave, but it is said that there have been a lot of supernatural events, and there is something terrible in the deep of the cemetery.

"It's the only place that has been confirmed, but there are living dead people. But what are we doing here?"

Li Xian looks at this huge mass grave with some doubts. I'm afraid it has a long history here. The old and new tombstones are different. According to the date above, the earliest tombstone may have been hundreds of years ago.

"You'll know later. Keep your people outside. Don't go in if anything goes wrong. Let's go."

At the moment, Jiutian Xuannv's aura suddenly changed. Her unreal body propped up a black gown, and under her hood she exuded an incomparable momentum.

According to the meaning of nine days Xuannv, Li Xian repelled left and right and moved forward alone.

All the way desolate miserable, Li Xian is not satisfied, just for nine days Xuannv a little more curious.

What kind of existence is this woman? Is she real or just a mirage? What does he really want to put into the tomb?

"When you get there, you'll split the middle of the old tree."

All of a sudden, nine days Xuannv stopped and said.

Li Xian looked forward and saw a dead tree in the center of the mass grave. It seemed that the ancient tree was crumbling and would collapse at any time. However, Li Xian felt a strange force coming from it.

"With Xuanyuan sword, ordinary weapons have no effect."

Just as Li Xian was about to start, the voice of nine days Xuan girl came again.

"It's trouble."

Li Xian waved the Xuanyuan sword according to his words. He only heard a click. There was a crack in the middle of the dead wood, and an evil wind came out of it.

The next moment, the sky and the earth change color, the sun and the moon are dark, a group of illusory shadow is high, even tens of feet in size, teeth and claws, ferocious and terrifying towards Li Xian.

There's no time to think about it. At the moment, Li Xian only feels that his hair is erect. The horror of this thing is really incredible. Now he's going to fight back with Xuanyuan sword.

I don't know. At this time, a cold hum came.

The shadow from the air raid was like a lightning strike. It sent out a shrill scream and fell to the ground, rolling in pain.

"Kill it. It's a collection of evil spirits. It's also a merit."

Like a ghost, Jiutian Xuannv continued to float forward. Li Xian's mouth twitched, hesitated and waved Xuanyuan sword.At that moment, the dark shadow scattered from the middle, and countless souls soared into the sky, forming a huge black whirlwind, with the number of hundreds of thousands.

"Is that a joke?"

Li Xian's Adam's apple can't help rolling up and down.

It seems that this thing is absolutely powerful, but Jiutian Xuannv snorted, and it's gone.

At this time, Li Xian suddenly felt a warm current in his body, inexplicably, the original stagnant state had some rise.

"What's this?"

Li Xian couldn't help being in the same place.

"These souls are full of resentment. They gather here to form this great evil spirit. If you let it go, it will inevitably become a great harm. It's a great merit for you to kill it today. If it's good, it should be. Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and it's the most fair."

Nine days Xuan female seem to see Li Xian's doubt, open mouth explanation way.

"It's troublesome. Why, what's this?"

Li Xian also did not understand these things, his eyes were suddenly attracted by the thing in the dead wood.

The three dark crystals are arranged in a triangle, and a force is coming.

It seems that some talismans are engraved in the center of the three black crystal stones, which is very mysterious.

Li Xian can't help but step forward to check.

This talisman seems to form an array. Its function should be to continuously draw strength from these black crystals and then pass it down.

Holding Xuanyuan sword, Li Xian broke the lower part of the dead wood. Sure enough, another array was engraved on the ground. Obviously, the array on the ground is more complicated and mysterious.

Every talisman above is like a painting of flying in the air, and the materials used are very precious. Li Xian, who has little research on the array, can see that the array is not expensive and profound.

"It looks like a passage."

After watching for a long time, Li Xian didn't find anything else. His only feeling was that the two arrays, together with the dead wood, seemed to be a quiet path leading to the unknown place. ..