Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 528

The drums were thundering.

Yue Fei led the army to fight.

Tang army's handsome flying in the wind, the pawn momentum is high.

In contrast, the Qing army in shanhaiguanzhong was dispirited and didn't want to fight.

In recent days, they have been tormented by Yue Fei. The second reason is that they are short of food and water. The key is that Yue Fei does not let them stop at all. In one day, three troops harass each other in turn and do not attack. That is to make all kinds of attacks fake or use all kinds of voices.

The whole Shanhaiguan garrison did not know how long they had not had a sound sleep.

What's more terrible is that the reinforcements didn't arrive. Later, even the messengers couldn't get out. The Tang army completely blocked all the routes in and out of Shanhaiguan.

At this time, they realized that the previous lax encirclement and suppression was just a flaw deliberately revealed by the Tang army.

This is the real terrible strength of the Tang army.

As Yue Fei stepped out of the army, the Qing army rallied.

Dai Shan looks pale and sad at the end of the city.

"Yue Fei, don't deceive others too much. When our army comes, you will die without a place to die."

"Ha ha ha!"

Yue Fei burst out laughing.

"You don't even believe that. Open the city quickly and surrender."

"Dream, want to Shanhaiguan, from the king's body on the past."

So far, there is no need to say more.

Dai Shan has already thought about it. Today's battle is to use the natural danger of Shanhaiguan to hold each other. It's a moment if you can hold on.

Although Dai Shan is also afraid of death, this mountain customs is the gateway of the Qing Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty is the painstaking effort of our ancestors. Without the Qing Dynasty, he would have nothing.

Unfortunately, what he thought was too simple.

With Yue Fei's command, the commando experts are out in full swing.

They are carrying the strong explosives newly developed by the Tang Dynasty, which are so powerful that even those of them who have seen explosives feel frightened.

"What are they doing?"

Tang Jun's action made Dai Shan frown, and his face was puzzled.

The Qing army around him also looked at each other, unable to understand each other's intentions.

"Do they want these people to attack Shanhaiguan?"

Said one of the generals doubtfully.

"They're not crazy."

"The Tang army should not be underestimated. Maybe there is something fishy about it."

"Mr. Wang, we'd better evacuate for a while to avoid anything unexpected."

Dai Shanwen nodded.

Although the war is coming and the withdrawal of the main general will damage the morale, what is the morale of the Qing army now.

Moreover, Dai Shan has been completely frightened by Yue Fei during this period of time.

The endless tactics of the Tang army had reached the point where the Qing army was full of soldiers.

On this side, the Qing army withdrew one after another. On the other side, Yue Fei had lit the fuse.

A faint flame was burning fast.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

But after a few breaths, the fuse burned near the gate of Shanhaiguan, followed by a huge sound.


The huge roar came one after another, as if the whole world had been shaken. The mountain and sea pass was shaking, and Dai Shan and others above could not stop.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the huge gate of Shanhaiguan had disappeared, and the surrounding walls were cracked.

Dai Shan and the whole army were stunned at everything in front of them. They couldn't believe their eyes.

"How could it be?"

"How is that possible?"

"The natural danger of the Qing Dynasty blocked countless enemies, and the Shanhai Pass was thus broken."

"On the other side, what kind of magic was used on the other side."

Dai Shan and the general of the mountain customs have been completely shocked by the power of explosives.

Yue Fei smile, but the heart is also slightly surprised.

This explosive is more and more powerful, but I don't know whether it can have an effect on Yuan Ying's experts one day.

However, without this new type of explosive, it would be a big trouble to break through the mountain and sea pass.

"Lord, what shall we do now?"

A general asked cautiously.

With these words, people's eyes look at Dai Shan.

"Lord, why don't we retreat to the inner city and continue to wait for rescue."

A counsellor suggested.

"Keep it, and keep it fart." Dai Shan roared: "the Tang army has such weapons to attack the city, but it can't keep the inner city. They will send orders to the whole army to fight to the death."

As Dai Shan's order came down, the only remaining Qing troops in Shanhaiguan went out, although most of them didn't want to fight the Tang army, because they all knew that they would be defeated.

But there is no way.How could such an army be an opponent of the Tang army.

The battle between the two sides soon came to an end. The Qing army broke up and the Tang army won easily.

"I'm sorry for all my ancestors."

On the head of the city, Dai Shan draws his sword to commit suicide. He has no face to see his ancestors. He has lost the door of the Qing Dynasty.

But don't want to, at this time the city suddenly came Yue Fei's voice.

"Prince Dai Shan, I have something to discuss with Mr. Guo Jia. I'll see you in the city."

Yue Fei's words sound polite, but it seems to be an order.

Dai Shan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the words. On one side, Zu dashou quickly took the sword from his hand and said, "prince, you might as well go to see me. Maybe things will turn for the better."

"Turn around, what else will turn around."

Dai Shan shook his head and finally walked down the city.

People are like this. Maybe they have the courage to commit suicide in a moment, but once the moment has passed, no one wants to die.

Soon, Dai Shan saw Yue Fei who defeated him.

In the face of the high spirited Tang army, although Dai Shan was itching with hatred in his heart, he had nothing to do. What did the defeated general have to say.

"Sit down, Prince."

In the camp, Guo Jiasu was dressed in a white robe, and food and wine had been prepared on the table.

Seeing this, Dai Shan couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He's really hungry these days.

Pretending not to see Dai Shan, Guo Jia said with a smile about the current situation between the two countries, and was frightened by Dai Shan's words.

If Guo Jia hadn't said it, he didn't know the news at all.

Duoergun attacked canglan River, Li cunxiao's 200000 troops blocked yuan Chonghuan's million additional troops

Listen, Dai Shan sighed and shook his head silently.

The strength of the Tang Dynasty is really much stronger than them.

Let's say that Li cunxiao led the army to the hinterland alone and put himself in a place where he would die to buy time for the Tang army to take down the mountain customs.

Dai Shan asked himself that he could not do it.

"What does Lord Guo Jia mean by saying these things, to humiliate the king?"

Dai Shan looked at Guo Jia's smile and asked coldly.

But Guo Jia shook her head and said, "I want to make a deal with you." ..