Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 547

With all the affairs of the Tang Dynasty on the right track, Li Xian can finally begin to practice at ease.

Since he entered the realm of Yuanying, Li Xian rarely hasn't practiced for such a long time. It can be said that he has made no less efforts to improve the realm than anyone else.

However, I don't know why, Li Xian always has a feeling that he can't do what he wants. It seems that every time he practices, he can feel a kind of shackle, but he can't find the reason, which makes him very depressed.

On this point, he also asked other people. It's strange that neither Wang Ling nor other generals of the Tang Dynasty had such a situation. The progress of cultivation was step by step. Although it was not fast, it didn't feel like Li Xian.

In the end, it was Zhang Haining of Tianshi mansion who made Li Xianruo think.

"It seems that your Majesty's practice is very rare."

"Is it really because the rank of the supreme emperor's decision is too high that this happens?"

Sitting with his knees crossed, Li Xian rubbed his fingers and thought silently.

The slow progress of cultivation made Li Xian feel depressed, but he couldn't think about it. Naturally, his thoughts drifted to other things.

During this period, Li Xian was most concerned about Zhang Haining's warlords and moon shadows.

He had seen the bloody monster in the dreamland before. If it wasn't for the great power of Xuanyuan sword, it would be very difficult for him to retreat. If that monster appeared on the battlefield, it would be enough to change the direction of the whole war.

What's the difference between the warlords and the moon shadow.

Of course, Li Xian believes that even on that day, there will be a way to deal with it, but the cost, the most important is the cost.

It is not only the literati and military generals of the Tang Dynasty, but also the common people. He made every effort to build them. If he sacrificed too much for this war, Li Xian could not bear it.

Besides, it's life after life.

Moreover, if we can't solve this problem, Li Xian will never be able to have a full assurance of the Qing Dynasty. This is the most embarrassing point.

While Li Xian was pondering, suddenly, a strange wave of spiritual power came. It was like a stone falling into the calm lake. Although it disappeared in a moment, it still set off a layer of ripples.

Suddenly, Li Xian got up.

This training hair is a treasure from the system. No one or any force can enter it. The last time a bloody monster attacked, Li Xian knew that this training hair was not invincible, so he became very alert.

However, looking from left to right, Li Xian kept checking, but he never got anything.

"Do you feel wrong?"

I can't help but frown. I always feel that something is wrong.

When he turned his head full of fog, he suddenly saw a figure appear in the training room.

The figure, dressed in palace white, has an amazing face. Her feet are suspended in the air. Her eyes are closed and her fairy formula is floating. She can't feel the slightest fluctuation all over her body. It doesn't seem to be true.

"Who are you?"

Li Xian almost instinctively retreated half a step, with one hand converging and the other ready to hold Xuanyuan sword at any time.

What is the reason that this person can appear in the training room quietly.

However, the other side did not seem to feel the same, still motionless, and ignored Li Xian's problems.

"Are you nine days Xuannv?"

Suddenly, Li Xian saw the statue of the nine heaven Xuannv in Yunxia palace that day. Compared with the woman at the moment, her appearance is seven points similar.

However, the statue was dead, and the woman in front of him was full of ethereal temperament. For a moment, he didn't think of it.

"Too bad!"

Suddenly, a sentence came out of Jiutian Xuannv's mouth. Her voice was warm and pleasant, but her tone was cold and full, and she seemed very dissatisfied.

Li Xianwen was stunned. He stared up and down at Jiutian Xuannv. After a long time, he suddenly sat on the ground and laughed.

Obviously, this kind of unreasonable behavior makes nine days Xuan girl very uncomfortable.

"I'm so presumptuous and bold in front of you."

"Ha ha, they are all Foxes of a thousand years. What are you playing in Liaozhai? Nine days Xuannv, right? You don't have to mystify me here. Talk about your conditions. If it's appropriate, we can cooperate."

With that, Li Xian looked confident and smiling.

He tried to look as calm and cool as he could.

Li Xian is very clear that the strength of Jiutian Xuannv in front of her is definitely not what she can match. If she starts, let alone him, she is the opponent of the whole Tang Dynasty.

Is the practitioner of higher realm really so terrible.

However, Li Xian did not have the slightest fear. He calmly saw that since Jiutian Xuannv appeared in such a posture, she must have something to ask for.

Li Xian doesn't know what nine days Xuan girl wants.

But he knows how to negotiate.Once he shows weakness and fear, there is no room for him to bargain in this negotiation. No matter what conditions Jiutian Xuannv offers, it is charity, not cooperation.

Li Xianke didn't want to put himself in such a situation.

"I'm not good at it, but I'm good at it. What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me?"

Nine days Xuan girl cold voice spreads.

For a moment, Li Xian felt like he was falling into the ice, as if he were in the snow.

You know, it's not too much for the practitioners of Yuanying realm to say that it's not too hot or cold to invade, but Li Xian can feel the piercing cold at the moment, as if he would be killed by this extreme cold the next moment.

However, in addition to the cold suddenly hit the moment let him breathe, from beginning to end, Li Xian bit his lips did not make a sound.

This time, nine days Xuannv was a little surprised. When Li Xian felt that she could not hold on, the cold temperature suddenly subsided, as if she had never appeared.

"I've seen monarchs of many dynasties. You are not the smartest or the most powerful. Even your so-called Dynasty is just in its infancy and has never seen the whole world. So give me a reason."


Li Xian stood up slowly. Just now, the pain caused by the cold has not gone away, but he showed a bright smile and said, "now, I'm afraid I don't give you a reason, but you should give me a reason to cooperate with you."

As Li Xian's voice fell, the temperature of the whole training room dropped to freezing point again in a flash. However, the smile on Li Xian's face did not weaken at all. Instead, he said in a bright voice, "are you angry? Ha ha, although I really don't know what your world is like, I think you are not the only one looking for partners." ..