Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 554

Thinking of this, he can't help feeling very depressed.

In his early years, if it was not for Huang Taiji's headstrong, if it was not for his internal struggle with Dorgon, which led to the internal consumption and official corruption of the Qing Dynasty, it would be more than that.

"It's not surprising that he lost to the Tang Dynasty. It's not a single bit of poor vision."

Shaking his head, He Lin no longer thinks about these things. He has come to this point. What he can do is to strive to maintain the precarious Dynasty. Fortunately, Huang Taiji has finally awakened.

I just hope this change is not too late.

"My Lord, there is something strange in the voice."

Suddenly, a small school whispered in his ear.

After listening carefully, he also found that as he entered the camp of the Tang army, there were bursts of shouts in his ears, but it didn't look like the voice of military exercises.

He can't help but look around.

At the moment, there are many mountains and forests. According to his memory, there should be a valley extending in all directions not far ahead. The camp of the Tang army should be there, but the voice did not come from there.

"General Guan, is this your army training?"

Finally, he can't help but ask.

"Oh, you say this. It's some games in our barracks. Why are you interested in having a look with adults?"

Guan Yu said with a smile.

"The game?" He Lin was stunned for a moment.

There are still games in the barracks. Is that what he said on purpose to dispel my past thoughts.

After a little meditation, he said, "Oh, I won't disturb you."

"Nothing. It's just entertainment."

"Well, please, general. You take people to the barracks of the Tang Dynasty, and I'll be there later."

After giving proper orders, He Lin led more than a dozen relatives to follow Guan Yu to the so-called place of entertainment.

Guan Yu took a look at them. It seemed that he Lin didn't have the courage to follow them out alone. However, when his eyes fell on the soldiers, he suddenly became sharp and fixed his eyes on one of them.

He Lin was stunned.

That soldier is exactly what Qing'er disguises.

Although she is a daughter, but after changing face with men, no doubt, as long as she does not deliberately expose the voice, even he Lin can not see any flaws.

However, he did not know why Guan Yu would stare at her.

"What's the matter? What is general Guan looking at?"

He said quietly.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's crouching tiger, hidden dragon with adults. A private soldier has such a killing intention. It's powerful!"

Guan Yu said with a smile, no longer tangled.

He Lin took a look at Qing'er and saw the meaning from the other side's eyes.

Soon, under the leadership of Guan Yu, he Zhen saw what the so-called Tang army game was like.

I saw a cliff on both sides, thousands of Tang soldiers gathered together, looks like two sides of the people.

At the moment, these soldiers are all naked, the sun is burning in the sky, these people are sweating all over, whistling.

However, their sweat is not caused by the hot weather, but they are pulling an arm thick chain across the cliff.

Of course, these Sergeants are ordinary people, and there are no practitioners. However, this is really terrible.

For a time, and others can not help but Leng in situ.

Although the cliff is not too high, it is still several feet long. Once people fall into it, they will be seriously injured.

The strength of both sides is so great that if they lose, hundreds of people will fall into the cliff. Are the generals of Tang army crazy?

"General Guan, is that what you call entertainment?"

When he saw this, he couldn't help asking.

It seems to see the other side's doubts, Guan Yu said with a smile: "naturally, the soldiers have nothing to do with themselves."


He Lin didn't know what to say. All of the things about the Tang army suddenly made him feel strange.

At this time, the roar of the two sides is more intense, and the game has entered a white hot stage.

In mid air, the iron chain was straight and thought.

All of a sudden, there was a click.

The iron chain with thick and thin arms was suddenly broken. For a moment, the two sides retreated and fell to the ground.

"Son of a bitch, it's broken again, so you can't make it a little thicker."

"Fart, if the chain continues, you're waiting to lose."

"Again, who was going to fall."

Both sides exhausted their strength, but they still mocked each other in the air, and neither of them agreed with the other.

"With my Lord, it's getting late. Go to camp."

Guan Yu said with a smile, his face full of pride.

At the moment, He Lin was stunned and followed Guan Yu like a puppet.The camp of the Tang army was located in the hinterland surrounded by mountains. Originally, this place was not a good place to camp. It was surrounded by mountains, so it was easy to attack but difficult to defend.

But this is already the best place to garrison troops outside Shanhai Pass.

These things have been investigated by He Lin in advance, so he has a clear idea.

However, when he came to the Tang army camp, he was suddenly stunned.

"It's totally different from everything in memory."

Looking around, the surrounding mountains have disappeared. Instead, the rudiment of a city, though simply built, has begun to take shape.

He Lin's military attainments are not low either. At a glance, he probably knows that once the city takes shape, it will not be difficult to garrison millions of soldiers. If he plans well on the top of each mountain, countless soldiers can be placed between the mountains and the fields.

"It's terrible. It's really terrible."

"How did the Tang army build such a huge project in such a short time?"

"How can they do all this without a sound? This place is so close to Shanhaiguan that they have no news at all."

He Lin can't describe the shock in his heart with words.

This army of the Tang Dynasty is really a magic weapon. It's unpredictable.

Looking at He Lin's face, Guan Yu knows what he thinks.

If they didn't have explosives, it would not have been possible.

In the twinkling of an eye, the camp was close at hand.

"And Lord, please!"

At the gate of the camp, Guan Yu said with a smile.

He Shuan nodded his head, and everyone went in.

Looking around, before the camp, countless soldiers stood like pines and cypresses.

Marshal Yue Fei stood in front of the camp.

Seeing them, Yue Fei said in a high voice, "I'm here with you, please."

As this sentence fell, countless soldiers yelled in unison.

"Come in with your excellency."

For a time, countless echoes echoed through the whole mountain forest. I don't know how many echoes echoed for a long time. God knows how many soldiers there are in the dense mountain forest around.

He Lu let out a smile, but it was very bitter.

Naked give yourself a downfall.

But what can we do? ..