Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 541

"Your Majesty, wait a minute!"

Just as Xu Da and others approached the monks, Zhang Haining, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth.

Li Xian smiles.

I can't help it at last.

Indicating that Xu Da and others would not move, Li Xian said with a light smile: "why, is immortal Zhang going to invite an immortal?"

Li Xian deliberately put great emphasis on the three words of immortal Zhang and expressed his sarcasm. Although some of the practitioners were not angry, they still shut up when they saw the weapons in Xu Da's hands and looked at him expectantly without saying a word.

After all, Yunxia palace is their only hope at the moment. Of course, if they see how Wang Ling and other women broke the floating light array of Yunxia palace before, they may not think so.

"Heaven has the virtue of living well. These people have accidentally collided with your majesty. Please forgive me."

As soon as he opened his mouth, immortal Zhang looked like an immortal. However, it seemed that his momentum was a little weaker.

"Ha ha, there are state-owned laws and family rules. In the Tang Dynasty, heaven's will is inherited and the people's will is obeyed. All the laws are written clearly. Do you want me to let people write down the crimes of these monks one by one and show them to the immortals?"

If Li Xian doesn't leave the immortal, he will eat Yunxia palace. All the legends are false.

On hearing this, all the practitioners were pale.

It's false to say that he is not afraid of death. It seems that Li Xian really doesn't intend to let them go.

"Your Majesty is right, but it's normal that some people don't understand the rules at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty. What's more, it's a clean place for Taoism. Although the old Taoist has a small voice, he still has to say a few words."

Zhang Haining's people are just like an old well.

"Well, I'll listen to the real people who have reasons for me to let them go."

Li Xian said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, please move to the main hall."

Zhang Haining suddenly made a please gesture and told everyone to get out of the way.

Li Xian's eyebrows wrinkled, and some of them could not understand what the other party was going to do. However, in full view of the public, he would not have stage fright and immediately walked to the main hall.

Lu Bing and others will follow, but they don't want Zhang Haining to say, "please stay."

Hearing Xu Da's cold face, Li Xian said with a smile: "it's OK, you wait here."

"I'm afraid not, your majesty!"

Wang Ling was the first to disagree and said, holding Li Xian's hand.

"It's all right. The Yunxia palace isn't a place for a tiger."

After that, Li Xian walked into the hall with a smile.

The main hall of Yunxia palace is much simpler than Li Xian imagined. After all, from the outside, it can be said that Yunxia palace is extremely luxurious, but the main hall is just like a clean place.

But soon his eyes were attracted by the statues in the hall.

This immortal is not an immortal, nor the ancestor of Taoism. On the contrary, she is a white dress woman, ethereal and gorgeous.

"You Yunxia palace is a little interesting. There are a lot of female Taoists."

Li Xian said sarcastically.

"Your Majesty can't be unreasonable. This is the ancestor of Yunxia palace, the goddess of nine heaven. Please don't profane it."

Zhang Haining said.

"Oh, nine days Xuannv, do you really have immortals?"

"The immortal doesn't dare to speculate, but according to the records of our ancestors, the realm of Xuannv should be above the emperor's level. Does your majesty think she can be called immortal?"

Zhang Haining continued.

"Emperor class?" Li Xian was slightly stunned, and then sneered: "even if it's emperor level, it's nothing to do with you."

"It's true." Zhang Haining remained unmoved and continued: "Xuannv is competing for the existence of China. A little Yunxia palace has nothing to do with it except a little fragrant love in that year. However, throughout Dongzhou, how many forces can leave a little fragrant love with Xuannv?"

Hearing this, Li Xian immediately understood each other's meaning. Zhang Haining seemed to be telling himself that Yunxia palace had a way to contact this mysterious girl.

Whether Zhang Haining's words are true or not, let's leave it alone. However, if we can really get in touch with an emperor level practitioner, it's definitely a great event. At least, Li Xian can understand the world better through the other side.

Zhang Haining said with a smile: "even if Xuannv's people are not interested in Yunxia palace, they may be interested in the strength of the Tang Dynasty. Besides, is your majesty really only satisfied with a small dark place?"

"Go on!"

Li Xian's eyes swept Zhang Haining. It seemed that he underestimated the leader of Yunxia palace.

"Your Majesty is a wise man. I don't need to say much to understand that even if a dynasty has a strong presence, it's very meaningful. Far from it, even if it has the ability to compete for the top forces in Dongzhou, there are more or less powerful presence behind it. I'm not talented. I'm willing to give you a lead. Maybe I can get in touch with Xuannv.""So you're not sure!" Hearing this, Li Xian shook his head. If the other party only exchanged with an empty possibility, he would not have done the business.

"Don't worry, your majesty. If there is no special way to deal with the God of war behind the Qing Dynasty, I'm afraid your majesty can't deal with it."

Zhang Haining said calmly.

"The God of war?"

"Yes, the Huangtaiji clan comes from the grassland. There are two tribes that are related to some powerful existence. They are the ancient god of war and the moon shadow clan. The God of war clan is powerful and almost immortal. The moon shadow clan is proficient in all kinds of secret skills and has the skill of killing people for thousands of miles. These two groups are not easy to deal with. Your majesty, think twice. "

Hearing this, Li Xian's eyes flashed a touch of essence. He thought of the bloody monster he met when he was dragged to the dreamland that day, and the news that di Renjie detected. At least, the other party didn't lie on this point.

"You have a way to deal with them, or Xuannv has a way to deal with them?"


Zhang Haining pretended to say mysteriously, but felt that Li Xian burst out a powerful momentum, and quickly explained: "Your Majesty, don't worry, let me go slowly."

"According to the records left by the grandmaster, no matter the Empire or the cultivator, they all have good fortune when they reach a certain strength. Your majesty should have a deep feeling about this. As a monarch of the Tang Dynasty, the more popular you are, the faster your cultivation speed will be. The same principle applies to Xuannv, God of war and other powerful beings "I'm here."

"You mean that the more people believe in it, the more benefits they will get. I'm afraid it's not just about cultivation."

Li Xian said.

"Well, I don't dare to say anything about my status in the realm of Taoism. But if your majesty is interested, I can try my best. As for whether your majesty can make an agreement with Xuannv, I don't want to say much about it. I just want to stay out of it." ..