Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 542

"Good!" Li Xian agreed without any hesitation.

"As long as you can let me see Jiutian Xuannv, I will spare the lives of your father and son."

"Thank you, your majesty!"

Zhang Haining didn't seem to think that Li Xianhui was so easy to speak. Just as he wanted to thank him, he reacted fiercely and asked, "what about Yunxia palace?"

Li Xian said with a light smile: "Yunxia palace is a place where bandits occupy. Naturally, it's hard to keep it. As for your father and son, you can be exempted from death and live crime. It depends on whether your Xuannv gives you face."


Zhang Haining almost jumped up from the ground.

Li Xian won't be moved. He is sure of your appearance.

"Your Majesty, our Yunxia palace can be regarded as a powerful sect in the dark realm. Do you really want to kill it all?"

"I can support any one of you who have a head and a face like this."

"Is your majesty really not afraid at all?"

"Ha ha, afraid?" Li Xian said with a sneer: "you should remember that I am the only master of the Tang Dynasty. It is impossible for you to continue to maintain the land outside the world and be the local emperor regardless of the world."

Hearing this, Zhang Haining's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that Li Xian didn't care about Xuannv at all and didn't give him any chance to bargain.

"Poor way, there is a deal here, your majesty, can you listen to it?"

Silence for a long time, Zhang Haining said.

"Deal, hehe, I hope you take this last chance."

Li Xian said in a deep voice.

"I can lead the officials of Yunxia palace to submit to your majesty, and at the same time persuade the monks who are against your majesty to submit together. Your majesty can recover them without blood."

"In this way, your Yunxia palace has become the leader of these people. It's obviously submissive, but it seems that I'm cooperating with you. It's a good deal for Mr. Zhang."

Li Xian said with a sneer.

"Your Majesty is a wise man. Yunxia palace is not worth mentioning in your eyes. But there are some things that your majesty can't do by himself. Although your majesty has a large number of troops, there are still some rules for some things in the river and lake. After all, there are differences between the monks and the common people. It's more convenient for your majesty to deal with them with Yunxia palace, isn't it?"

Zhang Haining continued.

Hearing this, Li Xian moved slightly in his heart, which Zhang Haining said is good.

Even at present, the Tang Dynasty can deal with it by powerful means, but in the future, with the Tang Dynasty becoming more and more powerful, more and more land cities will be captured, so it is really difficult for the monks to do it here.

If he supports a strong man to deal with these monks as soon as possible, he can get rid of a lot of trouble. However, if he wants to let go of Yunxia palace and Zhang Haining, he is not at ease.

As if seeing Li Xian's idea, Zhang Haining took the initiative to say: "Your Majesty can rest assured that I only do things, not seek fame. If it is possible in the future, your majesty will believe in Taoism and worship the nine heaven Xuannv. I have nothing else to ask for. I just hope that my Zhang family can continue. "

"Your son Zhang Yunfan?"

Li Xian turned his lip. Zhang Haining meant to pave the way for future generations. It's possible to consider this deal. However, Zhang Yunfan is too incompetent. What does he want with this rubbish.

"Your Majesty misunderstood me. I have a grandson who is very talented. I have been carefully trained for many years. Although I am still young, my heart has become mature. Your majesty can see him later and make a decision before it's too late."

Zhang Haining said.

After pondering for a long time, Li Xiansi made sure that there was no other problem, and nodded: "OK, I'll talk about the details later. Now, it's up to you."

Come on, Li Xian got up and left.

Zhang Haining sighed and couldn't help falling on the statue of nine heaven Xuannv.

Relying on the reputation he has accumulated from his ancestors, he is not allowed to come to this stage. Now he gives all the benefits to others. At the moment, he can only hope that Li Xian will not cross the river and tear down the bridge.

"Old ancestor, you say hello, can't meet nine days Xuannv, why don't you ask for something useful?"

For a moment, Zhang Haining was very depressed. Yunxia palace was the result of the efforts of several generations. Although it was reluctantly related to the immortal, in fact, they didn't get any powerful things from Yunxia palace. Otherwise, they would not have come to such a stage today.

Of course, this is also the reason why Li Xian doesn't play cards according to common sense. In the past, all emperors and monarchs can cheat, but Li Xian doesn't eat this at all.

"Laozu, I hope the skill you left is really useful!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Haining walked out of the hall slowly.

Half a day later, the originally noisy Yunxia palace quiets down. Li Xian and his party are arranged in the best residence, and the whole Yunxia palace serves them wholeheartedly.

It has to be said that Zhang Haining really has some skills. After he came out, his impassioned speech made those practitioners bow down one by one.In his words, Li Xian was given countless names. He was chosen by God.

In a word, it is the best choice to submit to Li Xian. The future of the Tang Dynasty is limitless. To be honest, Li Xian blushes when he hears about it.

Zhang Haining is really professional in this trick.

As Yunxia palace bowed its head, the last hope of cangxuan practitioners was gone. It was only a matter of time before they accepted cangxuan practitioners completely. If they didn't accept it again, Li Xianju could only kill people. The last chance had been given.

"Your Majesty, what did you talk about with that immortal Zhang? He seems to have changed as soon as he came out."

Wang Ling talked and talked about the day. She couldn't help looking to

"Lao Niubi said that if I wanted to see the immortal, I would let him go."

Li Xian said with a smile.

"Is there really a Xuannv?"

Shangguan Wan'er was surprised to say that they had been in Yunxia palace for half a day. Naturally, they knew that Yunxia palace was dedicated to Jiutian Xuannv.


Li Xian was about to explain when he heard a knock on the door.

When I opened the door, it was Zhang Haining, Zhang Yunfan and his son who came with a child. The child looked eight or nine years old, but he had a good demeanor. His appearance probably followed his father. He was young, but he was also a talented man.

"Your Majesty, Queen, princess."

Three people came in one by one salute, Li Xian also impolitely let three people stand, or Wang Ling couldn't see it, said with a smile: "Zhang Zhenren sit, today thanks to the real talent to avoid a war."

"It's your grace!"

Zhang Haining quickly thanks, and then said: "Daoling, I haven't seen your majesty yet!"

As he spoke, the child stepped forward and saluted again, but Li Xian's face suddenly changed and exclaimed, "what's your name?" ..