Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 529

Outside the Longyang Valley, Li cunxiao's white tiger Army stood ready.

At the moment, they are in the enemy country. Although the whole army is united and fearless of life and death, the war situation can not be reversed.

A steady stream of soldiers and horses came to the Qing Dynasty. They had no support or supplies. It was very difficult for them to persist for such a long time under such harsh conditions.

Of course, if the two armies only confront each other, Li cunxiao is confident that he can hold on longer.

But there are too many practitioners of the other side.

If not for the Qing Dynasty practitioners dare not work hard, I'm afraid the defense line of Longyang valley would have been broken long ago.

However, up to now, Li cunxiao has no choice but to fight with all his strength.

"General, we have an army on our way."

The messenger ran into the camp in a panic.

"Panic what, herald ready to meet the enemy."

As soon as Li cunxiao frowned, he never took off his armor these days.

"No, it's not." "It's the army coming from behind us," the Herald said, stuttering


Hearing this, Li cunxiao was shocked.

From behind them, behind the Longyang Valley is Shanhaiguan. Did the army from there, marshal Yue, not break Shanhaiguan, and the army of the Qing Dynasty came back.

"See who it is?"

"No, I didn't see it."

The messenger shook his head.


Li cunxiao sighed and hurried out of the camp.

However, when he saw the army coming behind, he was stunned.

Now he finally understood why the herald could not tell whose army it was.

"What's going on?"

At a glance, only a small number of soldiers and horses came slowly in the distance, but the strange thing is that among the soldiers and horses, there are two different kinds of handsome flying in the wind.

There are both the Dragon flag and the Shuai flag of the Qing Dynasty.

"General, what's the matter? It doesn't look like one side has been defeated."

Zhao Yun is also full of doubts on one side. They have been in the army for many years. This is the first time that they have seen this situation.

"I don't know. Tell me to go down and get ready to meet the enemy."

Li cunxiao shook his head and gave the order. The situation was abnormal. He didn't dare to take it lightly.

Not long after, the distant horses came slowly, and Tang Jun was stunned.

Guo Jia and Dai Shan came side by side. If they hadn't just met the Qing army in the morning, they would have thought they were friends.

"Lord Guo Jia, what's the matter?"

Li cunxiao couldn't help showing his sullen face. They are here to defend Longyang valley. How can the rear become like this.

Guo Jia took a look at Li cunxiao, raised his voice and said, "Marshal Yue and Prince Daishan have temporarily suspended the war, and ordered me to welcome all the heroes home."

Guo Jia's voice was not big, but it was clearly heard by all the Tang soldiers present.

After a short silence, bursts of cheers came, and some Tang Jun even jumped up with excitement.

Although they were not afraid of death and were ready to fight with the Qing army, they were not happy to hear that there was still a way to live.

However, Li cunxiao suddenly said in a high voice: "it's all quiet."

All of a sudden, the people who were excited just now were silent and stood in line, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, Dai Shan and Zu dashou look at each other.

Tang Jun, it's really terrible!

"Prince Daishan, let's see you at Shanhaiguan!"

Suddenly, Guo Jia turned his head and said.

Wen Yan Dai Shan's face suddenly changed. Then he left without saying a word and headed for yuan Chonghuan's camp.

Seeing this, Li cunxiao did not stop him. He led Guo Jia to Shuai camp and ordered him to leave.

"Mr. Guo Jia, what's the matter with Shanhaiguan?"

Li cunxiao is not stupid either. Just now, it's clear that Guo Jia and Dai Shan have reached an agreement. However, it's different from what he planned before.

"Don't worry, General Li."

Guo Jia smile, Yue Fei how to blow up the gate of Shanhaiguan, into which and other things said again.

At last, Li cunxiao could not help beating the table.

"It's a pity that this is a great opportunity. Why do you propose an exchange? I, Li cunxiao, can exchange my life for the future of the Tang Dynasty. It's a proper death."

Obviously, Li cunxiao had understood that Guo Jia and Yue Fei had given up the chance to occupy Shanhaiguan, so they came to take them back. But now that they have given up Shanhaiguan, it is not so easy to seize it again.

The next battle, the Qing army had a guard, where there is such a good chance.

"General Li, that's not true."

Guo Jia's face suddenly turned cold and said:"Your Majesty personally told you before you left that the victory of this battle is the second, and the safety of General Li is the most important. Your majesty even said that if you have general Li in the mountains and rivers, you can seize him. If you lose General Li, it's like taking off your arms. What's more, you've repeatedly asked me to put the safety of all the generals first. "


When Li cunxiao heard that Yan was stunned on the spot, he did not expect that this was what Li Xian meant.

"Your Majesty, your grace, Li cunxiao's death is hard to repay."

For a moment, Li cunxiao was very excited.

Guo Jia sighed and said, "besides, General Li doesn't care about his life and death. What about them?"

With that, Guo Jiashen pointed to the outside of the camp and said.

"All the officers and men of the white tiger king are the earliest people to follow your majesty. They are all the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, the elite of the Tang Dynasty. They all have wives, children and children. General Li, it's not that Guo fengxiao talks a lot. It's just that we should not do this kind of thing in the future. "

"I see."

For a while, Li cunxiao was in cold sweat.

This military action against the Qing Dynasty made him a little crazy.

He even forgot the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, which is what Li Xianchang said.

It is because Li Xian is a monarch who attaches importance to people rather than interests that they follow him so wholeheartedly. They just want to create a different country from Li Xian. How can they make such a mistake at this time.

"General Li doesn't have to take it to heart. This negotiation is also his Majesty's intention, and we will be like this later..."

Guo Jia simply described the follow-up plan with a smile, and Li cunxiao nodded.

"In this way, your majesty has been prepared for a long time. However, is there really nothing wrong with your majesty? The team led by Dorgon is powerful..."

Li cunxiao said somewhat uneasily.

"Don't worry, your majesty has always been unfathomable. Now that you have gone down to canglan River, everything will fall to the ground. We just need to do our duty well."

Guo Jia said with a smile, obviously has full confidence in Li Xian.

However, Li Xian is very depressed at the moment. ..