Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 532

Early the next morning, Li Xian redeployed his military officers and generals to go back to court with his teachers at the lakeside.

In this war, the Tang Dynasty defeated the Qing Dynasty, and the following days can be stabilized.

This time back to the Imperial City, Li Xian deliberately made a huge impact and made a great show all the way. He just wanted to let those people with different intentions look at him.

How powerful the Tang Dynasty was.

Xue Jinlian followed Li Xian on this trip. All the way was in military armor. After this victory, she naturally changed back to women's clothes and took care of all Li Xian's needs in the carriage.

Then Li Xian and his officials all entered Chang'an City, and all the troops returned to the barracks.

In the palace, the queen of the dead led the people waiting for Li Xian to return. Every time Li Xian went to war, although she knew that nothing would happen, she always felt empty in her heart and something was missing.

When she saw Li Xian's figure, a smile finally appeared on her face.

In the next few days, Li Xian, the queen and others began to cultivate and be busy after a good gentleness.

As time went on, the problems that Li Xian was worried about finally appeared.

It's hard to start a business, but it's also hard to keep it.

The territory of the Tang Dynasty has expanded countless times, but the real people of the Tang Dynasty are not so many. Before the initial determination of the mysterious territory, these people with different intentions did not dare to show up.

With the help of Di Renjie and Liu Bowen, the country is safe.

Now, however, these guys are gradually emerging. In other words, these guys are gradually showing their foxy tail while Li Xian is fighting against the Qing Dynasty.

However, with Li Xian's victory in the first World War and the army's re stationing, these guys have to keep quiet. However, Li Xian won't let them go unpunished.

The royal guards don't eat dry food.

On the hall of heaven.

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

The ministers knelt down.

"All the ministers are flat."

Li Xian's voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Thank you, sir."

"Aiqing, since the unification of cangxuan region, our Tang Dynasty has been developing rapidly every day, even beyond everyone's imagination. This time, it has defeated the Qing Dynasty, the overlord of cangxuan region, and they have contributed a lot."

"Rely on your Majesty's power."

The way of ministers.

"Although we have won, we should see our own shortcomings from this war. We have few strong people. Therefore, for the future of the Tang Dynasty, I hope that Qing and others can not be slack. They should do their duty conscientiously, contribute their strength to the strength of the Tang Dynasty, and work together as one."

"I will follow your majesty to the death."

The echo of the ministers was very loud.

This time, Li Xian was worried about the meeting. What he said was just for those who later turned to the Tang Dynasty.

I believe that after this time, they are further away from becoming the subjects and ministers of the Tang Dynasty. Of course, Li Xian also knows that the process of gathering people's hearts is very urgent. However, everything is slowly on the right track, and there is no accident.

Li Xian is in a good mood on this side, and the road is smooth. However, the road of Dorgon's return on the other side is not so smooth.

Along the way, the orc army went very slowly. The army of ten thousand people who had been threatening canglan river was now less than half.

Along the way, all kinds of news, rumors, word by word all hit Dorgon's heart.

"The Qing Dynasty was defeated."

"We were forced to sign a city alliance with others."

Dorgon didn't know how to understand it, but the fact was that the Qing Dynasty had failed, and they were no longer the overlord of Cang.

It can be predicted that after today, all forces in Cangzhou will be ready to move.

Dorgon knew very well that if the Tang Dynasty were willing to sacrifice Li cunxiao, now their kingdom of the Qing Dynasty had been opened by the Tang Dynasty, and he thought he could defeat the Tang army with the army of the king of beasts.

"Li Xian!"

Not clear, Dorgon heart a burst of grief, issued a roar.

He has not tried the taste of failure for too many years. After a while, Dorgon only felt a pain in his chest.

With a puff of blood, Dorgon fell to the ground.

When he woke up again, he was already in a camp, surrounded by yuan Chonghuan, and the imperial doctor was feeling his pulse.

"Regent, you are awake."

Seeing Dorgon wake up, yuan Chonghuan is overjoyed.

His time in the Qing Dynasty was really hard.

It's normal for the defeated general to live a miserable life. What's more, Dai Shan chose to stop fighting with Guo Jia, and lost half of Shanhai Pass.

Now, the outer city of Shanhaiguan is the army of Tang army, and the inner city is the army of Qing army.

No one can stand such humiliation.Huang Taiji is naturally the same, but he has no way to punish Dai Shan, because he knows that Dai Shan's choice is right.

Therefore, all the Qi of Huang Taiji falls on yuan Chonghuan.

With the suppression of the courtiers, yuan Chonghuan would be demoted to become an ordinary soldier.

Dorgon is his Savior.

"Regent, you are angry. Don't..."

Taiyi also asked a few words, but don't want to duoergun shook his head and ordered him to leave.

"Take care of yourself, Regent!"

Yuan Chonghuan can't help but say when he sees Dorgon's pale face.

"My body knows."

Duoergun strongly supports to do, greets yuan Chonghuan to come to whisper.

Yuan Chonghuan's face suddenly became gloomy. He looked several times and finally seemed to be making a decision.

"Do you remember what I told you?"

"Don't worry, Regent. I'll get ready."

Yuan Chonghuan agreed to leave without saying a word.

A moment later, there was another man in the tent.

Dorgon raised his eyes and suddenly burst out a burst of light.

The people who came and Princess Zhuang had the same atmosphere but different spirits. It was the woman that Dorgon hid.


The woman came to the bed slowly and sat down slowly.

"What are you doing here?"

Dorgon's face recovered as usual and his voice was cold.

"Ha ha, I'm here to give you the last ride."

The woman did not have the previous humble cowardice, she suddenly put out her hand to hold Dorgon's throat. ..