Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 512


Deep in the palace of the Qing Dynasty, there is a secret that does not exist in any records.

In the dark palace, three women occupy different positions on the strange altar.

The altar is engraved with profound and strange runes. They are written in three layers from bottom to top in a special way. Each layer is separated from each other, but it seems to be one.

These bright red runes seem to be alive, spreading all around. If it wasn't for the dark black light around the altar, God knows what would have happened.

Even though he has seen it many times, Huang Taiji is still haunted. It is not only the environment here that gives people a great sense of oppression, but also the fact that he knows how terrible this horrible soul killing array is.

This array is the secret of the moon shadow clan. Because it is too vicious, it was banned long ago, and even destroyed all the records about the array.

However, in those days, the clan leader of the moon shadow clan could not bear to lose such a mysterious array. He used a secret way to hide the arrangement of the array. Huang Taiji also got it by chance, so he regained the moon shadow clan.

Even the three most outstanding blood of the moon shadow clan married him, so that he could enjoy the happiness of his aunt and niece.

Originally, Huang Taiji didn't know why the moon shadow clan was obsessed with this array. At that time, he just wanted to use the secret skills of the moon shadow clan. He didn't want to use this array to kill people.

Before that, the reason why the killers of the Qing Dynasty could find out all the information of the generals of the Tang Dynasty was that they benefited from the secret skills of the moon shadow clan. They could observe everything of a certain person in some way.

This is also the reason why the Tang Dynasty tried its best to find out the information leakage, which was impossible to find.

Huang Taiji conquered many forces in this way before, but this time he encountered unprecedented difficulties.

The power of the Tang Dynasty was beyond imagination, and Yan luozong's killer failed to succeed once.

This kind of secret skill of the moon shadow clan can not be used without restriction, and every time it is used, it will do great harm to the caster. Huang Taiji doesn't want his beloved concubine to die here. Besides, it has no effect to continue this meaningless assassination.

It has to be said that the Tang Dynasty has done a good job on this point, even perfect. To be exact, Zhou Yu's calmness has virtually solved a crisis.

If he was assassinated on that day, the Tang Dynasty immediately launched a counterattack, fearing that he would suffer huge losses because of the intelligence leakage. However, Zhou Yu not only stopped Chang Yuchun, but even wrote to Li Xian that the whole Tang Dynasty kept on the defensive until he found out the intelligence leakage.

In this way, even if Huang Taiji has secret skills, he can't find a good opportunity to attack.

Of course, Li Xian can believe Zhou Yu's judgment is also a very important reason.

At the moment, Huang Taiji, who does not want to continue to drag on, is finally ready to solve this matter in a more direct way.

This horrible moon shadow soul killing array is about to launch for the second time.

If you want to build this array, all kinds of precious materials naturally need not be mentioned. The most important thing is that these vivid runes need to be written with the blood of women in the Yin year and Yin month, and each time you launch it, you need to use blood sacrifice to complete it.

With such a large array, countless creatures need to be killed each time.

Even Huang Taiji, who is used to killing and felling, feels terrible.

Last time, he used this array to deal with xueyanluo, the leader of yanluozong, who was the strongest in Cang area at that time.

Xueyanluo's accomplishments were excellent, and a long sword swept away thousands of troops in his hand. He could not deal with them even though the Qing Dynasty was strong and powerful. At that time, xueyanluo was just like the God of war, slaughtering the Qing Dynasty's troops at will.

Huang Taiji is the best, but those who are strong in the eyes of ordinary people fall on xueyanluo. They don't even have anyone who can go through three rounds. The horror of xueyanluo can be seen.

At that time, Huang Taiji tried his best and could not do anything about it. Finally, he thought of the moon shadow soul killing array.

As a result, with the start of the array, within two days, xueyanluo voluntarily surrendered and vowed that he would never betray Huangtaiji.

Looking at the powerful blood Yama crawling under his feet like a dog, Huang Taiji was shocked. He didn't know what happened to blood Yama after the moon shadow soul killing array started.

However, in two days, it was unbearable to torture the strong like xueyanluo. This burst of terror was unimaginable. Of course, Zhezhe, Hai Lanzhu and Zhuang Fei, who were in charge of the array at that time, were in a coma for a month before they woke up.

Since then, Huang Taiji has given them all his strength, and he must firmly hold the three women in his own hands.

Not only to have this power, but also to be afraid that one day this power will deal with himself.

Now, Huang Taiji once again chose this method to solve the battle.

He wants to force Li Xianchen to obey himself with the moon shadow soul killing array.After he Heli's death, his anger subsided and Huang Taiji calmed down.

He is not afraid of war, but he can't bear it at this time.

Perhaps with the increase of age, the old ambition has been worn out, perhaps this is the so-called maturity, he knows what kind of way is better for himself.

It took him so many years to weaken the influence of Dorgon's power and the influence of the Regent's power as much as possible, but once the war started, all these would disappear, and his plans over the years would be in vain.

What's more, if Li Xian could lead the Tang Dynasty to surrender like the bloody hell of that day, his reputation would rise to an incredible height in an instant.

He is about to create an unparalleled glory.

Huang Taiji naturally knows how to choose if he can get the maximum benefit with the minimum cost.

With the three women chanting words, the bloody runes in the soul killing formation of the moon shadow slowly rise and finally turn into a huge bloody monster.

Seeing this terrible monster, Huang Taiji's mouth showed a smile.

He explained in detail that with the start of the soul killing formation, the victory is not far away.

At the same time, in the imperial city of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Xian, who is practicing, suddenly raises his head.

The next moment, the blood light suddenly lit up, in a moment, a Zhang Xu size blood forbidden area appeared out of thin air, covering Li Xian.

It seems that a heavy rain is coming. No one knows what happened in the training room.

No one knows that Li Xian is experiencing the biggest crisis in history. ..