Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 470

"Ha ha ha! Li Xian, you are really arrogant. Have you been emperor for a long time, forgetting that the strongest force in the world is force. Only the strong can dominate the world. "

"Now I'm a master of building foundation here. You, a little monk of practicing Qi, are talking wildly. I don't know where you have the courage?"

Zhang Kun laughs.

"With your hundreds of thousands of troops?"

Zhang Kun is more vocal.

"Since you want to die! Then I will let you know what is cruelty? "

"Attack! None of them. "

All the soldiers roared and rushed towards the enemy, but Zhang Kun was very confident. He believed that his 100000 troops could defeat hundreds of thousands of Tang troops.

With the sound of countless horse hoofs, all the cavalry of the Tang army launched an attack and fought against the enemy.

Immediately the two armies fought directly, but it was obvious that the Tang army was more powerful.

Immediately, Zhang Kun realized that it was wrong. The fighting capacity of the Tang army was really strong, and even it was hard to part with tens of thousands of troops.

Zhang Kun can judge that with the passage of time, the army under his command is absolutely defeated, and it may even be gone forever.

Immediately, Zhang Kun looks at Li Xian. As long as he kills Li Xian, everything will turn for the better.

Zhang Kun thought of this and directly attacked Li Xian.

"Your Majesty, be careful."

All the officers and men spoke out at once.

But Li Xian only a faint smile, and did not care, a small master of building just, how can Nai himself?

Sure enough, Zhang Kun's powerful hand hit Li Xian, but Li Xian was also against Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun looks at his body in astonishment. He retreats a lot.

Zhang Kun never thought that Li Xian was equal to himself. It's amazing that he, a middle-term master of building a foundation, even drew with a monk in the later stage of practicing Qi.

I'm afraid that even a lot of peerless talents can't do it!

Although Zhang Kun was shocked in his heart, he was on the verge of an arrow and had to send it. Immediately, Zhang Kun launched an attack on Li Xian.

Although everyone is very worried about Li Xian, their strength can not effectively help Li Xian.

But they all believe that their king can defeat Zhang Kun. For them, Li Xian is their God and everything. They believe that his majesty can defeat Zhang Kun.

With a loud noise, Li Xianhao and Zhang Kun's fight is very wonderful, even exciting. They all look forward to Li Xian's martial arts.

Yue Fei and Li cunxiao, two generals, led the powerful Tang army to press the enemy step by step, leaving the enemy almost no way to escape.

At this moment, Zhang Kun is very nervous. He never thought that Li Xian's strength is almost equal to his own. He failed to defeat Li Xian, let alone kill Li Xian, for such a long time.

At this moment, Zhang Kun seems very nervous. If he goes on like this, he will be defeated or even killed by Li Xian sooner or later.

Zhang Kun can feel that with the passage of time, Li Xian's strength has not weakened, or even constantly enhanced, which is something he can't imagine.

As a matter of fact, Li Xian's cultivation of the supreme emperor is not comparable to the general skills. Whether it is the supreme emperor's determination to be strong or in other aspects, it is not comparable to the general skills.

At this time, Li Xian took out his Xuanyuan sword, and Zhang Kun felt a terrible momentum, which was emitted from the sword. This is a very extraordinary thing.

"What kind of sword are you?"

Zhang kundao.

Zhang Kun knew that this was not an ordinary sword, and even the sword in the hands of their xuanming patriarch was not as good as this one.

This is still Xuanyuan sword has not fully recovered, otherwise, the whole land of China may not be able to bear the power of Xuanyuan sword.

"This is my emperor's sword, Xuanyuan sword. If you die under Xuanyuan sword, you will not be wronged."

"Well! Joke! If you want to kill me with a sharp sword, you are still young! "

Zhang kundao.

"Is it?"

Then a bright sword light attacked Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun wants to resist, but he has no chance to be killed by Li Xian.

"Long live, long live."

All the officers and men of the Tang army cheered and cheered. Immediately, General Yue Fei and others led the Tang army to wipe out the enemy, and then cleaned the battlefield immediately.

It was a big win, and the Tang army almost won. ..