Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 531

The orc Legion is worthy of being the army of Dorgon. Although the number is small, it is powerful and each has its own courage.

When the two armies fight, they are not afraid of life and death, which is no different from monsters.

If the ordinary army had not fought against it, they would have lost three points.

But fortunately, the Tang army had been well-trained and was able to launch a formation siege at this moment.

This battle was under the command of Zhou Yu, supplemented by Zhuge Liang.

Li Xian's arrangement is just because of their mastery of array.

As early as before arriving at canglan River, di Renjie explored many ways and finally learned some secrets about the Qing Dynasty, including the moon shadow clan and the army of the beast king.

In terms of one-on-one strength, it's almost impossible to defeat the orc army. The only thing we can rely on is array response.

Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu worked out plans night after night.

Zhou Yu is the only one in the army, while Cao Ren, the general in the front, builds the eight gate golden lock array. In the array, there is Zhuge Liang's eight array picture, which is a Trinity to encircle the orc army.

At first, Dorgon did not pay attention to Tang Jun.

Although the strength of the Tang army was beyond imagination, he believed that his army was invincible in terms of combat effectiveness.

However, when the two sides met, the situation took a turn for the worse.

The orc army was powerful, but when they rushed into the Tang army, they couldn't kill anyone at all. Many times they could kill their opponents, but the Tang army was rescued by their companions and immediately withdrew.

Gradually, the formation of the orc army was strangely divided, and the whole formation was gradually scattered. The Tang army formed a situation in which thousands of people besieged a soldier of the orc army.

Xiao Yong of the orc army is true, but they don't know the tired machine. Gradually, their physical strength drops, and they don't have the ferocity before.


With a scream, a soldier of the king of beasts army was killed by the Tang army.

Dorgon in the air was shocked.

He never dreamed that the orc army would be killed in the face-to-face confrontation.

For a moment, Dourgen's eyes were congested and crazy.

"Get out of here!"

Dourgen yells angrily and wants to fight back Li Xian. He leads the army of the king of beasts out of the siege.

He had understood that the formation of Tang army was strange. If the stalemate continued, it would lead to the annihilation of the whole army.

"The Tang army is really terrible."

At the moment, Dorgon can't help regretting why he should be so conceited.

"It's not so easy to go."

Li Xian snorted coldly, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand fell fiercely.

Master fight taboo distraction, at the moment duoergun worried about the situation of the king of beasts legion, naturally had a flaw.

There was a big bang.

Dorgon's body flew backwards, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Li Xian looked at each other in surprise. It was said that Dorgon would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

"There's something wrong with that beast."

All of a sudden, Li Xian's sharp eyes found that the strange beast under duoergun sent out a wisp of black light, which blocked the attack of Xuanyuan sword.

"It seems that this strange animal is also a rare thing."

"Li Xian, if I don't take revenge, I will swear not to be a human being."

At the moment, Dorgon is more angry, of course, there is fear.

He naturally knew the power of black awn, but even if he had black awn to protect his body, he was almost killed by this sword. Such a terrible opponent must be eradicated, of course, not today.

At this point, Dorgon came to the ground, a burst of fighting, and finally gathered the king of beasts army again.

At a glance, Dorgon couldn't help feeling very sorry in his heart.

In a short time, more than 200 soldiers died in the army.

You know, the cultivation and training of the orc army is not easy. Every soldier has worked hard for countless years. One died and one lost.

"Tang Jun, I'm at odds with you."

Dorgon roared, but he had to lead the orc army to retreat.

But when they retreated to canglan river shoal, Dorgon suddenly thought of a problem.

The Tang army can trap the orc army. Why did they leave so easily.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom."

Just when Dorgon was surprised, the deafening roar came, and he turned back in amazement. He saw the huge current impact on the upper reaches of canglan River, just like thousands of troops.

"Run away."

Dorgon only wanted to leave in a hurry, but his action was a little slow. The troops behind the orc army were swept by the current, and there were three or five hundred soldiers missing in an instant.

"I'm so angry."

Dorgon's rage, which knows, is a burst of roar.The ground suddenly vibrated violently, and bursts of explosions came. The ground under Dorgon's feet suddenly broke, and powerful explosives came.

At that time, the smoke and dust on the other side of canglan River were rolling and hissing.

Even when Tang Jun on the other side saw this scene, he was stunned. Some people's eyes fell on Zhou Yu.

Governor Zhou, it's really terrible.

The day before yesterday, Zhou Yu ordered people to move several tributaries of canglan River to gather water for ambush. He knew very well that the generals like Dorgon would see the change of water flow, so Zhou Yu chose to dig through the water source.

Then he ordered someone to buy dynamite on the other side, only to detonate it when Dorgon retreated.

It can be said that the situation of the whole battlefield was controlled by Zhou Yu, and every move of Dorgon could not escape his calculation.

"Your Majesty, shall we pursue?"

After an explosion, Dorgon led the remnant army to flee.

Chang Yuchun looks at their back and is eager to pursue them.

But Li Xian shook his head and said, "Gongjin has already made arrangements."

"Your majesty

Zhou Yu quickly saluted and said that it's unrealistic to kill them at one stroke. It's a risk to pursue the past, but it's not so easy for them to go back.

Li Xian laughs and leads his troops back to camp.

After this victory, the atmosphere of the Tang army was very good. Li Xian issued a ban on alcohol, and the whole camp of the Tang army was jubilant.

On the other hand, Guo Jia's news also came back. As expected, there was a truce in Shanhaiguan and Li cunxiao's return. Everything was the same as Li Xian's calculation.

Li Xian is very clear that it is unrealistic to pacify the Qing Dynasty in the first World War. He needs time, which may be the best result of the war. ..