Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 483

With the order of Yue Fei, the remaining soldiers of xuanyue empire on the battlefield almost coincidentally chose to surrender. Who can live is willing to die.

As the saying goes, it's better to live than to die.

Then Yue Fei ordered to clean up the battlefield and clean up the mess. As for the surrender soldiers, of course, there were special military guards. They could only be given enough food to feed them every day. They would not be given too much food, so that they would not attack the Tang army.

The spies around them were shocked when they saw the war. They never thought that the Tang army had defeated the xuanyue Empire without any effort.

This is something they never thought of, which shocked them all.

At the same time, they are shocked and even afraid of the combat effectiveness of the Tang army. They all know their own forces and can never fight against the Tang army. After all, the combat effectiveness of the Tang army is too strong.

And the Tang Dynasty defeated the xuanyue Empire, this scene also quickly spread to the east of cangxuan region.

Xuanyue City, the capital of xuanyue empire.

The palace.

"Sire, the news is coming back from the front line."

A minister said.

"How about the general? How many territory of xuanmingzong did you take

Dark ice excited way.

"Your Majesty, the general is destroyed."

The minister said helplessly.

"Ha ha ha! Ai Qing, you are joking

Xuanbing said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, how dare you make a joke?"

The minister said immediately.

"My brother, why did you fail this time? How can I be ashamed that you died in the battlefield after a hundred battles? "

Xuanbing cried.

Xuanbing now very regret, early know so, why at the beginning.

This war brought xuanyue Empire to a very dangerous situation. No one knows what xuanyue empire will do next?

Who knows what kind of disaster xuanyue empire will face next?

The loss of millions of troops in xuanyue empire is not good news for xuanyue Empire, or even very uncomfortable news for them.

Although xuanbing regretted it, it was already too late, even very late, because it could not be remedied now. The loss of millions of troops in xuanyue empire was definitely not good news or even very bad news for xuanyue empire.

"Your Majesty, what shall we do now?"

A minister said.

"How much fighting power do we have now?"

Xuan Bing asked.

"Your Majesty, our xuanyue Empire still has 1.5 million troops, but most of them are on the border."

A minister said.

"All of them are on the border, so we'll mobilize them all. We'll wait for the arrival of the Tang army in xuanyuecheng."

Xuanbing said directly.

"Your Majesty, this is not good! What if the rest of the forces attack our country? "

A minister said hastily.

"This is our only choice and must be made. If we don't block the Tang army, it's useless to say anything. If we block the Tang army, then everything has a chance. I believe that the rest of the forces will not attack our xuanyue Empire at this time point."

Xuan Bing calm analysis way.

"Your Majesty is wise."

The ministers said immediately.

In fact, they now understand that although many forces are staring at them, they all hope that xuanyue empire can defeat Datang or even defeat Datang.

Because Datang is too powerful, powerful to shock, helpless.

But who is to blame?

Why is the Tang Dynasty so powerful? Is it not because of the unity and constant struggle of the emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty that it has come to this situation?

Datang is really powerful, even shocked countless people, but Datang also has fatal shortcomings, that is, there are no powerful experts in Datang now, and now it is only an empire, and there is still a long way to go from the dynasty, the imperial dynasty, and even the imperial dynasty.

During this period, what will happen, no one will know?

But no matter how to say, all the emperors and ministers of the Tang Dynasty will not give up, and will do their best to move forward, forward, forward, and then forward.

If there is still a force in the world that can block the progress of Datang, there is no doubt that there is a devil like force. I believe Datang will not encounter such forces.

With the imperial edict of xuanyue emperor xuanbing issued, all the armies in xuanyue Empire were mobilized and moved towards xuanyue. They wanted to compete with the Tang army in xuanyue City, and they wanted to defeat the invincible Tang army.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the Tang army, it had already arrived, and it was his majesty Li Xian who personally led the army. ..