Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 444

In the battlefield, Li cunxiao and Lv Bu are fighting quickly. They all try their best to play their most powerful attack.

Of course, no matter how they fight, Li cunxiao's strength is steadily suppressing Lv Bu.

This is not to say that Lv Bu's strength is not strong, but Li cunxiao is too strong. Li cunxiao's strength makes Lv Bu feel great pressure, even beyond Lv Bu's imagination.

Guan Yu and others are also more and more shocked. Before, they only knew that the strong were strong in the later period of King Wu, but they didn't expect that they would be so strong.

At this moment, people have a more intuitive recognition of the strong in the later period of King Wu.

All the people on both sides were shocked by the strong people in the late period of King Wu's Kingdom, and the destructive power was really powerful.

Guan Yu and others were not surprised, but some generals in wuzongjing and some generals and soldiers in congenitally were all shocked. They had never seen such a powerful destructive force.

Before, they only knew that Li cunxiao was powerful, but they never thought Li cunxiao would be so powerful.

"Lu Bu, you are not my opponent. I urge you to surrender immediately. It is not a good thing for you to go on like this."

Li cunxiao said lightly.

"In my eyes of Lu Bu, there has never been the word surrender. Today either you die or I die."

Lu Bu growled.

"I don't appreciate it."

"Since you're looking for death, Ben Shuai will help you."

Li cunxiao said in a loud voice.

"Ha ha ha! Just you? It's a dream to kill me

Lu Bu said grimly.


Lu Bu roared, and the whole person's momentum increased a lot.

But unfortunately, he underestimated Li cunxiao.

Li cunxiao looked at Lv Bu and used a secret method, but he didn't care much.

Lu Bu has a secret way to improve his strength. Doesn't Li cunxiao have it?


Li cunxiao also used his secret method instantly to improve his strength.

This moment.

The momentum of Li cunxiao and Lv Bu is constantly colliding, but the discerning people immediately see that Li cunxiao's strength is much stronger than Lv Bu's.

That is to say, Lu Bu's decision this time is a very wrong one.

"what's your strength? I was promoted to the peak of King Wu. What's your secret

Lu Bu was shocked.

"As long as you submit to Datang, you will know and learn."

"Well! Dream

Lu Bu said angrily.


Lu Bu directly killed Li cunxiao.

But at this time, Li cunxiao could not be defeated by Lu Bu. He was really beyond his capacity.


Li cunxiao made Lv Bu fly backwards.

Lu Bu died and was seriously injured. Obviously, he could not fight any more.

"Take it!"

Yue Fei said to

"it's a general."

Wang Yun watched Lv Bu captured, and the whole person was even more stupefied.

Originally, in Wang Yun's plan, even if Lv Bu was inferior to the other party, he would not have no power to fight back!

But today, Lv Bu's appearance really made Wang Yun very angry and even wanted to scold Lv Bu to death.

Sure enough, Lv Bu is still not trustworthy. Generals like Lv Bu can never be trusted completely.

Now Lu Bu's failure is absolutely disadvantageous to them.

Wang yunben wanted Lv Bu to defeat the enemy general and improve his own morale, but he didn't expect that this time he gave the other party a wave of benefits.

"Lord situ, what shall we do now?"

Cao Xingdao.

"Tell the whole army to get ready for battle immediately, and be ready to defend the city at any time. The city is ours, and we will die when it is broken."

Wang yundao.

"It's Lord situ."

Cao Xingdao.

Then the Han army all quickly prepared, they worried that the Tang army would attack immediately.

But in fact, the Tang army will not launch an attack at this time, because it is not good for the Tang army to attack at once when they have just arrived at Luoyang.

Although the generals of wuwangjing and wuzongjing of the Tang army were not affected much, ordinary soldiers would have a lot of influence after all, which was not the result Yue Fei and other generals wanted to see.

Wang Yun and others on the wall were relieved to see that the Tang army did not choose to attack, but chose to camp on the spot.

Wang Yun was afraid that the Tang army would attack the city without brains. In that case, it would be very disadvantageous to them.

"Lord situ, the Tang army should not attack today. They have camped."

Cao Xingdao.

"That's for sure. The commander-in-chief of the Tang army is very clever. How can he make a stupid decision?"Wang yundao.

"Lord situ, it's a pity that Wen Hou was captured. It's a disgrace to our Han army. This has never happened in the history of our Han army."

Cao Xingdao.

"Ah! Wen Hou is still not strong enough! "

Wang Yun sighed.

"There will be a fierce battle tomorrow. I hope we can keep Luoyang City, otherwise we will all be shameless to see Liezong!" ..