Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 591

"It seems that it takes a lot of time to talk to you about surrender. Well, I'll give you a good name."

Nian gengyao coldly looks at Zhan Zhao and others who are ready to make a final effort.

Watch them start the final fight.

He's gambling in this rush.

It's only three days since Li Xian and Huang Taiji were seriously injured. In fact, it's only more than one day for him to return to the Forbidden City.

After hearing about it, he came here.

He didn't know that his 3000 Qingqi could kill these people, but he came without hesitation. No matter how much he paid, it was enough to win Li Xian.

And God is looking after him.

In the past few days, the continuous fighting of Zhan Zhao and others has been at the end of the storm. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

As the cavalry charged wave by wave, Zhan Zhao and others gradually showed fatigue and dispirited.

However, their tenacity is beyond people's imagination.

"Are these people monsters?"

Nian gengyao was inexplicably upset about the battle.

Although Zhan Zhao and others have been seriously injured, Li Xian, who is still unconscious, is undamaged. The battle that was originally expected to be solved in a short time has been delayed for such a long time.

"Can they really give their lives for Li Xian? What's the point of this meaningless struggle? "

Shaking his head, Nian gengyao didn't think about it any more, but his worry became more and more intense.

It should have been calculated to all places, and there will be no problems.

According to the situation on the field, these 3000 light riders are enough to kill each other.

But what's the matter with this intense uneasiness.

In a trance, Nian gengyao suddenly drew out his long knife.

He was not a man who would easily take part in the war.

The gentleman does not stand under the wall of danger, which is his consistent style. If things come to the point where he needs to do it himself, what is he fighting for.

It's natural that the hard work should be done by the staff.

But this time, driven by the strong uneasiness, he planned to take part in the battle.

Maybe I'll be hurt by a few guys on the other side, but it doesn't matter. Let's end the fight as soon as possible.

However, it was just when Nian gengyao was ready to make a move.

A roar came fiercely.

Nian gengyao almost instinctively cut the arrow with his backhand.

However, the people around him were not so lucky. Several screams came, and one after another people fell down.

For a moment, their fierce attack stopped.

"It's a miracle."

Nian gengyao looked at the hand of the Tang army's Crossbow on the other side of the cliff and frowned slightly.

There is no doubt that Zhan Zhao and others chose this road to cover up the Qing army and their own people.

No one knows when or where they will return, except for one person, Nian gengyao.

Of course, this is Nian gengyao's idea.

However, the Tang army on the opposite side mercilessly penetrated his idea.

"Reinforcements, reinforcements are coming."

Seeing the appearance of the Tang army, Zhan Zhao and others were naturally overjoyed. However, they soon found that the cliff was too far away to come over.

Zhanzhao chose here precisely because it is a shortcut and a dead end.

From this point of view, the cliff is within the defense line of the Qing Dynasty, and jumping down the river will lead to the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Just as they are now, life and death are on the line.

"It seems that there are capable people in your army, but they can't save your lives."

Nian gengyao moves forward with a knife.

The distance of the Bowman is too far, even if the arrows of the Tang Dynasty are very advanced, it is difficult to hit when the distance is well guarded.

Facing the approaching Nian gengyao, Zhan Zhao and others stood up and used their bodies to form the last line of defense.

But they also know that failure and death are just a matter of time.

They can only protect their faith and hope with their lives.

"I admire people like you, so I must kill you."

Nian gengyao's voice is cold.

He knew that once he let these people go this time, he would face their crazy counterattack in the future.

That's what he's going to do.

Today, they are all going to die.

The long sword is full of killing.

"Don't hurt my Lord."

Just when Zhan Zhao and others wanted to use their lives to resist the attack of the other party, a roar came down from the sky. The first mock exam of

came with voice.

There was a crackle.

Nian gengyao's blade fell on the cold light and was blocked.At this time, people could see clearly that the cold light was a bright silver spear.

Then a tall figure stood in front of the crowd.

"Zhao Yun is here."

Holding the spear in the backhand, four short words fall into the ears of the public, but the effect is different.

Nian gengyao was surprised, helpless and powerless.

At this time, people need to be able to find here. Is it really their own bad luck.

Zhan Zhao and others are hopeful and excited.

They didn't tell anyone the final route.

Zhao Yun's appearance is no different from the divine army.

"Cheering general, escort your majesty away. I'm here."

Zhao Yun did not look back, but said calmly.

"It's not so easy to go."

Nian gengyao yelled angrily. How could the cooked duck make him fly away.

At present, Zhan Zhao and others who are ready to jump off the cliff are the first to stop.

However, Zhao Yun immediately attacked him with a horizontal gun. At the same time, the soldiers led by Nian gengyao also attacked him. However, Zhao Yun was like a dragon going out to sea.

One shot repels Nian gengyao, and the backhand sweeps away thousands of troops, blocking all the soldiers pursuing him.

The place where the tip of the gun passes is full of flesh and blood, and there is no one enemy.

"No, it's impossible. Are the generals of the Tang army monsters? "

Nian gengyao looked at the knife that fell to the ground in disbelief.

At the moment, he was full of fear.

One move, just one move.

Just now, if Zhao Yun didn't want to stop other people, he might have killed himself with one shot.

They are also generals. How could the generals of the Tang army be so powerful.

"Charge, catch Li Xianzhe, upgrade three levels in a row, reward ten thousand Liang."

Nian gengyao roared.

There must be brave men under the heavy reward. In an instant, people rushed to kill them.

However, Zhao Yun is awe inspiring, a long gun is airtight, and the corpses are piled up like mountains and rivers of blood on the small cliff for a moment.

One man is in charge of the pass, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it.

Nian gengyao watched Zhan Zhao jump off the cliff and disappear. He watched his soldiers die one by one on the spot, but he didn't even touch Zhao Yun's clothes.

"See you later."

When Zhan Zhao and others leave, Zhao Yun doesn't have the need to stay. He doesn't want to kill Nian gengyao. Even if he is a master of Yuanying realm, he can't bear the fierce battle.

However, watching Zhao Yun leave, including Nian gengyao, no one dares to stop him. ..