Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 443

Luoyang City.

The capital of the Great Han Empire is a famous city and the first city in the world.

Although the four kingdoms have been established, none of them can shake this ancient city with hundreds of years of history.

But now the emperor seems powerless and may even be broken at any time.

Since Wang Yun and others got the news from the state of Yan, they were all very angry. They didn't expect Yuan Shao to be so short-sighted. Now they don't support Luoyang and are ready to take advantage of it.

Once Luoyang city is broken, how can he take advantage of it?

When the enemy is more powerful than you think, you can only destroy him with the help of the power you can.

But Yuan Shao's practice is undoubtedly very stupid, even Wang Yun and others did not expect Yuan Shao to give up this opportunity.

But now what choice can Wang Yun and others have? Yuan Shao won't listen to their persuasion. In the future, Yuan Shao may suffer losses, but at present, it is them who suffer losses.

They have to face the attack of hundreds of thousands of Tang army, they want to rely on 150000 troops to defend Luoyang City, there is little possibility.

"Fengxian, you are the first general of the Han Empire. You are the strong one in the later period of the kingdom of Wu. When the Tang army arrives, you will go out of the city immediately and fight with the enemy."

"Fengxian, as long as you can win the battle, it will greatly improve the morale of our army. It can also attack the morale of the enemy and make a good start for us to defend the city."

Wang yundao.

"Master situ, don't worry. I will defeat the general of Tang army."

Lu Bu said confidently.

Since Lv Bu's debut, he has never lost to anyone in the one-on-one fight. Lv Bu has this confidence.

But this time, Lu Bu faced not the generals in the Han Empire, but the powerful generals of the Tang Dynasty.

Can Lu Bu really win?

Wang Yun had no answer in his heart, but hoped that Lv Bu would win.

Because this is their only chance, otherwise they really can't hold Luoyang City.

According to the news from Chang'an City and Tongguan, the combat effectiveness of the Tang army has reached a terrible level. I'm afraid many people don't know much about the combat effectiveness of the Tang army.

But it's by no means comparable to them.

Wang Yun is very clear about this.

Half a day later, 400000 Tang troops came to the lower part of Luoyang City, and the atmosphere in the city suddenly became tense.

As expected, Lu Bu led two thousand elite riders out of the city.

"I'm Wenhou Lubu. Who will fight me?"

Lu Bu growled.

Before the Tang army.

"General Yue and General Li are Lv Bu, who is known as the first general in the world of the Han Dynasty. He is a strong man in the later period of the kingdom of Wu."

Guan Yu said.

"General Yue, I'll meet Lu Bu."

Li cunxiao nodded and rushed out.

"Who are you?"

Lu Bu watched a soldier rush out of the Tang army.

"I'm Li cunxiao, the commander-in-chief of the auxiliary state and the white tiger army of the Tang Dynasty."


Lu Bu roared and rushed to Li cunxiao.

Lu Bu felt that he would be able to defeat Li cunxiao.


Li cunxiao also roared and rushed to Lv Bu.


The halberd of Fang Tian's painting in Lu Bu's hand is spinning rapidly and chopping toward Li cunxiao.

But Li cunxiao was not in a hurry, and the statue of King Yu in his hand was also noisy.


A earth shaking sound came, shocked countless people.

This is the collision of two strong men in the later period of the kingdom of King Wu. Countless people were shocked and gaped.

Lu Bu himself was also very shocked. He never thought that Li cunxiao had reached the terrible late stage of King Wu, even stronger than himself.

At this moment, Lv Bu was obviously very surprised. He was defeated by a general of the Tang army for his martial arts.

"I'll kill you."

Lu Bu roared.

"Well! You don't have that ability yet. "

Li cunxiao said lightly.

After the fight with Lv Bu just now, Li cunxiao also clearly felt that Lv Bu was just a general in the later stage of the kingdom of Wu. He had not yet reached the peak of the kingdom of Wu, but he had already reached the peak of the kingdom of Wu. It was impossible for Lv Bu to kill himself.

Wang Yun on the wall of the city looks very embarrassed. Lu Bu is even with each other, even worse.

The Tang Dynasty is indeed an empire! In this war, they may really lose, or even lose miserably.

Li cunxiao and Lu Bu's attacks are constantly colliding. They all try their best, but Li cunxiao is obviously more relaxed."General Yue, I didn't expect that General Li was so strong, even better than Lv Bu."

Guan Yu said.

At the same time, Guan Yu realized that Li cunxiao was so strong, so was Yue Fei, the great general of the Tang Dynasty, stronger?

"General Li's talent is very high. In martial arts, I dare not say that I will win him." ..