Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 479

The elders of xuanming sect were shocked when they looked at the one million Tang army outside xuanming sect. The one million Tang army was nothing to them, but they were afraid of the strong foundation builders in the Tang army. These strong foundation builders were the biggest enemies of xuanming sect, not even the enemies they could imagine.

"All the people of xuanming sect listen and surrender to our Empire at once. Otherwise, once our army conquers xuanming sect, none of them will stay."

Li cunxiao's voice came to the ears of the xuanming sect. Their faces changed greatly. They could hardly believe that the Tang army would do so.

"In a dream, how could our xuanmingzong surrender to the Tang Empire?"

The great Dharma protector of xuanming sect.

"In that case, kill it!"

Yue Fei said directly.

At once, Yue Fei, Li cunxiao, Chang Yuchun, Xu Da and General Li Yuanfang, Zhan Zhao, ye Gucheng and Qiao Feng all stood up.

At this moment, all the eight strong builders of the Tang Empire stood up, and this scene was also known by the xuanming sect.

"Ha ha ha! The Empire of the Tang Dynasty is really blind. It's unreasonable that only eight foundation builders want to destroy our xuanming sect. "

"The other side has only eight experts, but we have 36 experts. This is our chance. We must defeat the Tang army and kill all their experts!"


All the people of xuanming sect are in high spirits. In their eyes, xuanming sect is sure to win this time, because there are too few experts in the Tang Empire. There are only eight of them. How can they be the opponents of the 36 experts in xuanming sect?

"Ha ha ha! Kill

The great protector of xuanming sect roared, and then he was the first one to rush towards Yue Fei and others. They wanted to kill Yue Fei and others and lay a foundation for their victory.

And then the rest of the xuanming sect's infrastructure building experts are all roaring to kill Yue Fei and others at this moment. They swear to kill Yue Fei and others today.

But what they didn't find was that Yue Fei and others were not afraid at all. What they had was an endless sense of war.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

There was a loud noise and countless collisions. The eight foundation building masters of the Tang Empire and the thirty-six foundation building masters of xuanmingzong fought together. This scene shocked countless people.

In particular, the peak and later disciples of xuanming sect are very confident. They believe that this time they will win. After all, they have a huge advantage.

Can't four foundation building masters defeat one?

But the soldiers of the Tang army are not worried at all. Is the general of the Tang empire so simple?

Sure enough, although Yue Fei and others fought against four or even five of them, they did not lose the upper hand at all and even gained the upper hand.

This scene shocked countless xuanmingzong people. They never thought that the foundation building masters of the Tang Empire were so powerful.

In fact, it's reasonable that the generals of the Tang Empire are extremely talented, and they will be able to break through to a very high level in the future. It's a joke for all the people of xuanming sect to break through the golden elixir. How can they be the opponents of Yue Fei and others.


All of a sudden, a miserable cry came out, and a master of building foundation of xuanmingzong flew out, obviously dead.

This scene is to let the xuanmingzong people soul stirring, at a loss.

This is a world of the strong. The strong have the capital to survive, while the weak have to be destroyed.

With the death of a foundation building master of xuanming sect, many foundation building masters of xuanming sect died one after another!

Immediately the rest of the building base master all realized one thing, that is, they failed today, they can't be Tang's opponent.

What should they do? They have only death. They have no choice but to die.

Immediately dozens of screams rang out, and finally all the foundation building masters of xuanming sect were defeated, and none of them survived.

All the foundation building masters of xuanming sect died in battle, and the rest of the monks and disciples of wuwangjing and wuzongjing directly chose to submit to the Tang Empire. So far, xuanming sect was removed from China, and the territory of the Tang Empire was more than doubled. At the same time, the Tang Empire occupied a lot of resources.

Yue Fei and others believe that his majesty and ministers will be very excited when the news is sent back to Chang'an.

Xuanmingzong was the first force destroyed by the great emperor of Tang Dynasty. It was also a force of the same level. It was worth celebrating and commemorating. ..