Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 548

Just as Li Xian's voice fell, a powerful force came.

The inexplicable power is like a huge palm, holding Li Xian, and then

Heaven knows how many times Li Xian has made intimate contact with the walls of the training room. The power of Yuan Ying's realm can't stop the nine heaven Xuannv. At the moment, Li Xian is like a doll, and has no resistance.

"Now, let's have a good talk!"

Don't know how long, Li Xian gets up from the ground a red, he wiped the bloodstain of the corner of the mouth to say.


Nine days Xuan female didn't speak, reply with cold hum.

"My guess is that what you are here should be a separation or something like that. Although I don't quite understand what is going on in your realm, according to the information I have, your existence at this level should not be able to directly intervene in our affairs, right?"

Li Xian sat on the ground, panting and saying.

"So what? It's no big deal to kill you."

Nine days Xuan female says.

"Ha ha, I think you didn't come all the way to kill me, did you?"

Li Xian said with confidence.

"Not necessarily. I'm in a bad mood now."

Nine days Xuan female says.

"From today on, I will publicize your existence in the Tang Dynasty and try my best to attract people's letters to serve you. Whether we can cooperate in the future depends on your sincerity."

"Why do you bargain with me?"

"Just because you need me now, or the belief of the whole Tang Dynasty, I don't know what trouble you have, but I know that you will not be the only one in the world who needs the power of belief."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I'm just stating a fact. As a person, I've always been respected by others. I'm willing to do things of mutual benefit. I won't do things of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. Of course, it's useless to say such things. I hope we have a chance to cooperate."

In the face of the power of Jiutian Xuannv, Li Xian did not have any fear or awe.

He believes that since Jiutian Xuannv or her level of existence can obtain this power, as long as a certain period of time, he can also do it.

On the other hand, although he didn't understand the rules of the world and couldn't get in touch with the power of Jiutian Xuannv, he believed that the power of belief would be useful to many people.

Once upon a time, he ordered the royal guards to explore. Every force will have some myths and legends behind it. Of course, most of them may be false, but nothing will come from nowhere. This also shows that there may be some incomprehensible existence that needs their strength.

"You are smarter than I thought. Why are you so sure that I will need you?"

Suddenly, nine days Xuan female openings say.

"Because you came to me."

Aware that the other party has the meaning of conversation, Li Xian said slowly.

"As you said, I'm not strong enough, and the Tang Dynasty is not the top power, but you still come to me, why? Because you need strength, at least you need the help of me and the Tang Dynasty. I'm a fair man in business."

"Well, it's a little smart."

"The reason why you are slow in your cultivation is that your skill level is too high. I don't know where you got so many strange things. However, it's very difficult to use them with your current vision and ability. If you work hard from the spirit of the Tang Dynasty and do well, we may have a chance to cooperate."

Say, the figure of nine days Xuan female slowly becomes unreal, seem to be about to disappear soon.

"I said Xuannv, change your temper, you can't get married like this..."


With a loud noise, Li Xian once again had a close contact with the wall.

"This woman, she's very tough."

Li Xian who got up again rubbed his shoulder and said casually.

But soon Li Xian felt strange, nine days Xuannu hit him very miserable, but in fact he did not receive any serious damage.

At the moment, he feels a strange sense of comfort.

"What's this?"

Li Xian suddenly thought of something and quickly checked his body.

He suddenly found that there were several more acupoints in his body, vaguely connected with the main meridians of his body, but still very fragile, just like a newborn.

But Li Xian knows very well that once these channels grow up, his strength will be greatly improved out of thin air.

It seems that the nine days Xuannv is good, but it's really cruel.

When Li Xian was studying the new meridians, Xue Jinlian's voice came from outside.

"Your Majesty, your majesty, come and see. There is a fairy."

"What?"Li Xian a Leng, open the door to see Xue Jinlian a face excited, look hard to control.

"What's the matter?"

"I, I don't know. Your majesty, please come and see."

Then Xue Jinlian took Li Xian to the outside of the palace.

At the moment, almost all the people in the palace came out and looked at the sky.

"This woman, it's too much!"

Li Xian was speechless when he looked at the sky.

At this moment, on the imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty, there are seven colors of light and clouds, and the huge figure of the nine heaven Xuannv is suspended in the air, like an immortal coming. A powerful and loving force envelops the whole imperial palace.

As the virtual shadow became clearer, the scope of this power shrouded became larger, and the seven colors of rays spread across the whole Imperial City in an instant, and then the rain fell in the sky.

Every moment of rain is colorful, and every drop of rain contains rich spiritual power.

Ordinary people can not only relieve the pain, but also improve their health. As for the practitioners, it will be beneficial to some extent.

All over the capital of the Tang Dynasty, such a big hand is really immortal.

Li Xian naturally understood the meaning of Jiutian Xuannv and did nothing but build up momentum. However, in this way, the development of the Tang Dynasty would be more smooth.

In a trance, the figure of the nine day Xuan girl was illusory again, and gradually disappeared in the endless worship.

Just when Li Xian thought it was going to end, nine days Xuannv's voice came from the air.

"Destiny, Li Tang!"

It seems that the voice is not big, but it is as clear as the morning bell and evening drum for the whole imperial city.

"Miracle, your majesty, it's a miracle!"

"Congratulations on your Majesty's destiny."

"Your majesty will live forever, and the Tang Dynasty will live forever."

Listening to the voice of congratulations from people around, Li Xian had no choice but to smile.

Nine days Xuannv sent this miracle, the handwriting is a little too big to accept. ..