Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 557

"Go and find out what's going on?"

He Lin is also a person who has seen the world. After a short period of consternation, he calms down and orders.

Soon, someone will pay back.

"My Lord, are there people queuing up in front of us?"

"Into town?"

With a frown, he knows the flow of people in the capital. In fact, it's normal to have such a long line.

"What's the matter with them?"

He Lin points to the people who can go out at will at the gate beside him and asks.

"Well, I'll tell you back. They are all people with identity certificates in the Tang Dynasty. The people queuing here are all people without certificates. They can only accept inspection and registration."

"Proof of identity?"

He Lin frowned.

This is a card made with special technology, which is hard to imitate.

It's simply written with some personal information.

The cost of this thing is not expensive. It can be imagined that the cost of the whole Tang Dynasty is as high as one person.

He was not optimistic about this kind of thankless thing.

Even he thinks that the biggest effect of census is to prepare for war.

However, he didn't think that this thing had such an effect.

Undoubtedly, this practice has the suspicion of excluding outsiders, but it can also make it difficult for people who don't use their heart to hide themselves.

In an instant, He Lin thought that if in the future, the identification could be popularized in the Tang Dynasty.

Every citizen of the Tang Dynasty will receive detailed investigation, so it is extremely difficult to carry out intelligence investigation.

Moreover, the existence of such things will give people a sense of superiority.

It's like the people of the Tang Dynasty were born with such things, which virtually increased the cohesion.

It is conceivable that in the future, the role of this thing can never be underestimated.

"What shall we do, my lord? Are you in line? "

The little school said, looking very ugly.

The envoys of the Qing Dynasty had to queue up, which made their self-esteem suffer a great blow.

However, looking at the guards at the gate, they really don't have the courage to fight against anything here.

For a time, He Lin also had some difficulties.

There is no other reason. This time, some of the people and gifts he brought were not visible. If everyone checked and registered, something would be exposed, which he could not accept.

At first, he thought that the so-called inspection in the Tang Dynasty was routine and not strict. They had been inspected before, but they were not found. But now, looking at the precautions at the gate of the city, I'm afraid those things can't be hidden.

"It seems that we can only use the identity of an emissary to force in. Although this will let the other party be on guard, there is no better way."

In his mind, he thought about the next countermeasures.

Who knows, at this time, a team of people from the other side of the gate appeared.

Soon, the team came near, headed by a scholar who looked sick and smiling.

"This is Lord he. I'm Guo Jia. In the name of my Lord, I've come to meet the envoys."

The crowd was stunned.

Along the way, most of the generals of the Tang Dynasty were arrogant, even the civil servants were like giving alms to them. Suddenly, a polite person came, and they were still a little uncomfortable.

At a glance at the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who had all the swords and swords, He Lin knew quite well.

These soldiers, each with a big head and a long bow, are obviously the best among the elite. It seems that the Tang Dynasty has been fully prepared.

"It turns out that it's Mr. Guo Jia. I've heard a lot about him. Mr. Shanhaiguan is very impressed by his strategy."

He said politely.

Guo Jia's name was not new to the Qing Dynasty. In front of Shanhaiguan, he persuaded Dai Shan to negotiate peace and led people to the enemy's hinterland to pick up Li cunxiao. These actions were not what an ordinary civil servant could do.

Of course, He Lin pays more attention to this person because the other person's reaction is too fast.

When it is clear that everyone is preparing to deal with a larger scale war, this person, like himself, sees that peace negotiation is a better choice for both sides, and even acts before he does.

"Ha ha, I'm flattered by you. This way, please."

With a smile, Guo Jia directly takes He Lin and others to the gate on the other side.

At the gate of the city, a card was distributed to the public.

"Lord Guo Jia, what is it?"

"This is a temporary certificate of snake powder. They represent your identity. If ordinary people are not the people of the Tang Dynasty, they must have this kind of temporary certificate to be able to live, shop and use some functional places of the Tang Dynasty. Only you, just a certificate. After all, there is still a long time to go before the birthday of the empress I'll stay in the post house every day. "Guo Jia said casually.

"Oh, thank you so much."

He Lin responded with a smile, and his heart was really mixed.

What he wants to do really needs this identity certificate, but the other party actually distributes it without checking. It seems that he has no sense of defense. Is it a trap or self-confidence.

With doubts, he and his party entered the capital of the Tang Dynasty with Guo Jia.

As the whole Imperial City unfolded in front of us, He Lin and others were shocked again.

However, the streets crisscross the whole Imperial City, and there are many waterways running through the huge city. They are all dug by hand, no less than rivers, and there are countless boaters.

On the land is sleeping Malone, streets and alleys are full of shops, shops, buildings everywhere, all kinds of shops are not repeated, people come and go, birthday is booming.

For a moment, he Zhen and others were staring at everything in front of them.

In their impression, the imperial city of the Qing Dynasty is prosperous enough, but at this moment, compared with the scene in front of them, it is nothing at all. The prosperity here has exceeded their imagination.

Business opportunities, huge business opportunities.

He Lin's mind is calculating quickly.

He is the most shrewd businessman. He can estimate the output value of this place almost immediately to measure the strength of this local official.

Through so many places of the Tang Dynasty, He Lin has been quietly calculating.

Although it was only a part, he wanted to estimate the strength and details of the Tang Dynasty from these places.

However, when he saw the capital in front of him, he was completely confused.

All his calculations are useless.

He couldn't imagine how much money would flow here every day.

Soon, he found another more terrible thing.

"There are no beggars in the cities of the Tang Dynasty." ..