Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 468

Later, Yue Fei and Li cunxiao arrived at the palace. Looking at Gao'an who fell to the ground, they were also very surprised. They were all shocked. Your majesty killed a foundation builder with two moves. It's really rare, but it's also expected. After all, your majesty is very mysterious and powerful.

"It's nothing. You can do it."

Li Xian didn't care much about today's incident. I believe there will be a lot of such things in the future, but he can't do it himself every time.

I believe that after this event, Yue Fei and others will also speed up their cultivation. I believe that before long, all of them will become foundation building masters.

As time goes on, the royal guards are constantly sending back news.

Li Xian and the important officials of the imperial court also had a certain understanding of the whole cangxuan region. There were three major forces in the whole cangxuan region: the great blue Dynasty, the Cheng family and cangyue valley.

These three forces should all have elixirs in their hands, but no one knows if Yuanying is strong.

However, none of these three forces has a border with Datang, and it is impossible to have a positive conflict with Datang in a short period of time.

Li Xian believes that with the passage of time, the strength of Datang will definitely get a qualitative leap. At that time, I'm afraid even in the face of these three forces, it was not empty at all.

The important officials and generals of the Tang Dynasty are full of fighting spirit. They are not frightened by the strength of their opponents. In their memory, only the Tang Dynasty is constantly strong, constantly creating miracles and constantly promoting.

Even many ministers of the Tang Dynasty vowed to cultivate to a very strong level, to expand the territory of the Tang Dynasty, and let the Tang Dynasty occupy the whole land of China.

The whole land of China, there are countless strong people and powerful Yunchao and zongmen, which is by no means what ordinary people can imagine.

I'm afraid there are old monsters that have been around for tens of thousands of years. At least they have the power of the emperor.

In the whole land of China, dijijing can be regarded as a top power. A strong dijijing is an inside story for many big forces.

There is a very strong clan in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty. Of course, it is only relative to the whole cangxuan region. However, compared with the great blue Dynasty, Cheng family and cangyue Valley, there is also a certain gap, but its strength is definitely better than that of the current Tang Dynasty.

This sect is xuanming sect, a powerful sect. There are dozens of foundation builders in the sect. The territory occupied by xuanming sect is twice as much as that of the Tang Dynasty, and its strength is also very strong. It can rank in the top ten in the whole cangxuan area, and even the aura of heaven and earth in the territory of xuanming sect is stronger than that of the Tang Dynasty,

at this time, it is in the main hall of the sect.

Xuanming, the leader of xuanming sect, and more than ten elders of xuanming sect gathered together. All of them were foundation builders. They were famous. If it wasn't for the unity of several forces around, xuanming sect would have been even stronger.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what's your opinion on the great Tang Dynasty, which is our xuanming sect in the south?"

Xuanming road.

All of them are lost in meditation. They still have a certain understanding of Datang. Datang's strength is not strong, and even there are few foundation building experts.

However, the aura of heaven and earth in the Tang Dynasty is not enough. I'm afraid there are not many places to plant the Spirit Valley in the whole Tang Dynasty. This is the most harmful thing.

Moreover, xuanming sect is different from other sects. In fact, xuanming sect was established by several large families hundreds of years ago.

Almost every elder controls a lot of resources. They know that once they go to take Datang this time, although they have a large area, they don't have many resources. This is not what they want to see.

Xuanming looked at the crowd and did not speak, it seems that there is no exception.

But Datang has no resources. Is it a million troops?

A foundation builder can absolutely overthrow the millions of troops of an empire. After all, it's just the army of the Empire, not like the army of a dynasty or even a dynasty.

Almost all the troops of the dynasty were made up of monks who practiced Qi. At the same time, there were also many foundation building masters, even gold elixir masters.

The imperial army is even more afraid that it is impossible to enter the imperial army without building a foundation.

"What do you think, elder thirteen?"

"But at the Lord's command."

Zhang kundao, the thirteen elder of xuanming sect.

"You let out your two ten Mu spiritual fields, and I'll take charge of the whole Tang Dynasty. We won't interfere any more. What do you think?"

At the same time, the rest of the elders also looked at Zhang Kun with a bad complexion.

"It's the Lord."

Zhang Kun had no choice. Although he was not reconciled, what could he do?

Then they left the hall. Zhang Kun was in a bad mood and was ready to vent his anger on Datang.

But Zhang Kun never thought that he would be buried in the Tang Dynasty. ..