Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 553

With the sound of the shaking, He Lin's eyes flashed a touch of cold.

He was no stranger to the sound.

In the distance, a white line spread from the horizon, rolling up countless smoke and dust, and the carriage standing in place swayed.

From the perspective of extreme eyes, the white line approaches rapidly from far to near, stretches out and turns into two white lines, and a big flag of Tang Dynasty sways in the wind.

The iron cavalry of the Tang Dynasty.

The iron cavalry of Tang army defeated the Qing army and the Shanhaiguan Pass.

Once upon a time, He Lin thought that only the wolf cavalry of the Qing Dynasty could have such power.

But today, he finally deeply felt why the Qing army would lose again and again.

In the blink of an eye, the Tang army had come near, and nearly a thousand cavalry soldiers suddenly stopped without a sound. Their movements were neat and uniform, just like a person.

He is a man who has experienced the peak of the Qing Dynasty.

However, looking at the closer and closer Tangjun cavalry, he deeply felt a sense of weakness.

I'm afraid the cavalry at the peak of the Qing Dynasty is not as good as the present one.

The first general was Guan Yu who killed several Qing generals before the battle.

"Who's coming?"

Guan Yu holds the green dragon Yanyue knife, and Danfeng's eyes pick it slightly. She asks in a deep voice.

Hearing this, all the people in the Qing army turned pale.

Isn't this a question of knowing?

You don't know who we are leading so many people here.

Make it clear that this is contempt for us.

In addition to the fact that Guan Yu killed so many Qing generals before, new and old grudges sprang up.

"Bold, don't you dismount in front of the generals of the Qing Dynasty?"

A general couldn't help drinking.

"Hum." Guan Yu snorted. He didn't look directly at the man. His eyes swept all the people of the Qing army: "this is the border of the Tang Dynasty. Now my general suspects that you are hiding illegal goods. Anyone who comes here, take them for me."

With Guan Yu's order, the cavalry of the Tang army came forward together. All the horses' hooves raised and then fell to the ground.

At that moment, the earth was shaking, and the Qing army turned pale one by one. They could not help but step back.

As for the former general, he was already sweating. He didn't expect that Tang Jun's response was so tough that he didn't have any face.

About looking at all the people of the Qing army coldly.

Zhao Yun has passed on the matter to General Yue Fei, who has ordered him to take full charge of it.

That's what it means to let go.

Guan Yu has long seen that the army is not pleasing to the eye.

He doesn't have any objection to Li Xian's strategy of crushing with national strength. After all, military and national affairs are very complicated, but to be honest, Guan Yu still wants to clean up the Tang army.

During this period of time, they wanted to stay outside Shanhaiguan, but they could not respond to the Qing army's provocation. As long as the other side did not enter the territory of the Tang Dynasty, they could not make any action.

Others don't know. Anyway, Guan Yu's arrogance is unbearable. If he has a chance to clean up the Qing army, he won't let it go.

"You, you dare, we are the special envoys of your majesty. These are all articles for your emperor. You can't search them."

Seeing the Tang army moving forward, the famous general couldn't help saying.

He did not dare to let Tang Jun really search these things, of course, he did not dare to make any conflict.

It's hard to say who wins or loses in the battle between the Tang army and the Qing army. But this is the border of the Tang Dynasty, and behind it are hundreds of thousands of Yue Fei's troops. They are not enough people to plug their teeth.

Which once thought, a listen to this words, the facial expression of He Lin suddenly iron green, drink directly: "shut up!"

The general looked suspicious and didn't understand what happened to the prime minister.

"Useless waste is more than useless."

He can't help but scold in a low voice.

Sure enough, the opposite Guan Yu burst out laughing.

"Oh, it turned out that the Qing Dynasty had paid tribute to me, so it's even more important to check. After all, it's something of the Tang Dynasty."

As soon as the words came out, a burst of laughter came from the Tang army.

After a while, the Qing army's faces turned pale.

Just now, the leader lowered his head and trembled.

He knew he was done.

The name of Huang Taiji's mission this time is he Shou, which is an action to put the Tang Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty in the same position, just like two people visiting each other.

Although many people know that this is only a circuitous strategy of seeking peace in the Qing Dynasty.

This kind of humiliation will not be disclosed by the Qing Dynasty itself, nor by the Tang Dynasty. After all, it is related to the development and future of the two countries, so there is no need to talk fast.

However, the general's words just now undoubtedly revealed his inner thoughts, which gave Guan Yushi a lot.You don't blame me for saying that.

At this moment, the face of the Qing Dynasty was completely thrown on the ground and trampled by Guan Yu.

"I've heard about general Guan for a long time. Today I see that his name really deserves to be spread. I wonder if general Guan can show us the scenery of the Tang Dynasty?"

He Lin's voice was very calm. It seemed that what happened just now did not affect him.

Guan Yu was slightly stunned when he heard the speech, and then nodded his head and said, "who is your driver?"

"The special envoy of the Qing Dynasty, he Lu."

"It turned out to be the Prime Minister of the Qing Dynasty

With a light smile, Guan Yu didn't say much. He ordered the cavalry to get out of the way.

Guan Yu is arrogant, but he is not stupid. Previously, he could act as if he didn't know the identity of the other party, but now that they have come forward, they still need to live with their face.

Along the way, the Qing army followed Guan Yu listlessly. What happened just now made them feel humiliated but helpless.

He Lin's face was gloomy, and he didn't say a word.

However, he is not because of what happened just now. If this kind of humiliation can make him angry, he will not be able to get to today's position.

What really bothered him was the army of Tang, which was close to no solution.

As he walked and watched, he Shen silently counted that there were more than ten secret sentries in the short distance. Even though Guan Yu was a general in the Tang army, he still had to verify his identity and make records when he went in and out of the gate.

Moreover, he Liu had heard before that it was necessary to check if he wanted to enter the territory of the Tang Dynasty. There was a special law in the Tang Dynasty to prohibit people from carrying some items.

In a word, many practices of the Tang Dynasty are stupid in people's eyes, which is a waste of effort and resources. However, He Lin saw Li Xian's foresight from these actions.

Apart from other things, just checking and registering can greatly reduce the possibility of being infiltrated by enemy countries. Banning smuggling is tantamount to protecting domestic commerce and economy.

"If only Huang Taiji could do the same." ..