Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 469

Chang'an is not only the largest city in the Tang Dynasty, but also the most important city in the Tang Dynasty. The political, economic, military and cultural center of the Tang Dynasty is Chang'an, and no other city in the Tang Dynasty can compare with the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

Even Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, has been expanded twice. I believe that Chang'an will be expanded again soon.

Several forces outside the Tang Dynasty and xuanmingzong hold the same idea that the Tang Dynasty is a chicken rib, which is tasteless to eat and a pity to abandon.

But many of them would rather spend more time practicing than looking for the trouble of Datang.

But how can they know that there are also spiritual fields in the Tang Dynasty, and even hundreds of mu of spiritual fields, I'm afraid they can rank among the many forces in the whole cangxuan region.

This is the strength of the emperor system. Li Xian directly used a lot of reputation to exchange hundreds of mu of Lingtian.

Of course, monks above Qi training need a lot of spiritual food. If they want to speed up their cultivation, they must eat a lot of spiritual food every day.

The thirteen elders of xuanming sect also led hundreds of thousands of troops to the Tang Dynasty, but their speed was relatively slow. They seemed to want to tell the world that xuanming sect was determined to win the Tang Dynasty.

However, when the Tang Dynasty got the news, Li Xian led hundreds of thousands of troops to the north. This time, he had to resist the enemy and never let the xuanmingzong army enter the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Although China is the world of the strong, the role of the army is not so strong, especially the Imperial Army, but the military strength of the Tang Dynasty is still relatively strong, enough to compete with the army of xuanming sect.

Although there are many foundation building masters in xuanmingzong, Li Xian believes that there will not be too many foundation building masters touched by xuanmingzong this time.

Because the royal guards have already sent back the news, the action of xuanming sect is led by the thirteen elders of xuanming sect. How many foundation builders can a thirteen elder of xuanming sect lead?

Li Xian believes that there will never be more than three foundation builders.

The resources of the whole cangxuan region are very limited. I believe that the xuanming sect sent the thirteen elders Zhang Kun to attack the Tang Dynasty. In fact, they have given up the dispensable thirteen elders.

Moreover, I am afraid that the interests of the thirteen elders in xuanming sect have been seriously threatened.

If the xuanming sect is attacked, Li Xian will definitely have some scruples, but after all, there is only one thirteen elders, which is acceptable to the Tang Dynasty, and even can be easily destroyed.

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

Tens of thousands of border guards are all extremely excited.

Although they don't know why his majesty will lead the army to come, they welcome his majesty very much and hope his majesty can lead them to make contributions.

"All the officers and men are flat."

Li Xian's voice rang out in everyone's ears.

"Thank you, sir."

All the officers and men were very excited immediately.

Li Xian nodded, that is, he ordered all the troops to enter the repair area and prepare for the war.

Sure enough, Li Xian didn't wait long.

Two days later, Zhang Kun, the thirteen elder of xuanming sect, led hundreds of thousands of troops to the border of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of Tang troops were found.

However, Zhang Kun obviously didn't care. What can more Tang Jun do? Unless the other side has a foundation building expert, but according to the information they get, the other side doesn't have a foundation building expert at all. Of course, they can't let themselves have a threat.

Immediately, Zhang Kun saw a figure of the other side, coming towards him under the support of hundreds of thousands of troops, which was also very shocked.

The other side wants to take advantage of his unstable foothold to beat himself unprepared. Unfortunately, the other side obviously thinks too much. Although there are not many Qi practitioners in his army, the worst is the cultivation of King Wu. Although he has been marching for such a long time, the loss of physical strength can be ignored.

"Who are you? Why attack my Tang Dynasty? "

Li Xian first claimed humanity.

"Are you Li Xian, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty?"

Zhang Kun was surprised.

"Yes, I am the leader of the Tang Dynasty. Who are you?"

"Listen, Li Xian. I'm Zhang Kun, the thirteen elder of xuanming sect. The wise man will surrender to us immediately. We can spare you from death. Otherwise, once the war starts, we will have no place to bury you."

Zhang Kun said in a deep voice.

"Ha ha ha! This is the biggest joke I heard today! You're an abandoned son of xuanming sect? I want to destroy my Datang. I don't know where you have the courage and confidence? "

Li Xian said with a sneer. ..