Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 513

At the moment, Li Xian looked around blankly.

In the eye only slowly endless blood, directly opposite, a Zhang Xu size of blood monster standing.

Seeing the monster, Li Xian's pupils contracted slightly.

This monster is human and beyond recognition. He is surrounded by the figures of three women, whose faces can be seen vaguely. Although they are different in age, they are graceful and graceful.

With his knees, Li Xian knew that he had been calculated, but he didn't know how it happened.

Why can't my own training room resist the invasion of this thing, or even have no warning signs.

However, it seemed that the bloody monster did not move, as if it had not fully awakened.

"This is the time to start first."

Naturally, Li Xian is not a kind-hearted person. With a wave of his hand, his whole body will gather strength and start to work.

But he didn't want to. At this moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Somehow, he was in his own bedroom.

"Your Majesty, I feel terrible."

"Come and help me."

A voice full of temptation came. Looking back, Wang Ling, Xue Jinlian, Diao Chan, Shangguan Wan'er, Fenghuang and other women were all naked, and their eyes were like silk. They came towards him with incomparable temptation.

The sound of temptation came from his ears, and the beautiful scene in front of him was even more agitating. Li Xian's body was full of heat, but his eyes were very clear.

"It's a shame that such a big battle ended up with such despicable means."

As the voice fell, the golden light on Li Xian soared, a golden dragon shadow rose from behind him, and the huge dragon head roared in mid air. After a while, those beautiful scenes disappeared.

Under the power of the supreme emperor's decision, this kind of enchantment is inevitable.

Look again, that blood color monster staggers backward one step, the three women's eyes that float on the body suddenly open, the face is a little bit white.

Obviously, Li Xian broke free from the shackles of the environment, so that they also suffered a lot in bed.

Looking at the three women, several messages flashed through Li Xian's mind, and he suddenly showed a scornful smile and said, "if you are three, you are zhe Zhe, Hai Lanzhu and Xiaozhuang. Hum, Huang Taiji is really powerful. At this time, he even sent women to take the lead."

The three opposite women's faces changed when they heard this.

They didn't think that their identity would be recognized. They didn't know what to do for a moment.

Their reaction has confirmed Li Xian's guess.

In fact, this is also a coincidence.

Before, di Renjie found out about yanluozong. In recent days, he used all his strength to find out where yanluozong went. As a result, the problem of yanluozong was not found out. Instead, it was related to the old stories of the Qing Dynasty, the God of war, the moon and shadow, and some legends about yanluozong.

Although it's just some hearsay, plus rumors that can't be studied.

But who is di Renjie? Just by virtue of these words, he can infer the past events of that year to about five levels. The rest is related to some secrets, which outsiders can't know at all.

Naturally, di Renjie's inference was also known by Li Xian. At this moment, he was suddenly dragged to this strange place. With the three women opposite him and so on, it's not difficult for him to guess that he might have been in the same situation as blood Yanluo, the leader of yanluozong in dannian.

Li Xian is not familiar with xueyanluo. He only learns one or two things from di Renjie's exploration, but he can torture such a master and surrender within two days. Naturally, Li Xian doesn't dare to underestimate it.

Although there were three women on the opposite side, Li Xian didn't mean to be soft hearted.

The supreme emperor decided to go to the extreme and flew to the bloody monster first.

Whatever you are, it's better to start first.

Zhezhe, the first of the three women, gave a soft drink. The bloody monster raised his hand accordingly, and the huge bloody claw seemed to crush Li Xian.

There was a loud bang.

Blood color and golden light collided with each other. The huge claw didn't crush Li Xian as expected. On the contrary, it was held in the air. The golden barrier surrounded Li Xian for three feet. No matter how hard the blood color monster tried, it couldn't break through. On the contrary, it was the sound of cheering from the contact place.

Clouds of black smoke rose.

Seeing this scene, zhezhen's face changed greatly. The soul killing array could not help a guy in Yuanying realm. How could this be possible.

On the contrary, Li Xian was slightly stunned, looking at the bloody monster, showing the color of meditation.

"I see. It's attribute restraint."

Li Xian immediately came to the conclusion that this bloody monster should be the product of some kind of Yin evil magic, and his supreme emperor's decision to just reach Yang was naturally feasible.

However, each other is relative, their own cultivation is not high enough, naturally can't help this monster, but, in terms of masculinity and justice, the world can be more powerful than the Xuanyuan sword, which symbolizes the throne.After guessing the weakness of the monster, Li xiandun's ambition soared. He said with a smile, "I never kill women and children. Go back and tell Huang Taiji to wash his neck and wait for my sword to come."

As he spoke, the bloody monster's palm was shining with golden light, just like the sun. The three girls of zhe zhe looked at it.

Li xianteng stood up with a golden sword in his hand.

In this brilliant light, they even had an impulse to worship and surrender. As for the bloody monster, it was squeaking and screaming, and their bodies were constantly evaporating and turning into black smoke.

"Go to hell!"

Li Xian roared, Xuanyuan sword fell in the air, only heard a puff, the bloody monster was directly killed.

Just as Li Xianruo said, he didn't hurt the killer. The sword just avoided the three girls wrapped by the bloody monster.

The three girls of zhe zhe had no time to think about anything else at the moment and turned into Xue Guangyuan.

As they left, the surrounding bloody world disappeared, and Li Xian returned to reality.

On the other side, Huang Taiji's face suddenly changed, and the moon shadow soul killing array suddenly trembled violently. Then there was a loud bang, and the whole array split from it.

Looking again, the three girls suddenly opened their eyes, each spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then fell into a coma.

Only princess Zhuang said a word before she was in a coma.

"Your Majesty, we are defeated."

For a moment, Huang Taiji was numb. Seeing that the three people in a coma had lost their ability to act, he couldn't believe that the moon shadow soul killing array was defeated.

What is the sacred place of Li Xian in the Tang Dynasty. ..