Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 482

Immediately all the Tang army and xuanyue empire's army were fighting together, and the spies of more than ten forces around them were all surprised. They never thought that the fighting capacity of the Tang Empire's army was so terrible, and they even suppressed the xuanyue empire's army to death.

This is not good news for them. What they want to see most is that they lose both sides. Only when the Tang Empire and the xuanyue Empire lose both sides, can they make profits from it. Otherwise, how can they make profits?

Now, even if they want to attack xuanyue Empire and get a share of it, they have to consider whether they will follow xuanyue empire.

The reason why the xuanyue Empire has come to this stage is not because it wants to take advantage of xuanmingzong, but it didn't happen that the Tang Empire was so strong that it directly fought against the xuanyue empire.

One general is incompetent and tired to death.

Compared with Yue Fei, Li cunxiao and other generals of the Tang Empire, xuanlang's ability is not at all poor. How could xuanyue Empire win in such a situation.

Xuanlang's face gradually darkened. He failed, and he was defeated by Tang Jun. this is something he can't tolerate. He can't fail.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

Xuanlang immediately runs the skill and rushes to Yuefei. In xuanlang's eyes, as long as he can kill Yuefei, everything will turn for the better.

As long as Yue Fei is alive, the chance of their xuanyue empire is very small, but if Yue Fei is killed by himself, the result will be very different.

Yue Fei was the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition army of the Tang Empire. Once Yue Fei was killed in battle, he would definitely be able to attack the momentum of the Tang army and let the morale of the Tang army drop to a very low level, so that their xuanyue army would have a chance to win.

But often the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel.

Although xuanlang was an expert in the later stage of building the base, he was still far behind xuanming, the leader of the xuanming sect. Therefore, it was impossible for them to kill Yue Fei.

And Yue Fei looks at Xuan wolf to rush toward oneself, also don't have the slightest bit of worry, the other side wants to kill oneself, obviously think much.

If xuanlang gets Yuefei to kill xuanming, the leader of xuanming, then xuanlang will never want Yuefei to take the initiative to attack. Unfortunately, he did not get the crucial news.

"Since you want to die, I will help you!"

Yue Fei said coldly.

Boom! Boom! Boom

Yue Fei's momentum is also an instant, the Tang army around all can't help but retreat.

Although Yue Fei's accomplishments were only at the beginning of the foundation construction, his momentum was no worse than the peak of the foundation construction.

It is at this time that Xuan wolf has rushed to Yue Fei. He is very shocked. Although Yue Fei's realm is not as good as his own, Yue Fei's fighting power is much stronger than his own. It's really something Xuan wolf can't accept.

At this moment, the dark wolf was stunned, and there was almost no fighting spirit to speak of.


Xuan wolf a sad cry spread out, but see Yue Fei has chosen to hand, directly will Xuan wolf hit fly.

Xuan wolf in mid air, see Yue Fei is toward himself, but he did not have the slightest fight back, can only let Yue Fei's attack bombardment on his body.


Xuan wolf's blood gushed out, and the whole person was even more unconscious. I believe Xuan wolf didn't wake up one day. This time, he must be in a coma forever.

At this time, Yue Fei shot an arrow at xuanlang.


A sharp arrow directly pierced the heart of xuanlang and shot at several xuanyue imperial soldiers in the rear.

Boom! Boom! Boom

Yue Fei's arrow went through the bodies of three enemy soldiers.

"The general is invincible."

"The general is invincible."

"The general is invincible."

All the Tang soldiers nearby were very excited.

Which soldier doesn't want to make contributions and return home with a powerful general?

With the death of Xuan wolf, the morale of the enemy troops was reduced to the extreme. Li cunxiao and others intensified their attack. The enemy troops directly began to retreat, and even many soldiers directly began to flee.

Yue Fei saw that the overall situation had been decided. It was impossible for the other party to turn over.

Li cunxiao and others are also brave to kill the enemy. Although they have no need to kill the enemy in person as a general, they still like fighting on the battlefield.

"If the order goes on, the surrender will be saved from death!"

Yue Fei looked at the time almost, immediately ordered.

"It's the general."

The deputy general said at once.

"The general has orders: those who surrender will not die!"

"The general has orders: those who surrender will not die!""The general has orders: those who surrender will not die!"

Immediately Yue Fei's order spread to the whole battlefield. ..