Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 558

At the thought of this, he felt cool at the back.

In fact, he didn't care about this before. He just felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to understand.

Along the way, he seldom saw beggars.

How terrible it is that beggars rarely appear in the city of a dynasty.

"Is it a show on purpose or is it really so powerful?"

He Lu's heart suddenly felt that he couldn't see through the Li Tang Dynasty.

Soon, they came to the post house specially prepared for the envoys.

The location here is very close to the center of the Imperial City, but it is also in a position connected with the outer city. The decoration is not luxurious, but it is very straight.

"Mr. Guo Jia, it seems that there are many people celebrating the birthday of your empress!"

He Lin's eyes swept the post house, slightly stunned.

It's true that many people have come this time. If Li Xian's birthday is like this, it's fair to say that the Queen's birthday is a bit high. Moreover, the Tang Dynasty did not prepare in advance.

It can be seen that this birthday is very hasty, but it can attract so many people, which is enough to show that the Tang Dynasty is very popular, or that many people want to have a good relationship with the Tang Dynasty.

Before he knew it, the strength of the Tang Dynasty had changed in his heart. He had seen the power of the dynasty.

"It's really unexpected, but you live in a separate house from the rest of us, so it's natural for us to treat you well."

Guo Jia replied with a smile, leading them to settle down in the depths of the post house.

After finishing all this, Guo Jia didn't stop and left immediately, while he Lin and others began to direct the vast team to sort out.

There is no doubt that this time there was a huge contingent of envoys in the Qing Dynasty. Besides wolf cavalry, there were no less than 300 people. It was not easy to pack up with the gifts of ten carriages.

Originally, the people in the post house wanted to help, but he Lin refused them, and even his own people were useless.

For a moment, there was only one young general left in the warehouse.

"There are so many rules in the Tang Dynasty."

Grasp the camouflage on the face, the young general suddenly turned into a beautiful woman, impressively Qing'er.

"It looks like your plan is going to change a little bit."

He said without expression.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it, but what do you think is the intention of the Tang Dynasty? The defense here won't be so lax."

Qing'er said.

"I can't see for the moment that on the surface they have done all the things they should do, but in fact, whether they are so strict with us is like deliberately asking us to take action."

He said.

"I also have this feeling, so you go to inquire about the news first, I will arrange the staff first, and then contact our insiders in the Tang Dynasty, the situation here is really different from other places."

Qing'er clapped her hands.

With a few clicks, several boxes in the warehouse were opened from the inside out, and one after another people in black came out. At first glance, there were nearly 100 people.

These people are no longer on the list of emissaries. It is obvious that they are all well-trained killers. Standing silently at the moment, it seems that hiding in the box all the time has no effect on them.

"How to bring so many people out is also a problem. So, tomorrow I'll go to Guo Jia and see if I can send those singers and dancers to the palace in the name of learning rules and practicing. What do you think?"

He said.

"OK, but I'll be in the singing girl's team later. The Tang Dynasty is dangerous everywhere. I don't trust them to act alone. "

Qing'er said.

"No, only you know the whole plan. When you enter the palace, how to communicate and issue orders."

He Lin refused.

"I naturally have my way, and adults, these people please you."

With that, Qing'er pushes the door and leaves, leaving behind He Lin with a melancholy look at the black man in front of him.

It's not easy to arrange these killers quietly.

Leaving the warehouse, Qing'er changes into a maid's dress and goes straight to a secluded courtyard.

Outside the courtyard was the guard of the wolf cavalry, which virtually isolated it from other places.

walked into the yard, and Qing Er let several maids retire. He stood at the door and knocked on the door. "Can your highness have time?"

"I said no, is it useful?"

In the room, a voice without emotion came.

Qing'er pushes the door without expression. Behind the screen, a graceful figure can be seen.

, "Princess Royal, prepare for what we are about to do. We hope that your royal highness will not make any mistakes.""I understand. Don't bother miss Qing'er."

"Good!" Qing'er said with a slight smile: "but I still want to tell your highness that the first purpose of your trip is to please Li Xian. All the means you have been taught before should be used. The second is to find out the layout and secrets of the palace. The third point, of course, may not be used, but you should also be prepared. Once the assassination fails, you should be prepared to stay with Li Xian for a long time As for how to compete with the imperial concubines, he will have to see his royal highness.

Qing'er said without expression.

Obviously, the woman behind the screen trembled slightly. After a moment's silence, she said, "if your assassination is successful, what should I do?"

This time, Qing'er didn't speak.

After a while, the sound came from behind the screen.

"I know. Maybe I'm the one to sacrifice. Miss Qing'er, don't worry."

"Your Highness is a good rest."

Qing'er didn't stay much and pushed the door out.


"Fengxiao, what do you find when you see the waiters today?"

In the mansion, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang talked about Taoism with tea, which was quite quiet.

"The people who came here are not simple. It seems that the Qing Dynasty has made a big move this time. I'm afraid it's going to do its best."

Guo Jia continued with a smile: "they should have hidden some hands in the gift. There are also problems among the singers and dancers."

"Well, are you going to play hard to get or just do it?"

"It's hard to get. People can't even refuse the opening of the play. What's more, they should prepare more than that secretly. This time, they'll catch all of them, which will save them a lot of dreams in the future."

"That's the truth, but how can you explain it to the empress?"


"How can you get your majesty to cooperate if you play a trick on the other side?"

"Ha ha, let your majesty solve this problem by himself. I'm only responsible for giving advice. Nothing else has nothing to do with me."

As they spoke, Guo Jia and Zhuge Liang burst out a burst of hearty laughter. ..