Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 478

Yue Fei has received the news that Li cunxiao, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun have all defeated the xuanmingzong army, and even Li cunxiao paid little price.

This is a very good news for the Tang Dynasty. The departure of the Tang Dynasty was very smooth, but Li cunxiao and his three were far away from xuanmingzong than Yue Fei's army.

While Yue Fei was thinking, with a roar, the gate of blue city opened, and 200000 troops poured out.

"Yue Fei, get out of here!"

Xuanming roared.

"Xuanming, why did you ask Ben Shuai?"

Yue Fei sneered.

"What can I do for you? Kill you, of course

Xuanming said in a cold voice.

"It's up to you to see if you have that ability."

"You Datang are so brave that you dare to attack our xuanming sect. You really don't know what to do!"

Xuanming road.

"Ha ha ha! How ridiculous! You xuanmingzong dare to attack our Datang. Don't you want to die? "

Yue Fei said coldly.

"Don't talk too much. Let's die!"

Xuanming pours directly at Yue Fei. This time, xuanming vows to kill Yue Fei, but it's a pity that he has no strength.

"Since you're looking for death, Ben Shuai will help you."

Yue Fei and xuanming fight together in an instant, but Yue Fei's strength is obviously stronger than xuanming's.


Xuanming screams and flies backwards. He never thought that he would be defeated by Yuefei, and Yuefei would hurt himself seriously.

Before that, xuanming was really confident that he would defeat all the people in Datang.

But now I can't defeat a little general. How can xuanming feel?

At this moment, xuanming is very sorry. He knew that the strength of Datang was so strong that he would never go to look for the trouble of Datang. He would let Datang continue to develop.

At the same time, the Tang army and the xuanmingzong army have been completely engaged. The combat effectiveness of the Tang army is obviously stronger. The Tang Army knows how to cooperate, but the xuanmingzong doesn't know whether to cooperate. They all want to win with their own strength.

But all the Tang army knew how to cooperate. It was obviously impossible for them to deal with several people by one.

Yue Fei directly takes away xuanming's life with one shot.

"Xuanming is dead, can you not surrender?"

Yue Fei roared.

After the xuanmingzong troops heard this, most of them chose to surrender. There was no need for them to continue to work for xuanmingzong. Surrender to the Tang Dynasty was the only choice.

With the surrender of the xuanmingzong army, Datang was a complete victory, even a perfect victory.

And the soldiers of Tang army were all very confident. They didn't expect that they and others would succeed in destroying the army of xuanming sect, which was very beneficial to Tang Dynasty.

Finally, Yue Fei ordered to clean up the battlefield, and the whole army moved towards xuanming sect. This time, their task was to destroy xuanming sect and expand the territory of the Tang Dynasty.


In fact, the elders of xuanming sect are all concerned about the movement of xuanming and the army of xuanming sect. When they get the news that the army of xuanming and 700000 has been destroyed, they are all shocked. How can this be possible?

The strength of Datang is so powerful. How can they feel?

Immediately these elders united together as never before to discuss how to do it?

If this matter is not handled properly, it will definitely be a disaster for them.

"Elder, what should we do now?"

Er Changlao.

"Now we must unite and face the Tang army together. Otherwise, we are very likely to follow in the footsteps of the Xuan family. Now we have one million troops, but we have to guard against them. Now we don't know much about the combat effectiveness of the Tang army, but I'm afraid the number of the strong Tang army is no less than us."

A long way to go.

"The elder said that we must unite and never fight alone, otherwise our xuanming sect will become history."

Three elder also immediately way.

The rest of the elders also nodded. They were all afraid of the failure of xuanming sect, and they lost their position and status.

It's not what they want to see, it's absolutely not, not even at all.

Five days later, 1.3 million Tang troops came to xuanmingzong. It seemed that they wanted to capture xuanmingzong. ..