Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 590

"Don't delay. Kill him."

Fierce, Huang Taiji in the brain jumps out this idea.

I don't know why, Mingming has a huge advantage, but Huang Taiji's heart is a kind of uneasy feeling.

Thinking of this, Huang Taiji suddenly put his hand on the edge of the giant axe.

A wisp of blood fell into the axe along Huang Taiji's palm.

At that time, the red and golden light was as bright as the sun, which made people unable to open their eyes.

Then, behind Huang Taiji, a vague giant figure appeared out of thin air.

"Li Xian, go to hell."

With a roar, Huang Taiji came like a shell, mixed with the momentum of destroying the sky and the earth. The space where he passed was blurred, the ground was broken, and everything around him was destroyed instantly.

"Damn it."

In an instant, Li Xian felt the powerful power coming towards him.

In a hurry, he didn't have time to wave Xuanyuan sword directly and send out the most powerful attack he could use at the moment.

It seems that I feel the master's heart.

Xuanyuan sword on a sound of dragon, golden light into a dragon to meet the red golden light.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa!"

"Pa Pa Pa!"

There was a series of explosions.

The two lights intertwined and swept up, like a hurricane. Within a hundred feet, everything turned into nothingness, and even the soldiers and monks around were hard to escape.

For a moment, everyone stopped, staring at the light, trying to find their faith.

Everyone knows that this blow is about to determine the future direction of Cang region and cangxuan region.

Half a full column of incense time passed, the two rays slowly disappeared.

"Your Majesty."

Zhan Zhao exclaimed, vaguely, he saw two vague figures on the ground, and immediately rushed to the other side.

With his voice, everyone responded and followed.

On the other hand, the wolf cavalry did the same.

"Get out of here."

As the two sides fell into a scuffle here, Qiao Feng gave a loud shout and hit the 18 dragon subduing palms, rushing to Li Xian's side.

However, when he saw the scene on the ground, he was stunned.

The two figures were scorched black all over, obviously they had received a fatal blow. It was almost impossible to identify who was who, but fortunately, Xuanyuan sword was still easy to recognize.

Qiao Feng didn't have time to think about it. He picked up Li Xian and looked into the situation. He felt cold in his heart.

At the moment, Li Xian is more out of breath than in.

"General Joe, let's go."

Seeing that Qiao Feng had saved people, ye Gucheng yelled and stood back on the spot, suddenly waving his sword.

"A sword comes to the west, and a fairy flies out of the sky."

With the strongest strike of Ye Gucheng, the sword Qi of tens of feet swept away, and instantly opened up a channel.

Qiao Feng didn't care about anything else at all. He broke out of the enclosure.

"You generals, go quickly. I'll wait for the end."

Seeing the wolf cavalry forming a encirclement, one of the monks yelled and rushed to the enemy regardless of everything.

With his action, more and more people rushed to each other and opened a channel with their lives.


Zhan Zhao took a look at those who were generous to die. He looked sad in his eyes, but he had to make a decision.

They need to live. They need to take Li Xian out of the Qing Dynasty.

In this way, the battle that determines the future of the two countries came to an abrupt end and ended in an inexplicable way.

I don't know if I can survive.

Both sides protect their owners and leave in a hurry.

"What should we do now?"

In a broken temple in the wilderness, dozens of monks guard around. Zhan Zhao and others stand at the door, looking anxious.

"General Qiao Feng is delivering spiritual power to his majesty. He should be able to save his life for the time being."

"It's not a good way to go on like this. We can deliver spiritual power to your Majesty in turn, but it's not easy to leave the Qing Dynasty."

"Let's go step by step. It's urgent for your majesty to put out the fire now. General Yue and they have got the news that they should come to meet us. Now it's how we can get to the border."

"General, the villain knows a little about the art of disguise. He can disguise you generals and attract the enemy's attention."

A monk suddenly came out and said.

"Well, I'll go with you."

"I'll go too."

At that time, a kind of practitioner came out one after another and said, without hesitation.

"You, you are..."

For a moment, Zhanzhao didn't know what to do, but he couldn't speak with his mouth open."General, it's hard for us to repay your kindness. If it's time for us to repay, please escort your majesty back safely."

"Well, I promise you."

Zhan Zhao clenched his teeth and said solemnly.

As a result, dozens of practitioners divided into several horses, disguised as the models of Zhan Zhao and others, scattered and broke out from all directions.

The real Zhan Zhao and others return to the Tang Dynasty with the unconscious Li Xian from a secret path.

Along the way, people took turns to deliver spiritual power to Li Xian, but Li Xian never got better. This is undoubtedly bad news.

Three days later.

At the end of the cliff, the tired figures of Zhan Zhao and others appear here.

"Have a rest. Under the cliff is canglan river. Let's go home."

Zhan Zhao took a deep breath and said.

In the past few days, they have been running away almost without sleep. They have encountered the enemy several times, and everyone is exhausted. In addition, they have to continue to give life to Li Xian, so everyone has no rest.

There were no more than 13 monks who had been with them, and these national protection generals became bare commanders, fighting one after another in the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

"Or you have the foresight to take this road, otherwise we are afraid that it will be a lot of bad luck."

Bai Yutang said while wiping the blood on his face.

According to other people's information, if they follow the scheduled route, they are afraid that they have been surrounded by the moment.

"Do you think this road is really safe?"

Suddenly, a voice full of laughter came.

All of a sudden, everyone stood up.

Looking for sound, a large number of people and horses slowly appeared around the cliff.

"Next year, gengyao, you are the protectors of the Tang Dynasty. Since you have come to China, why should you leave in a hurry?"

With that, Nian gengyao raised his hand, and everyone came forward one after another to surround Zhan Zhao and others in the center.

Looking at Zhan Zhao and others like a turtle in a jar, Nian gengyao smiles.

This time, he will make the most outstanding contribution to the Qing Dynasty.

Li Xian, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was captured alive, together with several national protection generals. I'm afraid this kind of merit is unprecedented. ..